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Aastveit, K. 1966. Induced mutations in polygenic systems. Heriditas, Lund,56: 20-26.
Aastveit, K. 1968. Effects of combination of mutagen on mutation frequency in barley. Mutation in Plant Breeding II (Proc. Panel, Vienna, 1967) IAEA, Vienna, 5-14.
Abdul Shakoor, M., Ashan-Ul-Haq and M. Siddiq, 1978. Induced variation in mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). Environ. Exp. Bot.,18: 169-175.
Abrams, R. and K.J. Frey, 1964. Variation in quantitative characters of Oats (Avena sativa L.) after various mutagen treatments. Crop. Sci.,4: 163-168.
Akhund-ZAde, A.I. 1966. Vergleichende Untersu chung der schadigen Und mutagenen wirkung von strahlen and alkalierenden Verbindungen auf Erbsen-und Gerstensamen-Izv. Anazerb. SSR. Serija biologil nanki,6: 40-48.
Akhun-Zade, I.A. 1977. Genetic effects of super mutagens and gamma rays in pea. Khin. mutagenez I sozdanie sortov intensive. tipa, U.S.S.R. 143-150.
Albertson, M.C. and R.L. Phillips. 1980. EB ineffectiveness and production of all malesterile progeny by combining tillering and genic malesterility. Maize Genetics Co-operation Newsletter,54: 110-112.
Alikhan, W.M. and R. Veeraswamy. 1974. Mutations induced in redgram (Cajanus cajan (L.). Mill sp.) by gamma radiation and EMS. Radiat. Bot.14: 237-242.
Alikhan, W.M., N Sivaswamy and K.R. Ramaswamy. 1973. Sensitivity of two redgram (Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp.) strains to different mutagens. Madras Agric. J.60: 406-407.
Al-Rubeai, M.A.F. 1982. Radiation induced mutations in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Revista Brasileria de Genetica,5: 503-515.
Ando, A. 1970. Mutation induction in rice by radiation combined with chemical protectants and mutagens. Rice Breeding with induced mutations II- FAO/IAEA, 1.
Appa Rao, S. and M.K. Jana. 1976. Leaf mutations induced in blackgram by X-rays and EMS. Environ. Exp. Bot.,16: 151-154.
Appa Rao, S., and B.M. Reddy. 1975. Crumpled petal mutants in blackgram and Cowpea. Indian J. Genet. Pl. Breed.,35: 391-394.
Appa Rao, S., and M.K. Jana. 1979. Selection on M1 generation to increase frequency and some pleiotropic mutations in blackgram and cowpea. In: Symposium on the role of induced mutations in crop improvement, Hyderabad, India, September 1979, p. 68. India, Department of Atomic Energy, 1979.
Appa, R.S. and M.K. Jana. 1970. Induced mutations in Vigna sinensis. Protection. 57th Indian Science Congress, Part III. P. 521 1970 (Abst.).
Arnason, T.J., J.L. Minocha and L.M. Sadek. 1963. The effects of some combinations of mutagens on mutation frequency in barley. In Genetics today. 1. Proc. Int. Cong. Genet., The Hauge, 1: 5-106.
Ashri, A., R. Offenback, A. Cahaner and A. Levy. 1977. Transmission of Acriflavin-induced trisomic mutants affecting branching pattern in peanuts, Arachis hypogaea (L.). Zeitschrift fur Planzenzuchtung,79: 210-18.
Aastveit, K. 1966. Induced mutations in polygenic systems. Heriditas, Lund,56: 20-26.
Aastveit, K. 1968. Effects of combination of mutagen on mutation frequency in barley. Mutation in Plant Breeding II (Proc. Panel, Vienna, 1967) IAEA, Vienna, 5-14.
Abdul Shakoor, M., Ashan-Ul-Haq and M. Siddiq, 1978. Induced variation in mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). Environ. Exp. Bot.,18: 169-175.
Abrams, R. and K.J. Frey, 1964. Variation in quantitative characters of Oats (Avena sativa L.) after various mutagen treatments. Crop. Sci.,4: 163-168.
Akhund-ZAde, A.I. 1966. Vergleichende Untersu chung der schadigen Und mutagenen wirkung von strahlen and alkalierenden Verbindungen auf Erbsen-und Gerstensamen-Izv. Anazerb. SSR. Serija biologil nanki,6: 40-48.
Akhun-Zade, I.A. 1977. Genetic effects of super mutagens and gamma rays in pea. Khin. mutagenez I sozdanie sortov intensive. tipa, U.S.S.R. 143-150.
Albertson, M.C. and R.L. Phillips. 1980. EB ineffectiveness and production of all malesterile progeny by combining tillering and genic malesterility. Maize Genetics Co-operation Newsletter,54: 110-112.
Alikhan, W.M. and R. Veeraswamy. 1974. Mutations induced in redgram (Cajanus cajan (L.). Mill sp.) by gamma radiation and EMS. Radiat. Bot.14: 237-242.
Alikhan, W.M., N Sivaswamy and K.R. Ramaswamy. 1973. Sensitivity of two redgram (Cajanus cajan (L.) Mill sp.) strains to different mutagens. Madras Agric. J.60: 406-407.
Al-Rubeai, M.A.F. 1982. Radiation induced mutations in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Revista Brasileria de Genetica,5: 503-515.
Ando, A. 1970. Mutation induction in rice by radiation combined with chemical protectants and mutagens. Rice Breeding with induced mutations II- FAO/IAEA, 1.
Appa Rao, S. and M.K. Jana. 1976. Leaf mutations induced in blackgram by X-rays and EMS. Environ. Exp. Bot.,16: 151-154.
Appa Rao, S., and B.M. Reddy. 1975. Crumpled petal mutants in blackgram and Cowpea. Indian J. Genet. Pl. Breed.,35: 391-394.
Appa Rao, S., and M.K. Jana. 1979. Selection on M1 generation to increase frequency and some pleiotropic mutations in blackgram and cowpea. In: Symposium on the role of induced mutations in crop improvement, Hyderabad, India, September 1979, p. 68. India, Department of Atomic Energy, 1979.
Appa, R.S. and M.K. Jana. 1970. Induced mutations in Vigna sinensis. Protection. 57th Indian Science Congress, Part III. P. 521 1970 (Abst.).
Arnason, T.J., J.L. Minocha and L.M. Sadek. 1963. The effects of some combinations of mutagens on mutation frequency in barley. In Genetics today. 1. Proc. Int. Cong. Genet., The Hauge, 1: 5-106.
Ashri, A., R. Offenback, A. Cahaner and A. Levy. 1977. Transmission of Acriflavin-induced trisomic mutants affecting branching pattern in peanuts, Arachis hypogaea (L.). Zeitschrift fur Planzenzuchtung,79: 210-18.