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Rakhi Gupta, Divya Gupta Chowdhry, Rakesh Singh
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Economics is rather being a stationary subject is a dynamic one. We are living in a developing country with mixed economy. The economy is however changing. The government is implying new policies thus affecting the lifestyle and testing the managing capacity of a business person. In our everyday life we deal with the situations where we have make decisions regarding fulfillment of our basic need with available resources. This book entitled ‘Advances in Agri-Management’ is meant with an aim of enhancing the knowledge of the students and every interested person in the concerned subject matter. The main aim of the publication is to provide the academic fraternity, insights and supports ways in which the business is managed in the growing economies.

0 Start Pages

Preface Economics is rather being a stationary subject is a dynamic one. We are living in a developing country with mixed economy. The economy is however changing. The government is implying new policies thus affecting the lifestyle and testing the managing capacity of a business person. In our everyday life we deal with the situations where we have make decisions regarding fulfillment of our basic need with available resources. This book entitled ‘Advances in Agri-Management’ is meant with an aim of enhancing the knowledge of the students and every interested person in the concerned subject matter. The main aim of the publication is to provide the academic fraternity, insights and supports ways in which the business is managed in the growing economies.  This book tries to addresses ongoing issues in various management fields.  The main characteristics of this book are:     •    It assumes that the reader’s goal is to achieve a balance of knowledge in this diversified management context.      •    It presents a selection of quality work from the academicians and young researchers who can very well be the best we can offer.      •    It explores a vision of future requirement of organizations and practices followed along with the current research and education trend.      •    It treats recent works and developments as a integral part of knowledge which is becoming a must have for every person who wishes to contribute in the country’s development in the long run. 

1 Algorithmic Leadership in the Growing Information Economy: A Contextual Development of Innovative Leadership Practices in Emerging Markets
Abhishek Bhushan Singhal and Farhat Fatima

Abstract This paper focuses on the paradigm shift that our information economy is witnessing from generic leadership to electronic leadership in a disruptive, holistic, fast changing and turbulent business environment consisting of algorithms, programs and codes, to track user movement over the digital platform. The organizations need not to choose one best way to lead in order to gain the momentum over its competitor’s. In the digital age, the organizations have started tracking user over web, his movements, his browsing information pertaining to his liking’s and disliking are been used by the leaders in order to strategize and the greatest digital minds are providing support to these organizational leaders for strategizing and flooding user with choices based on his likings. Moreover the future leadership will get more and more personalized and advanced with a conglomerate blend of cutting edge technology, leadership and strategy within the existing paraphernalia. This paper suggests a new leadership model that is the coded model, wherein the leadership gets more and more personalized based on the codes that traps user movements and his behavior over the web.

1 - 6 (6 Pages)
2 Factors Affecting Shoes ‘Consumer Preference in Nekemte Town’: An Econometric Analysis
Akshaya Kumar Mohanty

Abstract This research has analyzed the “Factors Affecting Shoes ‘Consumer Preference In Nekemte Town:-An Econometric Analysis” considering different age level, income level high grade completed, social status, and sex with an objectives of identifying determinants of preference of consumers between domestic goods and import close substitute goods. The study was under taken on the consumer goods that are produced in domestic industrial and imported from abroad because of international trade. The goods in this study are only shoes. The data is collected from 100 respondents with different age, income level, educational level and sex through both questionnaire and interview. More than half (51%) of respondents prefer to use locally substituted foreign products that were allowed to choose either foreign or domestic shoes. Proud of and conformity to one’s life styles have statistical significant positive association with preference of buying locally produced shoes. Youth especially youth females have strong attachment with foreign products. People considering the quality have preferred the current generation.

7 - 24 (18 Pages)
3 Role of E-wallets in Financial Inclusion in Emerging Economies An Indian Perspective 
Amit Kumar Sinha and Nitin Shanakar

Abstract The growth story of any economy depends upon availability of financial services; finance is the life blood of economy and financial system work like the heart of the economy to ensure availability of finance. Efficient mobilization of household saving and effective allocation to the growing credit requirement of the economy helps in sustainable development of the country. Government RBI and banking sectors are making tremendous effort to bring every section of the country into the mainstream financial system. Still there exists a significant gap between the growth expectations and the ground realities in context of ‘mobilization and utilization of funds’ that support inclusive growth of the country. There is also a significant disparity among the people of rural and urban area in availing the services of the financial system. There is a need of effective tools to bridge the gap and bring in every section of people from all parts whether rural or urban to take part in the mainstream financial activities. Mobile technology can act as a tool to develop a platform which helps us to extend the financial services in remote areas. Technology intervention helps banks to reduce their cost, to increase customer reach ability and in better management of business risk. E-wallet can be a good platform to penetrate the financial services.

25 - 40 (16 Pages)
4 A Study on the Association Between Demographic Attributes and Celebrity Endorsements
Ankita Srivastava

Abstract Our country is a place where people not only love the celebrities, but they worship celebrities, whether it is a Bollywood sensation like Shahrukh Khan, Salman Khan, Amitabh Bahchan, Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif or a sportsperson like Sachin Tendulkar, MS Dhoni, Yuvraj Singh and Sania Mirza. In today’s scenario all the companies are coming up with celebrity endorsements to make their product different from the competitor’s product and also people can associate the brand/ product with specific celebrity and an easy way of remembering a particular product and creating demand. Different people have different perception about the advertisements they see and like this celebrity have created a good  reputation to the brands like many people perceive that the brands endorsed by celebrity are of good quality. whether the demographic variables play any role in forming the opinion of consumers so to take the view of people researcher have taken a sample of 1000 people consist of  different age groups, marital status, gender and different occupation to know  their opinion about celebrity with respect to FMCG sector. So, it is very important to know what impact it leaves on the consumer. For this purpose data has been collected through primary and secondary sources. The results of the report revealed that age is not significant in celebrity endorsement while other three parameters gender, marital status and occupation are significant.

41 - 48 (8 Pages)
5 A Study on Changing Pattern of Market in the Children’s Segment
Ankur Amin

Abstract Children today are playing an important role in family buying decisions like never before. They inform their parents regarding the modified use of products. Realizing this, marketers have changed the market into direct market for the children products. The children involved with their products are more likely to pay attention to their advertising, to evaluate their brands carefully and to become brand loyal. Children today are more brand conscious and have more awareness about the brands because the market for children products is rapidly growing. The media has affected the decision making role of the children and now they are more aware of new products because of media messages like advertisements but still final decision for buying a product is in the hands of parents. Advertisements produce brand consciousness among the children and they enjoy switching from one brand to another as it gives a feeling of adventure to them. Both parents and children agree that there is rapid growth in the market for children products over the last few years because marketers have come to know that children are the influencers of today but bread winners of tomorrow and hence, they are a force to reckon with.

49 - 60 (12 Pages)
6 Role of Financial Institutions in the Sustainable Development of Entrepreneurship in International Arena
Ashutosh Mohanty and Shaikh Sahanwaz Islam

Abstract India is second among all nations in total entrepreneurship activity as per the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report 2012. The liberalization of the economy since 1991 has paved the way for a huge number of people to become   entrepreneurs. Developing countries like India are striving to be outward looking global economies rather than inward looking local economies. This will be possible only if small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) are encouraged. The 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) represents the 17th annual global survey of entrepreneurial activity across multiple phases of the business process; the characteristics, motivations and ambitions of entrepreneurs; the attitudes societies have toward this activity; and the quality of entrepreneurship ecosystems in different economies. Sixty-two economies participated in the 2015 survey. Entrepreneurship plays an eminent function in creating an avenue for employability for rural communities, providing self-employment for those who have started-up a business of their own and enhancing the economic status of the rural sector as well.  Entrepreneurship has transformed many entrepreneurs into successful business persons and generated income for rural communities.

61 - 78 (18 Pages)
7 A Critical Appraisal of Major Changes in Indian Companies Act
Tanushree Roy, Dolly Roy Choudhary and Ramendu Roy

Abstract For achieving compatibility with the fast changing business environment and economic scenario at national and international level; instead of making more amendments in the Indian Companies Act 1956, it has been replaced with a new Companies Act 2013 which is effective from 1st April, 2014. Many changes have been made in the new Act and many new concepts have also been introduced, such as One Person Company, dormant company, corporate social responsibility, chief executive officer, stakeholders relationship committee, merger with foreign company etc. In this paper, an effort has been made for presenting a section-wise brief summary of some major changes in the Companies Act 2013 as compared to 1956 Act and its impact on corporate world.

79 - 90 (12 Pages)
8 Systematic Risk Analysis of Selected Public Sector Banks of India
Hardeepika Singh Ahluwalia and Kulbir Kaur Bhatti

Abstract Global economies have been witnessing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity in the economic and financial environment around the world thereby influencing the risk perception and investment decisions of the existing and prospective investors. Policy changes in the emerging and developed economies like China and US have had spill over impact on the economies world over. Year of 2016 have been witnessing a crisis similar to that faced by US in 2008 due to accumulation of US debt to GDP of around 67%, however this time it is the manufacturing driven economy of china that has witnessed Debt to GDP ratio of around 280%; other events of volatility since last five years include Greece debt crisis, Russia’s sanction, Fall in the prices of major commodities. All these events have influenced the financial sector world over. Banking sector is considered to be backbone of all economies and have been witnessing a continued downfall in credit and deposit growth. Policy implications along with spillover impacts of all the events have resulted in the increase in Non-performing assets of the banks thus posing a greater risk to the banking sector.

91 - 102 (12 Pages)
9 Sustainable Growth of Banks Through the Participation in Commodity Market
K. Kanakaraju

Abstract The main objectives of this paper are to know the variability in sustainable growth of banks through the various advantages of the banks participation in commodity market along with identification of the possible strategies to more participation in Indian commodity markets by the banks. The data collected through the structured questionnaire from the 150 respondents. The SPSS 16.0 version was applied to derive the results. The techniques of frequency and the regression analysis applied to infer the results. The study found that 46.5 percent variation in sustainable growth was explained through the investment portfolio and hedging for commodity price volatility and also there was a significant difference between each other and higher returns through the diversified portfolio was more responsible towards the sustainable growth as a reason of banks participation in commodity market. The study also found that 98.7 percent of variation in sustainable growth was explained through the various advantages of the banks participation in commodity market and also found that increase in banks customer incomes was more favourable response towards the sustainable growth and it was followed the lower interest rates for borrowers and the lower volatility and also there was a significance difference from these variables to the dependent variables. It is suggested that there should be a appropriate training programmes of the bank officials to more participation in commodity market through the diversification of portfolio to increase the more returns.

103 - 112 (10 Pages)
10 Work Life Balance: A Tool for Increasing Productivity of Employees
K.A. Goyal and Arpita Agrawal Babel

Abstract In today’s scenario every human being is continuously juggling the demands of career and personal life. Achieving the insidious “work-life balance” can often been taken as an impossible goal, especially for those who struggle to give their best to personal and professional life. In todays time “do more with less” competing reality, managing careers and families, and feel satisfied with both can be a messy task. Life filled with conflicting responsibilities and commitments, work life balance has become a major issue in workplace in today’s time. This study attempted to provide an understanding of the term work life balance as well as the conceptual paradigm of work life balance, discussions of different causes and consequences of WLB, and the importance as well as the strategies of WLB. The strategies outlined in this paper are proposed as recommendations for managers and supervisors to consider for implementation in their work areas to assist employees achieve a better balance between work, family, and life commitments.

113 - 120 (8 Pages)
11 Job Inspirational Elements of Employee’s in M.S & M.Es, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India – A Case Study
Maddali Aravind and T. Rama Devi

Abstract In the present paper an attempt is made to study the job inspirational element of employees of Small and Medium Enterprise’s, Guntur.  It is well known fact that job satisfaction plays major role in satisfying an employee himself as well as the organization in terms of attaining the needed output.  As job inspirational elements are the deciding factors of job satisfaction, HR managers will have an eagle eye towards in this aspect in the organization that intern has to bridge the gap between the personnel and the management.  The present study attempted to understand the well as the source of recruitment through which they have entered the organization.

121 - 136 (16 Pages)
12 A Study on Awareness and Factors Influencing the Selection of Mutual Funds
M.Buchaiah and A. Sudhakar

Abstract The objective of this paper is to analyze perceptions of individual investors on general terms, statements related to mutual fund and reasons for withdrawal of investors. This chapter analysed  the general awareness of individual investors on terms related mutual fund investment such as New Fund Offer (NFO), Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP), Asset Management Company (AMC) and  Association of Mutual funds in India (AMFI) etc and its association with individual investment decision making. This chapter also covered perceptions of respondents on the statements such as Mutual Funds are useful for small investors, Mutual Funds give higher return than other investments, Mutual Funds are healthy for Indian financial environment, Private sector mutual funds are not good, ELSS schemes are good for tax saving, Mutual funds with large corpus perform better and Mutual funds having diversified portfolio gives better returns etc related to mutual fund investment and studied their perceptions towards mutual fund investment. The primary data also collected from the respondents relating to the withdrawal Behaviour of individual investors from mutual fund investment by taking the factors such as Lack of Performance, Lack of Involvement of companies, Lack of Capital appreciation, Low Dividend Payment ratio and Low NAV etc.

137 - 148 (12 Pages)
13 Initiatives Required for Sustainable Organic Farming with Reference to Uttar Pradesh
Neeraj Singh, Rakhi Gupta and Divya Gupta Chowdhry

Abstract The main reasons behind farmers for adopting organic farming practices are their concerns for the environment and about side effects of agricultural chemicals in conventional farming systems. Organic farmers find their method of farming to be profitable and personally satisfying. There is also a concern with the amount of energy used in agriculture, since many farm chemicals require energy intensive manufacturing processes that rely heavily on fossil fuels which are very limited. This paper is an attempt to identify the current process of organic farming and initiatives to make organic farming a more profitable practice.  Keywords: Agriculture, Farming, Organic

149 - 154 (6 Pages)
14 Orange: Future Challenges
Parminder Kaur and Qamar Parvez Rana

Abstract Orange is a machine learning and data mining suite for data analysis through Python scripting and visual programming. It is a general -purpose tool of data mining for machine learning. It’s having a multi-layer architecture which is suitable for different kinds of users, from new data mining learner to programmers who prefer to use the tool through its interface. Here we report on which features interactive data analysis and component-based assembly of data mining procedures. In the paper we highlight the history of Orange’s development process and present its current state, achievements and the future challenges. Keywords: Python, Data mining, Machine learning, Toolbox, Scripting

155 - 160 (6 Pages)
15 Green Marketing: An Analysis of Consumer’s Awareness, Attitude and Purchase Intentions
Ramesh Chouhan

Abstract Green is the ‘innovative’ word that has now evolved to become the soul of every market. This revolution has given a rise for the different kind of green activities in the normal course of life, be it personal or professional. Companies are trying to adopt green in their business activities, be it production; product; services; or packaging, consumers are also not behind for the perseverance of environment and natural resources. Consumers are day by day becoming more aware towards environmental issues, purchasing eco-friendly products, and adopting a green lifestyle. This paper examines the growing awareness of consumer towards green initiatives, products, campaigns run by the companies, and their attitude, and purchase intentions for the same. Therefore, the purpose of this research paper revolves around describing the present state of green activities in business era, and to know the awareness and attitude of consumer in Jodhpur city. 

161 - 170 (10 Pages)
16 Entry of Indian ICT Industry into the Emerging African Market: A Study from the Regulatory Environment Perspective
Shrishail K. Angadi and N.M.K. Bhatta

Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, one should be able to understand:     ·    The Indian ICT industry and the emerging market of Africa: overview     ·    Regulations and their impact on international business, with reference to the emerging African market     ·    Some of the business regulations relevant to the ICT industry     ·    Regulatory reforms and their impact on business: examples from global markets     ·    African regulatory situation by means of field survey and secondary data     ·    Regulatory assessment and recommendations for the Indian ICT industry

171 - 190 (20 Pages)
17 Price Discover: Evidences from Indian Agricultural Market
Namita Rajput, Shoeba and Sufiya

Abstract This paper attempts to analyses the price discovery relationships of future and spot prices of ten agricultural commodities during the period of post sub-prime crisis i.e., from 2010-2015. As per the decisions derived by the study, we found that except Turmeric price discovery is confirmed for all the nine agricultural commodities. The results are quite encouraging showing the emerging character of the agricultural commodities in India. Although, it doesn’t assure the competitiveness of the Indian commodities market. The statistical diffusion of the findings is quite relevant in policy making, hedging and investing decisions. Now a day, these markets are becoming more efficient and mature in terms of information, also market regulators are working towards their development. The study suggests that Forward Market Commission (FMC) should be given more power to regulate and control the market, which will ensure the efficient market situations in these commodities market. It also suggests that in order to facilitate more transparency in commodities market, like stock market, electronically traded stock exchanges must be developed. All these suggestions of the study are targeted to strengthen the derivative market trading in agricultural commodities to achieve efficient price discovery mechanism.

191 - 202 (12 Pages)
18 Convergence of Innovation and Sustainability in Business in Emerging Indian Economy: A Knowledge Management Perspective
Mayank Sharma and Yashwant Gupta

Abstract This chapter highlights the importance of re-engineering the functional processes prevalent in organizations today and realigning organizational resources with policies, procedures and systems that foster innovation in the technological and managerial space and institutionalize long term sustainability of businesses in emerging market economies such as India. These economies can serve as an engine for growth in a globalized era, if the intellectual capital of these economies is utilized and enhanced with maximum possible efficiency. It is in this scenario where entrepreneurial and decision making techniques based on the knowledge management-organizational learning continuum can help in the confluence of open innovation practices and stable management expertise. Such a comprehensive strategic shift from being a financial economy to a knowledge economy needs to be supported by integration of practical actions with the untapped cognitive potential of emerging economies. This chapter shall also be useful in explaining the importance of coexistence of competition and cooperation for enhancing the viability of the organizational ecosystem in the emergent Indian economy. 

203 - 208 (6 Pages)
19 Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Issues in India: An Analysis
Priyanka Gujrati and V.S. Sundaram

Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility is one of emerging term now-a-days in the corporate arena. Sustainable growth is possible only when all sphere of the society is self sustained. Since the early 1990’s, corporate responsibility issues including social obligation of corporations have attained prominence in political and business debates. This is mainly in response to corporate scandals but also due to realisation that development centred only on economic growth paradigms is unsustainable and therefore there is a need for more pro-active roles by states, companies and communities in a development process aimed at balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability and social cohesion. Some people think sustainability is all about environmental issues. Others see it in terms of the bottom line. And then, of course there are the people who use the term synonymously with corporate social responsibility. CSR and Sustainable development are two different concepts having different traits. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) promotes a vision of business accountability to a wide range of stakeholders who are directly and indirectly dealing with corporate entities, besides shareholders and investors. Therefore, there is a need for evaluating the working of CSR on social sustainability. Besides, this paper try to identify the key areas of concern are environmental protection and the wellbeing of employees, the community and civil society in general, both now and in the future (by international institute for Sustainable Development),various issues and challenges faced by corporate bodies.

209 - 222 (14 Pages)
20 Managing Business in Emerging Economics on Service Tax: Snap Shot
G. Velmurugan, V. Selvam and R. Subashini

Abstract Service tax is an indirect tax.  It is a tax levied by the Central Government on service providers on certain service transactions, but is actually borne by the customers. Just like excise duty is payable on goods which are manufactured, similarly service tax is payable on services provided. Service tax is charged on all services except the services in the negative list of services.  Based on the manageing business in emerging economics, this article discuss about the person liable to pay service tax, negative list, rates of service tax, due date of paying tax and penalty for non-payment of tax.

223 - 230 (8 Pages)
21 Challenges to Financial Inclusion in India
Swarnima Jaiswal and Vimarsh Jaiswal

Abstract Access to finance by the poor, disadvantaged and underprivileged group is a prerequisite of poverty alleviation on one hand and the economic growth on the other. In the struggle against poverty, the financial inclusion is a crucial element. For achieving economic power and self reliance, it is essential to ensure timely access to financial services and adequate credit when they are needed by vulnerable groups such as the weaker sections and low income groups at an affordable cost. Large sections of the rural population have no access to financial services and their only recourse is to borrow from moneylenders at the exorbitant charges causing exploitation. Therefore, financial inclusion, today, has become the national objective and major concern for the economic policy decision makers. The present study will focus on the major challenges and opportunities of financial inclusion in India.

231 - 234 (4 Pages)
22 CR Reporting Practices: Initiatives and its Impacts on Inclusive Growth in India
Titto Varghese

Abstract Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has much bigger implications for inclusive development of the any country. It reduces dependency on the government for social expenditure and helps in speedy inclusive growth. The scale of CSR emerged significantly in the last decade in India. Since business houses required doing business in the society it would be an obligation on their part to share a small portion of their profit for the betterment of society. To relate fundamental business philosophy to make CSR sharper, smarter, and focused is what really matters and is the core part of any business in the 21st business philosophy century. However, critiques are emerging on the recent Government bill on CSR which makes mandatory on the part of the companies to spend a small portion of their profit for the social causes. Many companies have invested noted share of profits in various social development sectors. Also, there is research evidence to show that CSR work of the companies have reached where government could not reach so for. However, there are some reports showing most of the companies have not even have CSR policies yet. All though various Indian corporate involved in CSR activities; it is not enough when contrast to their actual financial strength. This paper gives a solid background for the discussion about the possible role of CSR with respect to Social Inclusion

235 - 246 (12 Pages)
23 Alignment of HR Policies and Practices with Business Strategy: A Case Leading Lubricant Company
Shalini Shukla

Abstract This case study investigates that how HR policies and practices are aligned with the respective business strategy of ABC Ltd. The strategy classification of M. Porter were used to analyze the different approaches used by organizations for competing in the market and the way they use HR policy and practices to support their business strategy. Data collection instrument (questionnaire) has been used for collecting the data form employee as well as HR manager. Based on the qualitative study of various functional managers and secondary data (annual report, press release, websites content etc), this study highlights the internal as well as external synergy of HR policies and practices. Different SHRM models were used to find out the strategic alignment. Study presents number of implication for lubricant industry and HR professional in emerging economy like India.

247 - 258 (12 Pages)
24 Financial Statement Analysis of Some Power Sector Companies in India
Santanu Kumar Das

Abstract Electricity is one of the most important input factors for the economic development of the country. There is huge and increasing demand of electricity in India and it is continuously increasing with the countries corporate and economic growth. The Indian power sector has responded significantly and made significant progress in reducing the gap between demand and supply. Indian power sector offers one of the highest growth potential to players in this industry. However, this is subject to some challenges like to generate more power and to generate and distribute power efficiently and at minimum cost. The present study covers five selected companies operating in power sector for the financial performance using ratio analysis and ANOVA. Out of selected companies NTPC performance is better than other companies but overall Indian power sector needs to reduce too much dependence on coal and needs to generate more power availability, quality and reliability for successful future and growth of the country. 

259 - 278 (20 Pages)
25 Analysis of Sector-wise Lending by Pragathi Grameena Bank in Karnataka State
Laxmisha, A.S.

Abstract The assistance/credit provided by banks is classified as priority sector lending and non-priority sector lending. Priority Sector Lending (PSL) is one which has got the order of preference over other sectors by the target groups in availing bank credit as per the directives of RBI. It is one of the important steps taken by the government for the cause of rural development. It involves rising the socio-economic status of the rural population on sustainable  basis through the optimum utilization of local resources. In the words of Planning Commission1 rural development could be achieved through strategies, policies and programs  for the development of rural areas and the promotion of activities carried out in such spheres as agriculture, forestry, fishing, rural crafts and industries, the building up of social and economic infrastructure, with the ultimate aim of achieving a fuller utilization of available physical and human resources and earns higher income and better living conditions for the population. According to Desai2, the preamble to the Bank Nationalization Act, 1970 clearly lays down that the banking system has to function in alignment with priorities and objectives. According to Srinivasan3  during 1969-89, the PSL has considerably increased and radical transformation has taken place in the allocation of pattern of credit. The trend analysis in between 1969-89 indicated that banking system has achieved a good blend of social and commercial banking.

279 - 292 (14 Pages)
26 Strategies for New Market Entry
S. Prakash

Meaning of Market Energy Strategy Market Entry Strategy When an organization has made a decision to enter an overseas market, there are a variety of options open to it. These options vary with cost, risk and the degree of control which can be exercised over them. The simplest form of entry strategy is exporting using either a direct or indirect method such as an agent, in the case of the former, or counter trade, in the case of the latter. More complex forms include truly global operations which may involve joint ventures, or export processing zones. Having decided on the form of export strategy, decisions have to be made on the specific channels. Many agricultural products of a row or commodity nature use agents, distributors or involve Government, whereas processed materials, whilst not excluding these, rely more heavily on more sophisticated forms of access.

293 - 354 (62 Pages)
27 End Pages

About the Editors Dr. Rakhi Gupta an FDPM alumnus from IIM-Ahmedabad who has propensity towards academics. Currently she is working as Assistant Prof at Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Varanasi UP India. She currently serves on the editorial board of International journals published from Singapore, UK, India etc. Her speaking engagement have taken her to audiences in diverse places as Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, Canada etc. Her qualification includes MBA, M.Com, LLB, UGC NET, FDPM (IIM Ahmedabad) PhD. She is the esteemed panel member of (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) ICAI as well. She is certified International reviewer of ICCSIT (Singapore). She is an esteemed member of the 5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance (ICMLG 17) UK. She was one of the Key Note Speakers for 12th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL) at Middlesex University Mauritius.

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