Unit 12: Improving Non-Verbal Communication Skills

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This unit will help in Learning non-verbal skills which can help you communicate more effectively and efficiently with others. Non-verbal communication can have a significant impact on how your verbal message is received and interpreted by others. You can express your feelings and emotions more accurately and authentically by using non-verbal cues to match, regulate, or substitute your verbal message.


Learning non-verbal skills is important because it can help you communicate more effectively and efficiently with others. Non-verbal communication can have a significant impact on how your verbal message is received and interpreted by others. Some of the benefits of having good non-verbal skills are:

You can enhance your verbal communication by using non-verbal cues to reinforce, complement, or emphasize your words. For example, you can use eye contact to show interest and attention, nod your head to show agreement and understanding, or smile to show friendliness and appreciation. You can avoid or resolve misunderstandings and conflicts by using non-verbal cues to clarify, modify, or contradict your verbal message. For example, you can use a raised eyebrow to show doubt or disbelief, a shrug to show indifference or uncertainty, or a frown to show displeasure or disapproval. You can express your feelings and emotions more accurately and authentically by using non-verbal cues to match, regulate, or substitute your verbal message. For example, you can use a hug to show affection or support, a sigh to show relief or frustration, or a gesture to show excitement or surprise. You can build rapport and trust with others by using non-verbal cues to demonstrate respect, empathy, and honesty. For example, you can use a handshake to show professionalism and confidence, a tilt of the head to show curiosity and openness, or a touch of the arm to show warmth and comfort. The unit specifically will answer these questions:

  1. Describe the principles governing nonverbal messages.
  2. Explain the channels through which nonverbal messages are sent and received.
  3. Use nonverbal messages with effectiveness in decoding and encoding meaning.

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