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Mahendra K. Satapathy, Sidhanta Sekhar Bisoi
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Currently one of the issues that has attracted the attention of the people all over the world, is the curiosity to know the varieties of plants and animals residing on the surface of the planet earth. This diversity of living creatures including microorganisms has been utilized by each civilization for growth and development as a support system. The rich biodiversity has not only been instrumental in providing humanity with food security, shelter and health care but to a great extent industrial goods leading to high quality of life in the modern world. Further biodiversity is the very stuff that supports the evolution and differentiation of various species over time . It sustains the bodies we live in and affects the lives we lead and the societies we form
Biodiversity also makes irreplaceable contribution to our aesthetics, imagination and creativity. People all over the world visit national parks, sanctuaries and resorts to recreate themselves. It not only helps them to distress but also helps them to feel one with nature.

0 Start Pages

Preface   Currently one of the issues that has attracted the attention of the people all over the world, is the curiosity to know the varieties of plants and animals residing on the surface of the planet earth. This diversity of living creatures including microorganisms has been utilized by each civilization for growth and development as a support system. The rich biodiversity has not only been instrumental in providing humanity with food security, shelter and health care but to a great extent industrial goods leading to high quality of life in the modern world. Further biodiversity is the very stuff that supports the evolution and differentiation of various species over time. It sustains the bodies we live in and affects the lives we lead and the societies we form Biodiversity also makes irreplaceable contribution to our aesthetics, imagination and creativity. People all over the world visit national parks, sanctuaries and resorts to recreate themselves. It not only helps them to distress but also helps them to feel one with nature. Teaching is the exploration of creative spirit of Joy. Earlier children considered nature as their teacher. They were using trees, their parts and other natural resources such as soil, sand, pebbles etc as their learning materials and sometimes toys to play. People from their early childhood had constant interaction with nature, thus do make fun of it, respect it, and in turn nature always kept showering its blessings. They use their imagination with plant products such as fruits, flowers. leaves etc. to make innovative games to play. But today, the scenario is different. With urbanization and developments in Science and Technology, present generation children are more curious for electronic gazettes and often engaged in computers, mobile phones, internets, videogames etc rather than gardens and parks as they keep themselves away from nature, they have little or no concern for it. The indigenous knowledge gathered over the years is getting eroded slowly. Interestingly UNO has declared 2011–2020 as the decade on Biodiversity Conservation in order to create awareness about Biodiversity, its importance and conservation. The present book “ Green Education: Plants for Fun and Games”, based on wide survey in different parts of Odisha, highlights 90 plants species which parts such as fruit, seed, leaf, flower stem etc, are used as play material by children. Besides describing the plant details along with its local name and distribution, the nature of the game or fun has been described with relevant pictures and diagrams. The possible use of the plant part in the teaching- learning process has been highlighted. The authors have also described the economic value of the concerned plant species wherever possible. The book will go a long way to create love for plants, promote aesthetic values and help to conserve this indigenous knowledge. The book will be useful to plant lovers besides students and teachers of Botany, Life Science and Environmental Studies.

1 Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

Common name:     English – Lady’s finger     Hindi – Bhindi     Odia- Bhendi       Family:     Malvaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 1 a), widely cultivated as vegetable in the tropical countries including India.

1 - 2 (2 Pages)
2 Abrus precatorius L.

Common name: English- Indian liquorice                            Hindi- Ratti/Gunchi                             Odia- Kaincha Family : Fabaceae Habit & Distribution It is a common weed (Fig. 2 a) found in forest and it is also seen growing on road sides, gardens, waste places and sometimes planted in gardens.

3 - 4 (2 Pages)
3 Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet

Common name    :    English- Indian mallow         Hindi- Kanghi          Odia- Pedipedica Family    :    Malvaceae Habit & Distribution It is a shrub (Fig.3 a) commonly found in waste places, along road sides, as weeds in garden and in forests. It is distributed throughout India.

5 - 6 (2 Pages)
4 Acalypha hispida Burm.f.

Common name    :    English- Red hot cat’s tail         Odia- Bilei lanja Family    :    Euphorbiaceae Habit & Distribution The plant usually seen along the road sides and often grown in gardens (fig 4 a). General Characters It is a bushy shrub grows up to 1.8 to 3.7 meters in height. The leaves are ever green, oval, 10-23 cm long and 7.5-10 cm in width with pointed ends. Flowers are borne in attractive shades, ranging in colour from deep purple to bright red and clustered in velvety catkins, which are about 30-50 cm long. The plant flowers throughout the year.

7 - 8 (2 Pages)
5 Achyranthes aspera L.

Common name    :    English- Prickly chaff flower         Hindi- Chirchita          Odia- Apamaranga Family    :    Amaranthaceae   Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig 5 a), fairly common weed that grows on waste lands and distributed throughout India.

9 - 10 (2 Pages)
6 Adenanthera pavonina L.

Common name    :    English- Red Lucky Seed         Hindi- Badi gumchi          Odia- Manda kaincha Family    :    Mimosaceae  Habit & Distribution The plant is a tree (Fig. 6a) often found in gardens and village sides and distributed in different states of India. General Characters:  It is a large tree with grey bark. The leaves are compound bipinnate, green when young, turning yellow when old and having 5-6 pairs of leaflets. The flowers are yellowish, small and grow in dense drooping and about 5-15 cm long. Fruits are curved, hanging, green pods that turn brown, coil up and split open as they ripen to reveal small bright red seeds. The plant flowers during March-May.

11 - 12 (2 Pages)
7 Aeschynomene aspera L.

Common name    :    English- Pith plant         Hindi- Sola         Odia- Sola Family    :    Fabaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a herb (Fig.7a), commonly found in ponds, swampy areas, lakes and other water bodies. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is an erect, perennial herb. Its stem is about 2 cm in diameter. The leaves are sessile reaching up to 15 cm long, leaflets 25-50 pairs, alternate or opposite. The flowers are yellow in colour and about 8 cm long, broadly ovate and acute. The plant flowers between August and October.

13 - 14 (2 Pages)
8 Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa

Common name    :    English- Wood apple         Hindi- Bel         Odia- Bela Family    :    Rutaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a tree, (Fig 8 a) common in scrub and open forests, also planted near temples and villages. The plant is usually distributed throughout the greater part of India.

15 - 16 (2 Pages)
9 Albizia saman (Jacq.) Merr.

Common name    :    English- Rain Tree         Hindi- Gulabi Siris          Odia- Chakunda Family    :    Mimosaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a tree common in dry, lowlands ,grasslands, coastal bush lands, forests and also planted in avenues. It is distributed throughout the tropical countries (Fig 9 a).

17 - 18 (2 Pages)
10 Allium cepa L.

Common name     :    English- Onion         Hindi- Pyaz         Odia- Piaja Family    :    Amaryllidaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a herb (Fig. 10 a). The plant is commonly cultivated along the river banks during winter season. General Characters The leaves of the plants are cylindric, fistular and look like tubes. Flower of the plant is white or greenish white with a short pedicel. The plant flowers during January- February.

19 - 20 (2 Pages)
11 Areca catechu L.

Common name    :    English- Betelnut         Hindi- Supari         Odia- Gua Family    :    Arecaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree, (Fig. 11 a) naturalized and commonly cultivated throughout India. General Character The plant is perennial, grows up to 20 meters in height and 8-12 inches in diameter. The stem is solitary, slender and erect. The leaf of the plant is 1.5-2 meter long, pinnate with numerous crowded leaflets. Fruit is a coriaceous drupe, ovoid, 3.7-5 cm, smooth orange, with a single seed with truncate base. The plant flowers and bears fruits throughout the year.

21 - 22 (2 Pages)
12 Aristida setacea Retz.

Common name    :    English - Wire grass/spread grass         Odia- Suan Family    :    Poaceae Habit & Distribution It is a herb (Fig. 12 a) widely found in agricultural lands, hill sides, road sides, river bank etc. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant ascending to erect, grows up to 3-4 feet in height. The leaves may be flat or rolled. The inflorescence either panicle like or raceme with spiky branches. Flowers are tiny and hairs like awns seen protruding from each flower. The plant flowers during September-November.

23 - 24 (2 Pages)
13 Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.

Common name    :    English- Jack Fruits         Hindi- Kathal         Odia- Panasa Family    :    Moraceae Habit & Distribution It is a tree (Fig. 13 a) found in wild as well as cultivated in farms. It was introduced and has become naturalized in many parts of India. General Characters The plant is an evergreen tree that grows up to 20-30 meter tall and 80-200 cm in diameter with evergreen, alternate, glossy, leathery leaves reaching up to 9 inch long. Leaves are oval in mature trees. All parts of the plant contain sticky, white latex. Inflorescence is solitary, borne axillary on special lateral short leafy shoots arising from older branches. Fruits are large arising from the tree trunk and weighting about 10-50 kg. the exterior of the fruit is green or yellow when ripe and composed of numerous hard, cone like points attached to a thick and rubbery, pale yellow or whitish wall. The plant flowers during December-February and bears fruits during June-July.

25 - 26 (2 Pages)
14 Azadirachta indica A. Juss

Common name    :    English- Neem tree         Hindi- Neem         Odia- Nimba Family    :    Meliaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a tree (Fig. 14 a), very commonly planted and often self shown. Also seen in forests as well as in wild. It is cultivated and naturalized throughout India. General Charcter The leaf of the plant is about 20-38 cm in length, leaflets 5-9 pairs and obliguely lanceolate. Flower is white in clolour and fragrant. The plant bark, leaves and flowers are bitter in taste. The plant bears flowers during February to May. The plant fruiting occurs during June to July.

27 - 28 (2 Pages)
15 Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) Nees

Common name    :    English- Bamboo         Hindi- Bans         Odia- Baunsa Family    :    Gramineae (Poaceae) Habit & Distribution It is a perennial tree (Fig. 15a), family common in mixed forest or dry hills, and often found in shady slopes and allovial plains.

29 - 30 (2 Pages)
16 Barleria prionitis L.

Common name    :    English- Percupine Flower         Hindi- Jhinti          Odia- Daskaranta Family    :    Acanthaceae  Habit & Distribution The plant is a shrub (Fig. 16 a), common in waste places, roadsides and dry places. It is distributed throughout India.

31 - 32 (2 Pages)
17 Basella Alba L.

Common name    :    English- Indian spinach         Hindi- Poi          Odia- Poi Family    :    Basellaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a twining herb (Fig. 17 a), commonly cultivated and often found in wild state on rocky grassy hill sides. Also widely cultivated throughout India. General Characters It is a twining succulent herb with green stem and petioles. Leaves of the plant are broadly ovate and green to purplish in colour. Flowers are pinkish or purple in colour. Fruits are berries, ovoid or depressed-globose, turns black after ripening with deep purple juice.

33 - 34 (2 Pages)
18 Bauhinia purpurea L.

Common name    :    English- Butterfly tree         Hindi- Khairwal         Odia- Kuilari           Family    :    Caesalpiniaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a moderate sized tree (Fig. 18a), seen frequently in forests and often planted. It is distributed in foothill areas also and cultivated throughout India. General Characters The plant is a moderate sized tree with ashy or dark brown bark color. Leaves are often oblong, about 5-18, deeply lobed from one third way down to nearly the base with scarcely overlapping. Flowers are purple, large on terminal panicled racemes. Pods are 15-30×18-25 cm long, narrow below, somewhat broadening upwards. The plant flowers during September-February and bears fruits during February-March.

35 - 36 (2 Pages)
19 Bixa orellana L.

Common name    :    English- Annatto         Hindi- Latkan/Kumkum          Odia- Kumkuma Family    :    Bixaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a shrub (Fig. 19 a), cultivated and naturalized, also planted in gardens. It is frequently cultivated throughout India.

37 - 38 (2 Pages)
20 Bombax ceiba L.

Common name    :    English- Red silk cotton         Hindi- Shalmali          Odia- Simili Family    :    Bombacaceae  Habit & Distribution:  It is a tree (Fig. 20 a), fairly common throughout India. It is found in hot, dry river valleys, and the deciduous belt of the hills. General Characters The plant is a tree with prickly trunk and branches when young and grows up to a height of 25 meters with a spreading crown. Leaves are compound, stipulate, and clustered at twig ends with 12-25 cm long. Flowers are bright red in colour, 10-12 cm across, solitary or in fascicles and usually on leafless branches. Fruits are woody capsule, 5-valved with many seeds. The plant flowers during January-March and bears fruits during March to May.

39 - 40 (2 Pages)
21 Borassus flabellier L.

Common name    :    English- Palm         Hindi- Taad         Odia- Tala Family    :    Arecaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a large tree and widely planted crop (Fig. 21a). The plant is native to tropical Africa but cultivated and naturalized throughout india. General Character The plant is a large tree and grows upto 30-40 m. in height. The trunk may have a circumference of 1.7 m at the base. The leaves are palmate, leathery, gray green and 1-3 m in wide with folded along at the midrib. Inflorescences are 90-150 cm long and branched. Fruits are ovoid, 15-20 cm in diameter with fibrous and fleshy mesocarp. The plant flowers during February to March and bears fruits during April to August.

41 - 42 (2 Pages)
22 Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken

Common name    :    English- Miracle leaf         Hindi- Zakhm-haiyal          Odia- Amarpoi Family    :    Crassulaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a herb (Fig. 22 a), mostly found in rocky areas and also in plains. It is widely distributed in tropical area. General Characters It is a succulent herb, grows upto 1-2m in height. The leaves of the plant are simple, opposite, 3-5 lobed, thick and fleshy with crenate margins. Flowers are pink, or purple in colour. The plant has thick, flexible and short stems. The plant flowers during November to March. Fruiting occurs between January and February.

43 - 44 (2 Pages)
23 Butea monosperma (Lam.) Taub.

Common name    :    English- Bastard teak         Hindi- Palash         Odia- Palash Family    :    Fabaceae  Habit & Distribution The plant is a tree distributed throughout India, fairly common especially in the drier parts of north-west odisha. General Characters  It is a small or medium sized dry deciduous tree, reaching to 15 m. in height. It is a slow growing tree. The leaves are pinnate, with about 8-12 cm long petiole and three leaflets, each leaflets of about 10-20 cm long. The flowers are 2.5 cm long, bright orange red, and produced in racemes up to 15 cm long (Fig. 23a). The fruit is a pod. The plant flowers during February and April, and bears fruits during May-July. The plant is popularly known as flame of the forest.

45 - 46 (2 Pages)
24 Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb.

Common name    :    English- Fever nut/Grey Nicker         Hindi- Kat-karanj          Odia- Gila Family    :    Caesalpiniaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 24 a), commonly found in hedges, thickets, scrub forests etc. and is distributed throughout India. General Characters It is a large climber with staright or recurved prickles. The branchlets are hairy and leaflets are 8 pairs with elliptic and lanceolate shape. Flowers are yellow, simple and usually supra-axillary. The pods are broadly oblong with 5-7.5×4 cm in size. It is 1-2 seeded and the seeds are large and round, 1-8cm diameter. The testa is very hard. The flowering time for the plant is August to October and it bears fruits during December to April.

47 - 48 (2 Pages)
25 Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.

Common name    :    English- Peacock flower         Hindi- Guletura         Odia- Godibana Family    :    Caesalpiniaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a shrub (Fig. 25a), commonly found in gardens and sometimes in wild. It is cultivated throughout India and probably native to tropical America, now widely cultivated in the tropics. General Characters The plant is a branched shrub or small tree that reaches up to 3-4 m in height. The leaves of the plants are bipinnate, 20-40 cm long, bearing 3-10 pairs of pinnae, each with 6-10 pairs of leaflets. The flowers are yellow or red in colour and borne in racemes up to 20 cm long. Petals are four in number, subequal and transversely oblong above the long claw. The plant flowers and fruits during most parts of the year.

49 - 50 (2 Pages)
26 Calotropis gigantea R. Br.

Common name    :    English- Gaint milk weed         Hindi- Akoa         Odia- Arakha Family    :    Asclepiadaceae  Habit & Distribution The plant is a shrub. (Fig. 26 a) The plant is frequently found in waste grounds and roadsides. It is widely distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is a stout-tomentose shrub. Leaves of the plant are 10-16×8-10 cm size, smaller in branchlets with elliptic-ovate to obovate in shape. The fowers are pale purple or greenish white in colour, 3 cm across having 5 pointed petals. The fruit is saccate, 6×3 cm ovoid, inflated and boat shaped. The plant flowers during December and July and bears fruits during February and June.

51 - 52 (2 Pages)
27 Calotropis procera (Aiton) Dryand

Common name    :    English- Rubber bush         Hindi- Akada         Odia- Arakha Family    :    Asclepiadaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a shrub (Fig. 27 a), common weed, mostly found in disturbed sites, roadsides, and wastelands and roadsides. It is widely distributed in hot and dry areas of India. General Characters The plant is a shrub that grows up to 4 m in height. Leaves of the plant are opposite, gray green, broadky elliptic, large upto 15 cm long and 10 cm broad with a pointed tip. Flowers are waxy white, 5 petals, purple tipped inside and with a central purplish crown. Fruits are gray-green, inflated 8-12 cm long and contain numerous seeds. Flowering and fruiting occur during December and July. 

53 - 54 (2 Pages)
28 Carica papaya L.

Common name    :    English- Papaya         Hindi- Papaya/Papeeta         Odia- Amruta bhanda Family    :    Caricaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a small tree (Fig. 28 a), commonly cultivated throughout India. The plant is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. General Characters It is a soft tree. The leaves are large, palmately lobed, long petiole with hollow and swollen base. Sepals and petals are in alternate whorls. The flowers are yellowish-white in colour, and fruits are large and 1 celled. It bears flowers and fruits throughout the year.

55 - 56 (2 Pages)
29 Cassia fistula L.

Common name    :    English- Golden shower         Hindi- Sundaraj          Odia- Sunari Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a medium sized tree (Fig. 29 a), fairly common in forests and often also planted. It is widely distributed throughout India. General Character It is a medium sized tree having smooth bark. The leaflets are up to 4-8 pairs, ovate and oblong. Flowers of the plant are light yellow, and at least 30-60 cm long. The fruits are dark brown, long and cylindrical pods. Plants do flower during April and June, and fruiting occurs during March.

57 - 58 (2 Pages)
30 Citrus aurantium L.

Common name    :    English- Orange         Hindi- Santra          Odia- Kamala Family    :    Rutaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a small tree (Fig.30a), commonly cultivated in hilly areas and widely seen in India and other subtropical countries. General Characters It is a small tree of moderate size, and grows up to 15-20 ft in height. The branches are slender, erect or spreading and spinous. The leaves of the plants are shiny and leathery, oblong to elliptic and grow up to 10 cm long having narrow wings in their petioles. The flowers are white in colour and are seen arranged in clusters of 1-6. Fruits are variable in size and shape, oblate and 7.5 cm in diameter ripen to light or deep yellow in colour. The plant flowers during January to June and bears fruits during November and December. 

59 - 60 (2 Pages)
31 Clerodendrum infortunatum L.

Common name    :    English- Hill glory bower         Hindi- Bhant         Odia- Genguti Family    :    Verbenaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a shrub (Fig. 31a), common in shady waste places, edges of forests, waysides etc. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters It grows up to 1-2 m high, with quadrangular branches covered with silky hairs. Leaves are oval, hairy and oppositely arranged with 10-20 cm long. The base of leaves is heart shaped. Flowers are white, tinged with pink, occur in large panicles. The 5 white petals are tinged pink at base. Four long stamens, 3 cm in size, protrude out of the flower. The plant flowers during January-March and bears fruits during April-July.

61 - 62 (2 Pages)
32 Cocos nucifera L.

Common name    :    English- Coconut         Hindi- Nariyal         Odia- Nadia Family    :    Arecaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a large palm (Fig. 32 a), commonly cultivated, especially in the coastal belts. It is cultivated in the hot and damp regions of India mostly near the sea. General Characters It is a large palm reaching up to 30 m in height with pinnate leaves, 4-6 m long and with pinnae 60-90 cm long. The fruit of the plant is a drup and it carries 3 layers; the exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp. The plant has fibrous root system. The tree bears both male and female flowers on the same inflorescence, thus the plant is monoecious. It bears flowers and fruits throughout the year.

63 - 64 (2 Pages)
33 Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Rumph.Ex A. juss

Common name    :    English- Croton         Hindi- Croton          Odia- Baska Family    :    Euphorbiaceae Habit & Distribution It is an evergreen shrub (Fig. 33 a) widely planted in gardens and also cultivated. It is distributed throughout tropical region. General Characters The plant is a shrub which grows up to 10 ft in height and having large, leathery and shiny leaves. Depending on the cultivar, the leaves may be ovate to linear, entire to deeply lobed and variegated with green, white, purple, orange, yellow, red or pink colours. It bears long clusters of small inconspicuous white or yellow flowers. The plant bears flowers and fruits during dry seasons (March-June).

65 - 66 (2 Pages)
34 Coix lacryma-jobi L.

Common name    :    English- Adlay/Job’s tear         Hindi- Gurlu          Odia- Garagada Family    :    Poaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 34 a), usually found near water bodies, way sides of agricultural lands etc. It is widely distributed throughout the hot and damp parts of India and commonly seen in tropics. General Characters The plant is an annual grass rooting at the lower nodes, spongy, glabarous and grows up to 0.9-2 m in height. The leaves are flat, linear, and acuminate with a strong midrib and 10-40 cm long and 205-4 cm in width. The spikes are 6-10 cm long, erect and penduncled. The fruits are hard, bony, ovoid, shining white or nearly black in colour. It bears flowers during September to November and carries fruits during December to February.

67 - 68 (2 Pages)
35 Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott

Common name    :    English- Elephant ear taro         Hindi- Kachu/Kachlu         Odia- Saru Family    :    Araceae Habit & Distribution It is a herb (Fig. 35 a), commonly found in damp, shady places and also cultivated. The plant is widely distributed throughout the hotter parts of India. General Characters The plant is a tuberous bulb plant growing about 3-5 ft in height. The plant has large leaves. The leaves are heart shapes, 2-3 ft long with a long stalk of about 3 ft height. The flowers are yellowish-white spathes and spadixes are frequently produced. It bears flowers and fruits during June-November. 

69 - 70 (2 Pages)
36 Corchorus capsularis L.

Common name    :    English- White jute         Hindi- Titapat          Odia- Jhota Family    :    Tiliaceae Habit & Distribution It is a herb (Fig. 36 a), commonly cultivated throughout India for fiber purpose. General Charcaters The plant is an erect, annual herb reaching up to 1-2 m height. The stems are usually purplish white. Leaves are ovate-lanceolate, 5-12 cm long, pointed at the tip and rounded at the base. The flowers are borne in small groups in the axils of the leaves about 4 mm long. The capsules are round to ovoid and about 1 cm in diameter. The plant flowers and bears fruits during July-November.

71 - 72 (2 Pages)
37 Cordia dichotoma G. Forst.

Common name    :    English- Indian cherry         Hindi- Lasora          Odia- Ambota/Gualikoli Family    :    Boraginaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a small tree (Fig. 37a), found frequently in mixed forests and distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is a small tree with ususaly drooping branches and spreading crown. The stem bark is grayish brown, smooth or longitudinally wrinkled. Leaves are orbicular, elliptic-oblong, entire with 6-12.5 cm long. Flowers are white, pinkish white, fragrant, short stalked. The fruit is a yellow shining globose or ovoid drupe seated in a saucer like enlarged calyx and it turns black on ripening and the pulp gets viscoid. The plant flowers during March-April and bears fruits during July-September.

73 - 74 (2 Pages)
38 Crotalaria pallida Aiton.

Common name    :    English- Rattle pods         Hindi- San          Odia- Junujhunuka Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution:  It is a shrub (Fig. 38 a), common in waste places, roadsides and river banks. It is widely distributed in India. General Characters The plant is a perennial shrub, with stems ascending or erect, 1-2 m tall. Leaves are trifoliate, leaflets elliptic, ovate, 2.8-9.5 cm long and 1.2-4.5 cm wide. Flowers are yellow, 1-1.5 cm long, somewhat long inflorescence about 15-40 cm long. Pods brown at maturity, 3.5-3.8 cm long. The plant flowers and bears fruits during April.

75 - 76 (2 Pages)
39 Cucumis sativus L. var. hardwickii (Royle) Gabaev

Common name    :    English- Wild cucumber         Hindi- Khira         Odia- Pita kakudi Family    :    Cucurbitaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a herbaceous climber (Fig. 39a) apparently wild in open waste lands and distributed all over India. General Characters The plant is a herbaceous climber with simple tendrils. Leaves are entire or shallowly 5 lobed with 12 cm across and 15 cm petiole. Flowers are yellow in colour, 1.7-2.5cm across. The fruits are oblong, yellowish-green, glabrous and covered with rigid hairs or soft spines. Flowering and fruiting occur during September-November.

77 - 78 (2 Pages)
40 Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.

Common name    :    English- Giant dodder         Hindi- Amar bel         Odia- Nirmuli   Family    :    Cuscutaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a parasitic plant (Fig. 40 a) that usually grows in a profilic manner over other plants as support. It is widely distributed throughout India.  General Characters The plant is a creeper with yellowish-green or yellow stem and often in dense mass. The flowers of the plant are white or pinkish and almost 6-7.5 mm long. The corolla of the flower is tubular with short reflected lobes. The fruits are fleshy and globose with conical in shape. It bears flowers during October to December and bears fruits during December-Jnauary.

79 - 80 (2 Pages)
41 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.

Common name    :    English- Bermuda grass         Hindi- Dub         Odia- Duba ghasa Family    :    Poaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is fairly common in lawns, roadsides, cultivated lands, damp grounds, wastelands etc. It is widely distributed throughout India. (Fig. 41 a) General Characters It is a variable perennial creeper with hairy leaves, 3-7 spikes (rarely 2) together at the top of the stem. The stem is erect and often grows 1-30 cm in height. It has a deep root system that grows to over 2 m deep in to the soil. It flowers and bears fruits throughout the year.

81 - 82 (2 Pages)
42 Datura metel L.

Common name    :    English- Thron apple         Hindi- Dhatura         Odia- Duddura Family    :    Solanaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a shrub (Fig. 42 a), commonly found in road sides, waste lands, damp grounds and also in forests. It is widely distributed throughout India and is of cosmopolitan nature. General Characters It is an annual shrub growing up to a height of 8 ft. The stem is green or purple in colour and leaves are ovate and irregularly lobed about 5-12.5 cm long. Flowers of the plant are white or purple in colour and 6.2-12.5 cm in size. The fruit is an egg shaped spiny capsule almost 5 cm in diameter. The plant flowers and bears fruits in the month of November.

83 - 84 (2 Pages)
43 Dalbergia sissoo DC.

Common name    :    English- Rose wood         Hindi- Shisham         Odia- Sissoo Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution It is a tree (Fig. 43 a), commonly planted along roadsides. The plant is widely distributed throughout India.   General Characters The plant is a medium sized tree with thick, gery or pale brown bark. It reaches up to a maximum of 25m in height and 2-3 m in diameter. The leaves are leathery, alternate and about 15 cm long. The flowers are yellowish in colour and 1.5 cm in long. The pods are oblong, flat, thin and 2.5-7.5 cm long with 3-4 seeds in it. The plant flowers during March-June and bears fruits during November-February.

85 - 86 (2 Pages)
44 Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf.

Common name    :    English - Gold mohar         Hindi - Gul mohar         Odia - Krusnachuda Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree (Fig. 44 a), commonly planted in gardens and avenues. It is widely planted throughout India as a street tree. General Characters The plant reaches up to 30-40 ft in height. Leaves are feathery and grow up to 60 cm long with 11-18 pinnae pairs and many leaflets. The flowers are orange or red in color and more than 10 cm across and appear in corymbs along and at the ends of branches. Pods are 30-60 cm long, green and flaccid when young and turn dark-brown later. The plant bears flowers in the month April-June.

87 - 88 (2 Pages)
45 Dillenia indica L.

Common name    :    English- Elephant apple         Hindi- Cwhalta         Odia- Awoo Family    :    Dilleniaceae   Habit & Distribution:  It is a tree (Fig. 45 a) which is frequently planted and often grown in gardens. The plant is widely distributed in evergreen forests throughout India. General Characters The plant is a moderate sized evergreen tree growing up to 15 in tall. The leaves are deep green in colour, oblong to lanceolate and 15-36 cm in long. The flowers are white, large, up to 5 inches across/ the fruit is rounded, 5-12 cm in diameter aggregate of 15 carpels and each carpel containing 5 seeds embedded in the pulp. The plant flowers during May- June and bears fruits in September-February.

89 - 90 (2 Pages)
46 Drypetes roxburghii (Wall.) Hurus.

Common name    :    English- Lucky bean tree          Hindi- Putija/Putranjiva         Odia- Poitundia/Poichandia Family    :    Euphorbiaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a tree (Fig. 46 a), growing in hills, in wild often planted and self shown. It is distributed throughout tropical India. General Characters The plant is a moderate sized evergreen tree growing up to 12 meter in height. Leaves are simple, alternately arranged, dark green and shiny in colour. There are two types of flowers with short stalk, in rounded axillary clusters; females are green and 4 mm across. Fruits are ellipsoid or rounded drupes, white velvetly, seed normally one, stone pointed and very hard. The plant flowers during March-April and bears fruits during January-March.

91 - 92 (2 Pages)
47 Erythrina variegata L.

Common name    :    English- Indian Coral tree         Hindi- Pangara          Odia- Paladhua Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a small tree (Fig. 47 a), commonly planted and also found in wild in coastal regions of India. General Characters The plant is a prickley tree with smooth and greenish bark. Leaflets are rhomboid-ovate, 5-15cm×5.5-17 cm and acute or acuminate in shape. The flowers are deep red in colour, scarlet, 7 cm long, calyx split and spathaceous with very oblique mouth. Pods are many, subcylindric, narrowed with 15-25 cm long. It is 6-12 seeded, seeds are 1.5-1.8 cm in size with dark purple in colour. The plant flowers during March-April and bears fruits during April-July.

93 - 94 (2 Pages)
48 Eucalyptus globulus Labill.

Common name    :    English- Blue gum         Hindi- Nilgiri         Odia- Eukalyptus/Nilgiri Family    :    Myrtaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a tree (Fig. 48 a). The plant commonly planted in gardens and elsewhere and also widely cultivated as a plantation crop by forest department. It is commonly seen in most parts of India. General Characters The plant is a large, evergreen tree and reaches up to the height of 60 m. The leaves are commonly lanceolate, long-petiole, apperantly alternate and waxy green. The flowers have numerous fluffy stamens which may be white, cream, yellow, pink or red in colour. In the bud, the stamens are enclosed in a cap known as operculum, composed of fused sepals and petals. The plant bears flowers and fruits during January-August.

95 - 96 (2 Pages)
49 Ficus benghalensis L.

Common name    :    English- Banyan tree         Hindi- Barh         Odia- Baro Family    :    Moraceae Habit & Distribution It is a tree (Fig. 49 a), fairly common, seen, in wild and sometimes planted. The plant is widely distributed throughout the plains of India. General Characters The tree is very large, growing up to 30 m tall, with many aerial roots that develop in to new trunks, so that the tree goes on spreading laterally, indefinitely. A single tree can cover a very wide area. The leaves are leathery, entire, ovate or elliptic, which grow up to 20-30 cm long with prominent lateral viens. The fruits are 1 to 2 cm in diameter, rounded in shape, without stalks arranged in pairs at leaf axils and it changes to bright red colour when ripens. The plant flowers round the year and bears fruits during April-June.

97 - 98 (2 Pages)
50 Ficus racemosa L.

Common name    :    English- Cluster fig tree         Hindi- Goolar         Odia- Dimiri Family    :    Moraceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree (Fig. 50 a), fairly common in valleys and village surroundings. It is widely distributed throughout India. General Characters It is a large sized tree with few short areal roots. Leaves are ovate or elliptic with 7-20×3.5-9 cm in size. The most distinctive aspect of this tree is the red, furry figs in short clusters, which grow directly out of the trunk of tree. The figs do carry hundred of flowers in it. The plant flowers during the month March-June and bears fruits during July-September.

99 - 100 (2 Pages)
51 Ficus religiosa L.

Common name    :    English- Pipal tree         Hindi- Peepal          Odia- Aswatha Family    :    Moraceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a large tree (Fig. 51 a), found in common, wild or human setteled localities. The plant is widely distributed throughout India. General Characters It is a large tree with grey bark and numerous roots which have fused with stem. Leaves are leathery, 4-8 inches long by 3-5 inches width with tailed at the tip and heart shaped at the base. Fruit is a fig which is axilary, sessile, 1-1.5 cm diameter and turns into dark purple when ripens. The plant flowers during June to October.

101 - 102 (2 Pages)
52 Impatiens balsamina L.

Common name    :    English- Garden Balsam         Hindi- Gul-mendi          Odia- Haragaura Family    :    Balsaminaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a herb (Fig. 52 a) commonly cultivated in gardens and also self-sown in waste lands, forest edges, roadsides. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is an erect annual herb, growing upto 30-80 cm in height with stilt roots from the lower nodes. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate and 2.5-9 cm long and 1-2.5 cm broad. Flowers are pink, red and white in colour with 2.5-5 cm in diameter. Flower stalks are up to 1-5 cm long. Capsules are ovoid ellipsoid and 1.5-2.5 cm long. The plant flowers and bears fruits during August-December.

103 - 104 (2 Pages)
53 Ipomoea hederifolia L.

Common name    :    English- Scarlet morning glory                  Hindi- Lalpungli         Odia- Panikod Family    :    Convolvulaceae   Habit & Distribution The plant is (Fig. 53 a) a herbaceous climber, common in open forests and open places over hedges, bushes, fairly naturalized. It is naturalized throughout India. General Characters It is a twining, smooth to hairy annual plant. Leaves are ovate or broadly ovate, heart shaped having bases with pointed tips. The flowers are red in colour with a longer stalk than the leaves. Each flower stalk may bear a single flower or may have several flowers. The fruit is a round capsule up to 8 mm in diameter containing few seeds. Flowering and fruiting occurs during September-January.

105 - 106 (2 Pages)
54 Ipomoea parasitica (Kunth) G. Don

Common name    :    English- Yellow-Throated Morning Glory              Hindi- Neelkalme         Odia- Kaladana Family    :    Convolvulaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is an ornamental climber (Fig. 54a), common in waste places and road sides. It is widely distributed throughout the tropical countries. General Characters It is a climber. Stems trail for several metres and climb over low bushes, reddish, muriculate, hairless or velvety. The Leaves are ovate, 5-15 × 5-15 cm, blunt or long-pointed at the tip and heart-shaped. Flowers are funnel-shaped, blue with purplish tinge, 3.5-4.5 cm long, with a yellow center and borne in several-flowered cymes. The cyme is carried on a stalk 5-25 cm long. Capsule is ovoid to globose, hairless. Seeds are trigonous, brownish, hairless or very shortly velvet-hairy.

107 - 108 (2 Pages)
55 Jasminum arborescens Roxb.

Common name    :    English- Royal jasmin                  Hindi- Chameli         Odia- Niali/Banamali Family    :    Oleaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a shrub (Fig. 55 a), commonly found in forests and distributed in Central and Southern India. General Characters The plant is nearly erect, not twining or climbing. Branchlets are hairy. Leaves are simple, opposite, variable in size up to 18 cm long and 10 cm broad with long pointed end. Flowers are white, fragrant, three forked clusters with flowers stalk of 5 mm long. Berry is mostly simple, 1-1.5 cm long, ellipsoid and black when ripe. The plant flowers during March-May and bears fruits during June-July.

109 - 110 (2 Pages)
56 Jatropha gossypiifolia L.

Common name    :    English- Bellyache bush                  Hindi- Ratanjoti          Odia- Baigoba/Baigewa Family    :    Euphorbiaceae Habit & Distribution It is a shrub (Fig. 56 a), very commonly found in waste ground, village hedges, roadsides and scrub forests. The plant is cultivated and naturalized in several parts of India. General Characters The plant is a small dark colored glandular hairy shrub, 0.8-1.8 m in height. The leaves are 6-12 cm in diameter, palmatly 3-5 lobed, entire with 3-5 cm long petiole. Flowers are red with yellow centre. The petioles and stipules have glandular hairs. It flowers and bears fruits during July-October.

111 - 112 (2 Pages)
57 Jatropha integerrima Jacq.

Common name    :    English- Peregrina/Spicy jatropha       Family    :    Euphorbiaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a shrub, usually planted in gardens. General Characters It is a small erect and branched shrub (Fig. 57 a). The leaves are entire, elliptic-oval, may be fiddle shaped with 7 inches long. The flowers are red and pink and about 2.5 cm across and borne in many flowered clusters at branch end. Fruit is rounded-trigonous. The plant bears flowers and fruits in most parts of the year.

113 - 114 (2 Pages)
58 Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.

Common name    :    Odia- Laoo         English-Calbash              Hindi- Lauki Family    :    Cucurbitaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a climber (Fig. 58 a), commonly cultivated and distributed throughout India. General Characters It is an annual vigorous herb, running or climbing vine with large leaves and with lush appearance. Leaves are simple, 17-20 cm diameter, short and softly hairy with kidney or heart shaped outlines. Flowers are white, up to 4 inches in diameter with spreading petals. Fruits are of various shapes, in different varieties, like bottole or dumbbell shaped, rounded or elongated. The plant flowers during July-January and bears fruits during cold season.

115 - 116 (2 Pages)
59 Lantana camara L.

Common name    :    English- Wild sage          Hindi- Raimuniya          Odia- Naguari Family    :    Verbenaceae   Habit & Distribution  It is a shrub (Fig. 59 a), commonly found in roadsides, wasteland, damp site etc. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is an evergreen shrub grows up to 6 ft height and may spread 8 ft in width. The leaves are ovate-oblong, about 2-5 inches long with rounded tooth edges and a textured surface. Stem and leaves surfaces are covered with rough hairs and emit an unpleasant aroma when crushed. Flowers usually white-pink or orange-yellow in colour and are held in clusters that are typically 1-2 inches across. Fruits are small, globose, fleshy, purplish black berries after ripe. The plant bears flowers and fruits in all round the year.

117 - 118 (2 Pages)
60 Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.

Common name    :    English- Angled luffa         Hindi- Karvitori         Odia- Pita taradi Family    :    Cucurbitaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a climber (Fig. 60 a), widely cultivated and also found in wild. It is cultivated throughout India. General Characters It is an annual climber with smooth and angled stem. The leaves are 5-7 lobed or angled, 7.5-15 cm across and covered with short hairs. Flowers are yellow in colour with male and female in the same axil. The fruits are ribbed and cylindricaly shaped and 1-2 feet in length. The plant bears flowers and fruits during August-November.

119 - 120 (2 Pages)
61 Mangifera indica L.

Common name    :    English- Mango         Hindi- Aam         Odia- Amba               Family    :    Anacardiaceae Habit & Distribution It is a tree (Fig. 61 a) grows wild in valleys and widely cultivated throughout tropical India. General Characters The plant is a large, erect and ever green tree gowing up to 30-80 ft in height with a broad and rounded canopy. The leaves are variable in size and shape, usually lanceolate, entire, acute to acuminate with 10-20 cm in size. The flowers are greenish-yellow, small and polygamous with 5 lobed calyx which are ovate-oblong or elliptic in shape and remain spreading. There is a great variation in the size, colour and flavour of the fruits. They may be nearly round, oval, ovoid-oblong or somewhat kidney shaped and usually yellow in colour when ripe. The plant bears flowers during January-March and fruits during April-May.

121 - 122 (2 Pages)
62 Martynia annua L.

Common name    :    English- Tiger’s claw/Devil’s claw         Hindi- Ulat kanta         Odia- Bagha nakhi Family    :    Martyniaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 62 a), commonly occur in roadsides, waste lands, and also naturalized. It is widely distributed in India. General Characters It is an erect, often branched herb that grows up to 2 m in height. Leaves are kidney shaped to circular, mostly 6-15 cm wide, both surfaces are equally hairy, margins with shallow lobes and leaf stalk is 9-14 cm long. Flowers are bell shaped purplish white with dark purple markings. Fruit is capsule, more or less ovoid, 2 valved, with the style splitting into 2 curved, lignified and spiny processes with curved claw of about 1 cm. The plant bears flowers and fruits during August-January.

123 - 124 (2 Pages)
63 Mimosa pudica L.

Common name    :    English- Touch me not/sensitive plant         Hindi- Lajwanti         Odia- Lajakuli               Family    :    Mimosaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a common weed mostly found in roadsides, waste places, damp sites, agricultural lands etc. It is widely distributed throughout the better parts of India. (Fig. 63 a) General Characters It is a small prostrate or ascending herb with prickly stems and grows up to a height of 50 cm with a spread of 30 cm. The leaves are bipinnate, fern like and pale green, closing when disturbed. The flowers are pale pink or purple in colour, round to ovoid heads (8-10 mm in diameter) and the flower heads arise from the leaf axils. The plant bears flowers and fruits during August-May.

125 - 126 (2 Pages)
64 Mimusops elengi L.

Common name    :    English- Spanish cherry         Hindi- Maulsari         Odia- Baula          Family    :    Sapotaceae  Habit & Distribution The plant is a small tree (Fig. 64 a), frequently planted elsewhere also in gardens. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters It is a small tree with small shiny thick narrow, pointed leaves, straight trunk and spreading branches. The leaves are elliptic or oblong, 6.2-10 cm long. Flowers are small star shaped, white, yellowish white in color with a crown rising from the centre. The fragrance of flowers is very graciously scented. The fruit turns yellow-orange when ripens and are eaten fresh. The plant flowers during April-May and bears fruits during August-September.

127 - 128 (2 Pages)
65 Musa paradisiaca L.

Common name    :    English - Banana         Hindi - Kela         Odia - Kadali Family    :    Musaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a large herb (Fig. 65 a), indigenous to Odisha, Bihar and Eastern Himalayas. The plant is cultivated throughout India. General Characters Banana is a tropical small size tree, with large leaves with overlapping bases from the trunk. The leaves are oblong and 1.2-1.5 m in length. The stem reaches a height of about 10-30 feet. Flower develop from the centre of crown. Only female flowers develop into a banana fruit that vary in length from 4 to12 inches. Each banana plant bears fruits only once. The plant bears flowers and fruits in most parts of the year.

129 - 130 (2 Pages)
66 Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser.

Common name    :    English- Bur flower         Hindi- Kadamb         Odia- Kadamba Family    :    Rubiaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a tree (Fig. 66 a), seen growing widely in deep moist, alluvial sites and often in forests along river banks. It is widely distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is a large straight deciduous tree that reaches to 45 m height. The leaves are large simple, elliptic-oblong, entire and 13-32 cm in length. Flowers are orange colored, small, in dense, globose heads that appear like solid, hairy orange balls. The fruits are small capsules, packed closely together. It bears flowers on May-July and fruits during August-October.

131 - 132 (2 Pages)
67 Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner

Common name    :    English- Shoo-fly plant         Hindi- Popti Family    :    Solanaceae   Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 67 a), commonly found in fallow land, naturalized in waste places and near dwellings. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters It s an erect annual plant reaches up to 3-8 feet in height and are about half as wide. The leaves are large, alternate, reaching up to 1 feet long and somewhat resembles Datura leaves. Flowers are pale blue or blue purple with white centre. Fruits are berry, brown or yellow when matures, up to 2 cm in diameter. The plant flowers and bears fruits during October-February.

133 - 134 (2 Pages)
68 Nymphaea pubescens Willd.

Common name    :    English- Water lily         Hindi- Kanval         Odia- Kain Family    :    Nymphaeaceae   Habit & Distribution  The plant (Fig. 68 a) is an aquatic perennial herb, commonly found in lakes and ponds. It is distributed throughout the warmer parts of India. General Characters It is an aquatic plant having erect perennial root stocks that anchor it to the mud in the bottom of the water bodies. Leaves vary from being elliptic-oval to almost circular 15-26 cm across, fine hairs on upper side and always remain at floating stage. Flowers are mostly white, occasionally pink or red reaching up to 15 cm in diameter. The plant flowers and bears fruits throughout the year.

135 - 136 (2 Pages)
69 Alangium salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin

Common name    :    English- Sage Leaved Alangium         Hindi- Ankol         Odia- Ankula/Dhalanga Family    :    Cornaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree (Fig. 69 a), commonly found in dry regions in plains and low hills and also found on roadsides. The plant is widely distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is a tall thorny tree native to India. It grows to a height of about 3 to 10 meters. The bark is ash colored, rough and faintly fissured. The leaves are elliptic oblong or elliptic lanceolate. The flowers are greenish white, fascicled, and axillary. The berries are ovoid, ellipsoid, glabrous, smooth and violet to purple in colour. The plant flowers and bears fruits during February -June.

137 - 138 (2 Pages)
70 Oryza sativa L.

Common name    :    English-Rice         Hindi-Chawal         Odia-Dhana      Family    :    Poaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant (Fig. 70 a) is a annual herb, and several varieties of this plant are largely cultivated all over the world, especially in Asian countries. General Characters It is a semi aquatic monocot plant. The plant grows up to 3-5 ft in height. It has long, slender leaves, 50-100 cm long and 2-2.5 cm broad. Flowers are produced in branches arching to pendulous inflorescence 30-50 long. The edible seed is a grain, 0.5-1.2 cm long and 2-3 mm thick. The plant flowers and bear fruits during September-January and also in April-May.

139 - 140 (2 Pages)
71 Pandanus odorifer (Forssk.) Kuntze

Common name    :    English- Kewda/Screw pine         Hindi- Gagan dhul         Odia- Kia Family    :    Pandanaceae   Habit & Distribution  It is a shrub (Fig. 71 a), wild in deltaic swamps of Mahanadi and other sandy coastal areas. Seen both in wild and cultivated in India. General Characters It is a bushy shrub, reaches up to 3-4 m in height. The leaves are closely spiral, spiny and leathery with fragrance. Flowers are pedicellate with stamens spirally arranged on the floral axis. Flowers have a sweet and perfumed odor.

141 - 142 (2 Pages)
72 Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) K. Heyne

Common name    :    English-Yellow flamebouyant         Hindi- Peela gulmohar          Odia- Radhachuda Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution It is a tree (Fig. 72 a), frequently planted in gardens, road sides etc. and widely distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is a deciduous tree growing up to 15-25 m height with a trunk diameter of about 1m. The leaves are bipinnate, 30-60 cm long, with 16-20 pinnae, each pinna with 20-40 oval leaflets. The flowers are yellow, 2.5-4 cm diameter, produced in large compound racemes up to 5-10 cm long and 2.5 cm broad, red at first, ripening black and contain 1-4 seeds. The plant flowers during March-May and bears fruits during April-December.

143 - 144 (2 Pages)
73 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb.

Common name    :    English- Date palm          Hindi- Khajur         Odia- Khajuri Family    :    Arecaceae   Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree (Fig. 73 a). It is commonly, wild or cultivated throughout India. It thrives from the plains to the coast in low-laying waste lands, scrub forest and water logged areas. General Characters It is a moderate sized dioecious tree which grows up to 4-10 m. in height and 30 cm diameter with a large crown and rough trunk covered with persistent leaf bases. The leaves are 3 m. long, gently recurved on 1 m petioles with spines near the base. The leaf crown grows to 5 m wide and 7-10 m tall containing up to 100 leaves. The inflorescence grows to 1 m with white flowers. The single seeded fruit ripens to orange-yellow. The plant flowers and bears fruits during May-October.

145 - 146 (2 Pages)
74 Plumbago zeylanica L.

Common name    :    English- Wild leadwort         Hindi- Chitrak          Odia- Ogni  Family    :    Plumbaginaceae  Habit & Distribution The plant is a shrub (Fig. 74 a), frequent in open places, scrub forests and among bushes. It is widely distributed throughout India. Gerneral Characters The plant is an evergreen shrub that reaches about 6 feet in native. The leaves are dark green, spreading and ovate in shape. Flowers are white, terminal, often panicled and grow as dense racemes. Individual flowers are up to ½ inch across. The plant flowers and bears fruits during September-April.

147 - 148 (2 Pages)
75 Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn). Thwaites

Common name    :    English- False Asoka          Hindi- Ashok          Odia- Debadaru Family    :    Annonaceae   Habit & Distribution  The plant (Fig. 75 a) is usually planted in gardens, roadside avenues and also cultivated throughout India. General characters The plant is a tall evergreen tree having slender and glabrous branches, growing up to a height of 25 feet. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, glossy green, long with attractive wavy edges. Flowers are yellowish-green, star like structures that give the tree a peculiar hazy appearance. Seeds are smooth and shining. The plant flowers in March-April and bears fruits during July-August.

149 - 150 (2 Pages)
76 Pseudobombax ellipticum (Kunth) Dugand

Common name    :    Shaving brush tree Family    :    Malvaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a large tree (Fig. 76 a), usually seen in open forests often scattered through fields and over plains, besides on open rocky hillsides. It is distributed throughout Indian. General characters It is large deciduous tree, which grows up to 30-40 feet in height. The leaves at first are bright red turning fine green as they mature. Flowers are having silky rose-pink stamens topped with yellow pollen. The wood is interesting as well, showing strippings of greens, yellows, brown and white. The plant flowers during October-February.

151 - 152 (2 Pages)
77 Ricinus communis L.

        Odia- Jada/Gab Common name    :    English- Castor bean         Hindi- Arandi          Odia- Jada/Gab          Family    :    Euphorbiaceae   Habit & Distribution The plant is a shrub or small tree (Fig. 77 a), often found in wastelands, fields, gardens and near villages. Also cultivated as a cash crop. It is widely distributed throughout the dry parts of India.   General Characters The plant is a fast growing, sucking perennial tree that reaches the size up to 12 m. The leaves are 15-45 cm long, stalked, alternate and palmate with 5-12 deep lobes. The flowers are borne in terminal panicle like inflorescences of green or shades of red monoecious flowers without petals. The fruit is spiny, greenish capsule containing large and oval bean like seeds. The plant flowers and bears fruits during most parts of the year.

153 - 154 (2 Pages)
78 Rosa indica L

Common name    :    English- Rose         Hindi-Gulab         Odia- Golap Family    :    Rosaceae   Habit & Distribution  It is a shrub (Fig. 78 a), commonly planted in gardens and also cultivated. General Characters The plant is a woody, perennial shrub. The leaves are borne alternately on the stem. In most species, they are 5-15 cms long, elliptic-lanceolate, pinnate with 3-11 leaflets. Flowers are usually white or pink, though in a species yellow or red with 5 cm across. The aggregate fruit of the rose is a berry like structure called a rosehip. The plant flowers during February-March.

155 - 156 (2 Pages)
79 Ruellia tuberosa L.

Common name    :    English- Fever root         Hindi- Ruwel Family    :    Acanthaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a herb (fig. 79 a), often found in wastelands, cultivated land, waysides etc. sometimes in gardens also. The plant is widely naturalized in India. General Characters The plant is a tropical perennial herb, growing up to a height of 6.5 inches with hairy stem. The leaves are simple, opposite and elliptic-obovate with 4.10-1.8-4 cm in size. Flowers are blue or violet with 3-4 cm in long. The ripe fruits in a pod carry 7-8 seeds each in it. The plant flowers and bears fruits during June-February.

157 - 158 (2 Pages)
80 Saccharum officinarum L. 

Common name    :    English- Sugarcane         Hindi- Ganna         Odia- Akho Family    :    Poaceae Habit & Distribution  It is a tall herb (Fig. 80 a), widely cultivated in Odisha and also throughout the hotter parts of India. General Characters The plant is a giant grass. The stem is erect, jointed, 3-5 m tall, 2-3 cm thick with plenty of juice. Leaves are elongate, rigid, mostly 4-6 cm wide, with a very thick midrib. The flowers are white, appear in plume like panicles, 20-60 cm long. The plant flowers and bears fruits during November-January.

159 - 160 (2 Pages)
81 Solanum viarum Dunal

Common name    :    English- Tropical soda apple         Odia- Denga bheji/Bheji baigana Family    :    Solanaceae Habit & Distribution It is a perennial shrub (Fig. 81 a), is commonly found in grassland, thickets and disturbed places such as roadsides and river banks. General Characters The plant is an erect perennial shrub, reaches up to 50-150 cm high with shortly pubescent stems and branches with recurved prickles up to 5 mm long. The leaves are broadly ovate up to 20 cm long and 15 cm wide, generally dark green in colour, and glossy above. The flowers are white, 1.5 cm across arranged in clusters. The fruit is a globose berry, mottled green when young and yellow at maturity, with 2-3 cm across. The plant flowers and bears fruits throughout the year.

161 - 162 (2 Pages)
82 Tagetes erecta L.

Common name    :    English- Marigold         Hindi- Genda          Odia- Gendu Family    :    Asteraceae Habit & Distribution It is a herb (Fig. 82 a) commonly cultivated in gardens. It is a very popular flowering plant commonly found in India and other countries. General Characters The plant is a very popular aromatic annual herb with 50-100 cm in height. The leaves are pinnately divided, in to oblong or lanceolate. Flowers are yellow, orange in colour, and large head with 3-5 inches across. The plant flowers mainly during cold season.

163 - 164 (2 Pages)
83 Tamarindus indica L.

Common name    :    English- Tamarind         Hindi- Imli          Odia- Tentuli Family    :    Fabaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a large tree (Fig. 83 a), fairly common, planted or self sown. It is widely distributed throughout India, also cultivated and self-sown. General Characters It is a large tree which grows up to 30-50 m height with spreading crown up to 12 m in diameter. The leaves are up to 5 cm long and composed of numerous small leaflets. Leaflets are 10-20 pairs, small and close. The flowers are about 1 cm across, pale yellow with purple or red veins. Fruits are brown, short haired, sausage like, contain an acidic pulp that surrounds the seeds, extremely sour. The plant flowers during April-June and bears fruits during December-March.

165 - 166 (2 Pages)
84 Tectona grandis L.f.

Common name    :    English- Teak         Hindi- Sagun         Odia- Sagwan  Family    :    Verbenaceae Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree (Fig. 84 a), naturally confined to south-western part of Orissa, also widely planted all over the state. The plant commonly distributed in central India to Orissa, also widely planted. General Characters It is a large deciduous and very popular timber tree. Leaves of the tree are large, opposite with 30-60 cm long and 15-30 cm broad. The flowers appear in large numbers in lax clusters at the end of branches with white colour. The fruit is about 15 mm across, spongy and enclosed in persistent calyx. The plant flowers during July-August and bears fruit during December-April. 

167 - 168 (2 Pages)
85 Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers.

Common name    :    English- Indian Tinospora         Hindi- Gulbel         Odia- Gulochi Family    :    Menispermaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a shrub/climber (Fig. 85 a), frequently found in forests and widely distributed throught tropical India. General Characters The plant is a climber, with stems about 5 cm diameters with light grey and papery bark. The leaves are about 7.5-14 cm long, broadly ovate or orbicular, deeply heart shaped at the base. Flowers are racemes which are 7-14 cm in long, greenish yellow in colour and arranged in 3+3 sepals in 2 layers, the outer one are small, the inner one are large. Fruits are red, globose to subglobose with 6-8 mm across. The plant flowers during August-December and bears fruits during March-May.

169 - 170 (2 Pages)
86 Trewia nudiflora L.r

Common name    :    English- False white teak         Hindi- Pindar         Odia- Jandakhai Family    :    Euphorbiaceae   Habit & Distribution  The plant is a tree (Fig. 86 a), commonly found along riverbanks, evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters It is a large deciduous tree, growing up to 10-20 m tall, with a smooth grey bark. The leaves are oppositely arranged ovate, 7-17 cm long and are heart- shaped at the base and have tapering tips. Leaf-stalks are 3-7 cm long. Flowers are small and greenish. Male flowers are borne in 7-19 cm long racemes and are carried on slender stalks. Female flowers are borne singly on long stalks. Fruit is round, with 2-4 compartments, 2-4 cm in diameter, smooth or hairy, exocarp thick and fleshy. The plant flowers and bears fruits during December-March.

171 - 172 (2 Pages)
87 Tridax procumbens (L.)

Common name    :    English- Coat buttons         Hindi- Khal-Muriya         Odia- Bisalya karani Family    :    Asteraceae   Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 87 a), usually found in dry locations, especially sandy and rocky sites like roadsides, railways, dunes and waste places. It is widely distributed throughout India.   General Characters The plant is a perennial herb that stands about 30-60 cm in height and has slightly hairy stem. The leaves are ovate or lanceolate with toothed edges. Flowers are small, creamy or white in colour having 5 petals that are notched in the outer edges. The centre of the flower is yellow. The plant flowers and bears fruits all the year round.

173 - 174 (2 Pages)
88 Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq.

Common name    :    English- Burr Bush         Hindi- Chikti         Odia- Badya chana pata/tatatatia Family    :    Tiliaceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 88 a), fairly common weed, distributed throughout tropical and subtropical India. General Characters It is an erect woody herb, grows up to 30-90 cm. leaves are simple, alternate, broadly ovate to sub orbicular. Flowers are yellow, small and clustered on leaf axils. Fruit is a subglobose and about 3-4 mm in diameter, covered with 75-100 hooked spines of 1.0 to 1.5 mm long. The plant flowers and bears fruits during July-January.

175 - 176 (2 Pages)
89 Combretum indicum (L.) defilipps

Common name    :    English- Rangoon creeper         Hindi- Madhumalti         Odia- Madhumalati Family    :    Combretaceae   Habit & Distribution It is a climbing shrub (Fig. 89 a), cultivated widely in gardens and distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant is a twining climber blooming profusely throughout summer and can reach up to 70 feet in tropical climate. The leaves are elliptic-oblong and 7-15 cm long. Flowers are scented, pink-white to reddish-white in colour and grow in pendent racemes with a very fast rate. The plant flowers and bears fruits in most parts of the year.

177 - 178 (2 Pages)
90 Xanthium strumarium L.

Common name    :    English- Common Cocklebur         Hindi- Chhota dhatura/Ghagra         Odia- Mendhaguli Family    :    Asteraceae Habit & Distribution The plant is a herb (Fig. 90 a), found in cultivated lands, coastal dunes, water resources, roadsides, waste places and field edges. It is distributed throughout India. General Characters The plant has large and broad leaves, light and bright green in colour in an alternate pattern with irregular lobes. Stem turns maroon to black when mature, with hairy appearance. The flowers are white or green, numerous and covered with hooked bristles. The fruit is obovoid, 1.5-2.5 cm long and covered with hooked spines of 2-4 mm long. The plant flowers and bears fruits during August-September.

179 - 180 (2 Pages)
91 End Pages

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