25 End Pages
Indian Standard Institution, ‘Handbook of Agricultural Machinery Terminology’.
Jain S.C. and Grace Philip, ‘Farm Machinery - an approach’, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi, 2002.
Liljedahl, John.B., Paul K. Turnquist, David W. Smith and Mokoto Hoki. ‘Tractors and their power units’ fourth edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.
Michel A.M. and T.P.Ojha. ‘Principles of Agricultural Engineering’, Vol.I, Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 1993.
Nakra C.P. ‘Farm Machines and Equipment’ Dhanpat Rai and Sons.1980.
Rodichev V. and G. Rodicheva. ‘Tractors and Automobiles’ Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1982.
Sahay J. ‘Elements of Agricultural Engineering’, Standard Publishers Distriburors, Delhi, 1992.
Thokal R.T., D.M.Mahale, A.G. Powar. ‘Glossary -Irrigation, Drainage, Hydrology and Watershed Management’ Mittal Publishers, New Delhi. 2004.
Vaishwanar R.S. ‘Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering’, Jain Brothers. New Delhi, 2001.
Indian Standard Institution, ‘Handbook of Agricultural Machinery Terminology’.
Jain S.C. and Grace Philip, ‘Farm Machinery - an approach’, Standard Publishers Distributors, Delhi, 2002.
Liljedahl, John.B., Paul K. Turnquist, David W. Smith and Mokoto Hoki. ‘Tractors and their power units’ fourth edition, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2002.
Michel A.M. and T.P.Ojha. ‘Principles of Agricultural Engineering’, Vol.I, Jain Brothers, New Delhi, 1993.
Nakra C.P. ‘Farm Machines and Equipment’ Dhanpat Rai and Sons.1980.
Rodichev V. and G. Rodicheva. ‘Tractors and Automobiles’ Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1982.
Sahay J. ‘Elements of Agricultural Engineering’, Standard Publishers Distriburors, Delhi, 1992.
Thokal R.T., D.M.Mahale, A.G. Powar. ‘Glossary -Irrigation, Drainage, Hydrology and Watershed Management’ Mittal Publishers, New Delhi. 2004.
Vaishwanar R.S. ‘Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering’, Jain Brothers. New Delhi, 2001.