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Currently one of the issues that has attracted the attention of the people all over the world, is the curiosity to know the varieties of plants and animals residing on the surface of the planet earth. This diversity of living creatures including microorganisms has been utilized by each civilization for growth and development as a support system. The rich biodiversity has not only been instrumental in providing humanity with food security, shelter and health care but to a great extent industrial goods leading to high quality of life in the modern world. Further biodiversity is the very stuff that supports the evolution and differentiation of various species over time. It sustains the bodies we live in and affects the lives we lead and the societies we form
Biodiversity also makes irreplaceable contribution to our aesthetics, imagination and creativity. People all over the world visit national parks, sanctuaries and resorts to recreate themselves. It not only helps them to distress but also helps them to feel one with nature.
Teaching is the exploration of creative spirit of Joy. Earlier children considered nature as their teacher. They were using trees, their parts and other natural resources such as soil, sand, pebbles etc as their learning materials and sometimes toys to play. People from their early childhood had constant interaction with nature, thus do make fun of it, respect it, and in turn nature always kept showering its blessings. They use their imagination with plant products such as fruits, flowers. leaves etc. to make innovative games to play.
But today, the scenario is different. With urbanization and developments in Science and Technology, present generation children are more curious for electronic gazettes and often engaged in computers, mobile phones, internets, videogames etc rather than gardens and parks as they keep themselves away from nature, they have little or no concern for it. The indigenous knowledge gathered over the years is getting eroded slowly. Interestingly UNO has declared 2011–2020 as the decade on Biodiversity Conservation in order to create awareness about Biodiversity, its importance and conservation.
The present book “ Green Education: Plants for Fun and Games”, based on wide survey in different parts of Odisha, highlights 90 plants species which parts such as fruit, seed, leaf, flower stem etc, are used as play material by children. Besides describing the plant details along with its local name and distribution, the nature of the game or fun has been described with relevant pictures and diagrams. The possible use of the plant part in the teaching- learning process has been highlighted. The authors have also described the economic value of the concerned plant species wherever possible. The book will go a long way to create love for plants, promote aesthetic values and help to conserve this indigenous knowledge.
The book will be useful to plant lovers besides students and teachers of Botany, Life Science and Environmental Studies.
Currently one of the issues that has attracted the attention of the people all over the world, is the curiosity to know the varieties of plants and animals residing on the surface of the planet earth. This diversity of living creatures including microorganisms has been utilized by each civilization for growth and development as a support system. The rich biodiversity has not only been instrumental in providing humanity with food security, shelter and health care but to a great extent industrial goods leading to high quality of life in the modern world. Further biodiversity is the very stuff that supports the evolution and differentiation of various species over time. It sustains the bodies we live in and affects the lives we lead and the societies we form
Biodiversity also makes irreplaceable contribution to our aesthetics, imagination and creativity. People all over the world visit national parks, sanctuaries and resorts to recreate themselves. It not only helps them to distress but also helps them to feel one with nature.
Teaching is the exploration of creative spirit of Joy. Earlier children considered nature as their teacher. They were using trees, their parts and other natural resources such as soil, sand, pebbles etc as their learning materials and sometimes toys to play. People from their early childhood had constant interaction with nature, thus do make fun of it, respect it, and in turn nature always kept showering its blessings. They use their imagination with plant products such as fruits, flowers. leaves etc. to make innovative games to play.
But today, the scenario is different. With urbanization and developments in Science and Technology, present generation children are more curious for electronic gazettes and often engaged in computers, mobile phones, internets, videogames etc rather than gardens and parks as they keep themselves away from nature, they have little or no concern for it. The indigenous knowledge gathered over the years is getting eroded slowly. Interestingly UNO has declared 2011–2020 as the decade on Biodiversity Conservation in order to create awareness about Biodiversity, its importance and conservation.
The present book “ Green Education: Plants for Fun and Games”, based on wide survey in different parts of Odisha, highlights 90 plants species which parts such as fruit, seed, leaf, flower stem etc, are used as play material by children. Besides describing the plant details along with its local name and distribution, the nature of the game or fun has been described with relevant pictures and diagrams. The possible use of the plant part in the teaching- learning process has been highlighted. The authors have also described the economic value of the concerned plant species wherever possible. The book will go a long way to create love for plants, promote aesthetic values and help to conserve this indigenous knowledge.
The book will be useful to plant lovers besides students and teachers of Botany, Life Science and Environmental Studies.