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A.M. Ranjith
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This book has been written, primarily due to my own felt need to have a comprehensive text book on the pests of horticultural crops and methods to manage it, in the integrated way. Due to the widespread use of digital color photography and the good resolution that you get in even the basic level digital cameras, it is possible to get good photos. It was thus more of a need to have a text book to teach the UG and PG students, that this book was written. It was also necessary that any practicing field level worker like officers of the state department of Agriculture and commodity boards, and every practicing farmer with an ability to read English text book, should be guided into the basic facts about the pests of crops. It is most likely that most of the information is available in this book itself, as pest of some other crop. It will then be possible to read on the pest in that , and manage the pest effectively using the latest techniques available to the crop management expert.

0 Start Pages

Preface   It has bean a long journey into completing this book. The book is intended for the undergraduate and post graduate students of Agriculture, and Agricultural Entomology. As has been discussed in the introduction, this book is probably the only comprehensive book with photographs and most recent scientific names, along with the old names, which has been published in the last forty years. I take pride in it, and attributes it to the continuous pestering (for good reason) of me for recommending to them a text book that would be useful for them in the field, in the class, and for JRF and other comprehensive exams. Even though a book of such a magnitude cannot be foolproof, (there are still some typographical errors, front problems and such minor errors) that the guide for the scientist, the teaching faculty and even policy makers, who would take time off to get informed on the ground realities of pest and pest management. I place this book for all these groups. There is something more to add. In Kerala, the use of Endosulfan has been banned for a long time. The other insecticides that have been banned in Kerala are Carbofuran, Phorate, Methyl, Parathion, Monocrotophos, Methyl, Demeton, Triazophos and Profenophos. None of the recommendations in the book, for use of these pesticides in crops, should thus be used in Kerala, it is also to be noted that carbaryl is no longer available, and will hence have to be substituted with other suitable insecticides. These hard chemicals should be substituted with suitable newer chemicals, which are more environmental friendly, ecologically sound and economically cost effective. Indeed, the recommendations are just for guidance, and as newer strategies for IPM develop, the use of chemical insecticides is bound to decrease.

1 Almond

Green peach aphid/leaf curl aphid : Brachycaudus helichrysi : Aphididae These are green aphids that suck the sap from growing buds. Leaf buds become weak and result in poor setting and premature fruit fall. The pest has a worldwide distribution. In India it is seen in the hills of North India and in nilgiris. It is a serious pest of peaches, plum, apricot, and almond. The aphids attack the tender portions like new buds, blossoms, petioles, tender fruits and leaves. When the new flushes are attacked, the leaves get curled and crinkled and fruit set is either reduced or  fruits fall off . The infestation starts with the commencement of bud swelling and continues until after flowering. The leaf curl may be confused with that due to the fungal leaf curl by Taphrina deformans.

1 - 6 (6 Pages)
2 AONLA or Indian Gooseberry Amla or Amalalsa

This crop is gaining importance as a main ingredient in Indian diet due to its medicinal properties. Large areas are under its cultivation and the larger fruited varieties have become very popular. It is one of the prime constituents in ayurvedic preparations Bark-eating caterpillars - Indarbela quadrinotata, I. tertraonis: Metarbelidae The larvae of this species make zigzag galleries and feed on the bark under silken ribbon- shaped webs. They are stout and dirty brown in colour. Fruit- borer : Deudorix Isocrates : Lycaenidae: The larvae of this beautiful butterfly cause considerable damage (up to 42%) to fruits.  They start feeding while the fruit is tender, and growing. During severe infestations, chemical control may be warranted. This can be done by spraying contact insecticides like malathion, or dichlorvos or  fenvalerate or other synthetic pyrethroids.

7 - 8 (2 Pages)
3 Apple

Apple codling moth: Cydia (Carpocapsa) pomonella: Tortricidae  This is an international pest and is now seen in Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. This is a fruit borer whose moth is silvery white with a dark band on the margin of the forewing and light brownish hind wings with a fringed margin. The moths hold their wings roof-like over the body while at rest.

9 - 18 (10 Pages)
4 Apricot

Indian gypsy moth: Lymantria obfuscata: Lymantridae Eggs are laid by the bulky adult female moth, which has only rudimentary wings and hence cannot fly.  Eggs are laid under the bark on the tree trunks or on fallen leaves. They feed on many shade trees and other trees also.  Feeding is gregarious and done during night. The trees are almost completely defoliated. Management involves spot application of contact insecticides at the beginning, when the larvae are small and before they disperse to the different leaves.

19 - 22 (4 Pages)
5 Banana

Pseudostem borer: Odoiporus longicollis: Curculionidae Distribution : It is widely distributed in all banana growing areas and has got introduced into South India somewhere in the eighties and spread fast in the banana areas of Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Kerala and Karnataka. Biology : Adults of the weevil are reddish brown to black and resemble the adults of the rhizome weevil in size and shape. They live for about four months. The snout is long with the characteristic geniculate antennae.

23 - 30 (8 Pages)
6 Ber

Ber fruit fly:  Carpomyia vesuviana :Tephritidae Adult is a small fly with black spots on the thorax and dark spots on the wings. They have only one pair of wings typical of diptera. The attack by the insect causes rotting of fruits and fruit drop. The adult female lays eggs singly in cavities made on the fruit by the ovipositor.  One female can lay up to 22 eggs. Egg period lasts for 2-3 days and the emerging maggots feed inside the fruit for about 7-10 days. The fully grown maggot falls to the ground to pupate in soil.  Pupal period is around 5-30 days. There can be 2-3 generations /year.

31 - 34 (4 Pages)
7 Citrus

Citrus butterfly: Papilio demoleus, P. polytes : Papilionidae The pest is distributed all over the world and has a host range that includes citrus and other rutaceae plants like Aegle marmelos. Adult has the head and thorax black with a creamy-yellow coloration on the underside of the abdomen. Wings are dull black, orna-mented with yellow markings and a distinct red patch on the hind wing. The underside is orange and yellow coloured and can be seen when it flirts for honey collection or just before egg laying. The Antenna is black and clubbed.

35 - 44 (10 Pages)
8 Custard Apple

Mealy bugs: Ferrisia virgata, Planococcous lilacinus, P. pacificus, Maconellicoccus hirsutus, Perisopneumon ferox: Pseudococcidae The fruit is seen covered with a mealy coating due to colonies of small reddish-white mealy bugs. They also infest leaves, shoots and buds. Due to sucking of sap by nymphs and adult female mealy bugs, fruits remain small in size and become shrivelled. Large number of mealy bugs is seen in the tip of the petiole abd also on the grooves of fruits epicarp. The fruit also becomes blackish due to the development of sooty mould.

45 - 46 (2 Pages)
9 Fig

Stem-borer: Batocera rufomaculata, B. rubus, Olenecamptus bilobus:Cerambycidae These are large dark brown adult beetles that lay eggs in loose bark.  Grubs bore into the trunk and make tunnels in branches and main trunks.  This causes drying and wilting of the branches. Adults of O. bilobus are pale whitish with long serrate antenna.   When bark is suspected to have the grubs, try mechanical removal of them. Paste the tree trunk with mud paste containing insecticides like chlorpyriphos or carbaryl. In endemic areas, spray the bark with Carbaryl 4gm /l, Malathion one ml/l, or Chlorpyriphos 2.5ml/l

47 - 48 (2 Pages)
10 Grape

Grapevine stem girdler:  Sthenias grisator : Cerambycidae This is a pest that can also survive on mango, rose, cocoa, coffee, almond, and mulberry. The ovipositing adult causes wilting of branches and then the entire vine. Adults are medium-sized, grey coloured beetles with a white spot at the center of each elytron. They are active at night. Eggs are deposited in clusters of 2-4, underneath loose bark of girdled branches. Eggs are oval and enveloped in a white parchment like covering. Adults emerge out and start ovipositing individual eggs at a point in the vine in a circular fashion so that the vine dries up above this point. Egg period takes about 8 days. The grub has dark brown head and mouth has a pair of prominent mandibles, each with two teeth. The grub continues its life as a semi saprophyte and pupates in the same tunnel. A single generation can occupy one year.

49 - 52 (4 Pages)
11 Guava

Spiralling whitefly : Aleurodicus dispersus : Aleyrodidae A. dispersus originated from the tropical countries in Central and South America. More recently, it has been reported from Asia and Africa. In India, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu faces its problem. A. dispersus is a highly polyphagous species. Its wide host range includes many vegetable, ornamental and fruit crops, as well as numerous trees and shrubs, including Capsicum, Citrus, Cocos nucifera (coconut), Euphorbia pulcherrima (poinsettia), Glycine max (soybean), Hibiscus, Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato), Mangifera indica (mango), Musa (banana), Persea americana (avocado), Prunus spp., Psidium guajava (guava)and  Solanum melongena (brinjal) etc.

53 - 58 (6 Pages)
12 Jackfruit

Shoot and fruit borer : Diaphania (Margaronia) caesalis :  Pyraustidae The shoot-and fruit-borer D.caesalis is a major pest of jackfruit in India. The larvae are reddish brown with pale brown head and thin hairs from black warts. The caterpillars bore into the shoots, buds and fruits.  Affected shoots wilt or dry up and the fruits rot and drop. The adult is brown with grey elliptical patterns on the wings.

59 - 60 (2 Pages)
13 LItchi

Fruit borers : Criptophlebia illepida, Rapala varuna, Deudorix epijarbas, D. Isocrates : Lycaenidae Of the four species, C.illepida is more damaging to litchi fruits. The larvae bore into developing fruits and seeds, filling the bore-holes with excreta and the infested fruits start rotting.

61 - 62 (2 Pages)
14 Loquat

Fruit –fly : Bactrocera dorsalis :Tephritidae The process of egg laying and ovipunctures makes the fruits deformed. Feeding of maggots in the pulp induces rotting and fruit drop. Bark-eating caterpillar : Indarbela quadrinotata Severe damage on loquat due to I. quadrinotata was observed during October- November in Uttar Pradesh. There are some cultivars like  Thames Pride which are less susceptible.

63 - 64 (2 Pages)
15 Mango

Mango Fruit fly : Bactrocera dorsalis : Tephritidae This is probably the most economically important pest of mango. It can attack many crops like mango, guava, peach, apricot, cherry, pear, ber, citrus, banana, papaya, avocado, passion fruit, coffee, melons, jack fruit and strawberry. There are also related species that may cross infect. The adults are light brown small flies with a single pair of membranous transparent wings. The other pair is modified into halteres. Eggs are thrust into the skin of the mangoes when they are semi ripe. A drop of resin comes out of the ovipunctures and can be seen as a black mark. While purchasing mango, this can be used as an indication of the presence of the fruit fly eggs.

65 - 74 (10 Pages)
16 Olive

Olive-scale: Metacernema japonica: Black scale: Saissetia oleae: Coccidae Olive scales are tiny pale-greyish insects which settle on branches, leaves and fruits and are active during April-November. S. oleae are round greenish brown scales. Nymphs and adults of both the species suck the sap from the tender shoots, and leaf petioles. Sooty-mould appears on leaves and branches of infested plants as a consequence of honeydew secre-tion. Shoots get dried up and fruits remain undersized.

75 - 76 (2 Pages)
17 Papaya

Fruit flies : Bactrocera cucurbitae,Toxotrypana curvicauda : Tephritidae The fruit flies lay eggs on maturing fruits. The emerging maggots feed in the fruit pulp, causing rotting of the fruits. AK grasshopper: Poekilocerus pictus: Acrididae Nymphs and adults of the AK grass hopper feed on papaya leaves and tender bark.  Maximum damage is done during July-August in North India.   Aphids : Aphis gossypii, Myzus persicae: Aphididae Nymphs and adult aphids suck sap from leaves. They are more important as a vector of papaya mosaic virus disease. The affected trees die in an year or two.

77 - 80 (4 Pages)
18 Peach and Persimmon

Green peach aphid/peach leaf curl aphid : Brachycaudus helichrysi Aphididae These are green aphids that suck the sap from growing buds. Leaf buds become weak and result in poor setting and premature fruit fall.   Blossom thrips : Thrips rhopalantennalis, T. flavus, T. florum, Haplothrips tenuipennis, Frankliniella dampfi : Thripidae These are tiny, yellow, pale-brown and black slender insects seen within the flowers and flower buds. Adults and nymphs lacerate floral parts and suck sap resulting in brown spots. Infested flowers give sickly and faded look. Lesions cause flower fall, inferior fruits and loss in yield. Attack on tender leaves causes necrotic silvering, curling, deformation and withering.

81 - 82 (2 Pages)
19 Pineapple

Mealy bug: Dysmicoccus brevipus: Pseudococcidae Mealy bugs are major pests of pineapple in India. They can attack roots and aerial parts. Colonies of reddish –white mealy bugs infest roots, crown, and fruits and suck sap. The leaves change in colour from green to red or pink and the margins reflect inwards and leaf tip starts drying. Severely infested plants become stunted and bear only small fruits. The attacked plants should be drenched with an insecticide solution of contact insecticides like Quinalphos or Dichlorvos or Chlorpyriphos@ 0.05% concentration, in between the fronds and allowed to drip down to reach the roots. Addition of liquid soap @4 ml per litre or 4 g of soap powder per litre is a must to get the best results.

83 - 84 (2 Pages)
20 Plum

Plum weevil : Amblyrrhinus poricollis, Myllocerus laetivirens, M. sabulosus, M. undecimpustulatus : Curculionidae Adult beetles feed on the epidermis of fresh and tender leaves leaving behind only the network of veins and affected leaves dry up and fall. They cause serious damage in young plantations. Defoliating beetles   Adoretus duvauceli, A. versutus, Anomala dimidiata, A. flavipes, A. lineatopennis, A. rufiventris, Holotrichia longipennis, Hilyotrogus holosericeous, Lachnosterna coriacea, L. crinicollis, L. longipennis, Mimela passerine, M. pectoralis.

85 - 88 (4 Pages)
21 Pomegranate

Fruit borer (Anar butterfly): Deudorix(Virachola) isocrates; D. epijarbas: :Lycaenidae This is a pest distributed all over India and adjoining countries .It has a host range covering apple, gooseberry ber, citrus, guava, litchi, loquat, peach, mulberry, pear, sapota and  tamarind. Adult is a beautiful glossy bluish to brownish violet butterfly with an orange patch on forewings and a tail in the hind wing.

89 - 92 (4 Pages)

STRAWBERRY White grubs and cut worms These insects cut the roots and stems of young plants.   Hairy caterpillars Defoliate plants during June-July

93 - 94 (2 Pages)
23 Ambrette (Abelmoschus moschatus)

Spotted boll  worms/ Shoot and fruit borer: Earias vitella (=E.fabia), E. insulana: Noctuidae This is a pest on cotton, bhendi, hibiscus, holly hock and other malvaceous vegetables. Moths lay eggs singly in leaf axils, bracts and leaf veins and on under surface. Larvae bore into tender shoots, buds, flowers and fruits and feed on internal contents.  Damage results in drooping of shoots and shedding of buds and flowers. The infested fruits have bore holes, are deformed and become unfit for consumption.  Bore holes are plugged with excreta.

95 - 98 (4 Pages)
24 Aswagandha

Withania somnifera, also known as Ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, Winter cherry, Ajagandha, Kan-aje Hindi, Amukkara in Tamil and Samm Al Ferakh, is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family. Grasshoppers : Trilophida an- nulata : Acrididae The nymphs and adults of this grasshopper feed on the margins of leaves of Aswagandha. It is only a minor pest, nibbling on the leaves.

99 - 102 (4 Pages)
25 Coleus Aromaticus

Lace wing bug: Monantha globulifera : Tingidae Eggs are inserted slantingly into leaves and other tender foliage.  Black spiny nymphs and lace winged adults suck the sap from leaves. Attacked leaves develop yellow patches become brown, shrivel and dry up in severe cases. Leaf feeder : Helicoverpa armigera : Noctuidae The female moth lays eggs on tender foliage. Young larva feeds on tender foliage and starts infesting the older ones in later instars. A single caterpillar can destroy many leaves

103 - 104 (2 Pages)
26 Davana Geranium Bourbon

Semilooper: Thysanoplusia(Plusia) orichalcea : Noctuidae Bluish green or grey coloured eggs are laid singly on lower surface of leaves.The larvae are semi loopers and feed voraciously on leaves and cause defoliation of the plants.

105 - 106 (2 Pages)
27 Fennel

Thrips : Thrips flavus : Thripidae Infestation of thrips is generally during hot months with high night humidity.  The attack by thrips leads to discolouration, bronzing and drying of affected leaves. Semilooper : Thysanoplusia orichalcea  : Noctuidae Bluish green or grey coloured eggs are laid singly on lower surface of leaves.  Larvae feed voraciously on leaves and defoliate plants.

107 - 108 (2 Pages)
28 FRENCH BASIL(Ocimum basilicum)

The cotton aphid :Aphis gossypii: Aphididae Both nymphs and adults cause the damage by sucking the plant sap from shoot tips, flowers and leaves.  Severe infestation may result in complete drying of affected parts.  Attacked leaves curl up, wither and fall. These are yellowish green or brown coloured aphids.  The total life cycle from first instar nymph to adult occupies an average of 8-10days.  It reproduces parthenogenetically and viviparously.  The female may produce 10-30 young ones in a life span of 10-12 days.  The nymphs transform into adult in 5-8 days after passing through four moults.

109 - 110 (2 Pages)
29 Isabgol

The cotton aphid: Aphis gossypii: Aphididae Symptoms of Damage Both nymphs and adults cause the damage by sucking the plant sap from shoot tips, pods and leaves. Severe infestation may result in complete drying of affected parts. Attacked leaves curl up, wither and fall. These are yellowish green or brown coloured aphids. The total life cycle from first instar nymph to adult occupies an average of 8-10days. It reproduces parthenogenetically and viviparously. The female may produce 10-30 young ones in a life span of 10-12 days. The nymphs transform into adult in 5-8 days after passing through four moults. 

111 - 112 (2 Pages)
30 Lemon grass

Shoot borer: Chilo infuscatellus : Pyralidae This pyralid is more commonly known as a pest of sugarcane. Eggs are laid in batches on lower side of leaves.  The emerging larvae move down and cut a hole at the ground level and enters the stem.  Due to feeding of larva, the central shoot begins to wilt and dry causing dead heart. The yield of the crop is affected.New tillers may develop but will not have the physiological maturity and oil content at the time of harvest.

113 - 114 (2 Pages)
31 Mentha or Mint

Cabbage semilooper: Thysanoplusia orichalcea :Noctuidae Eggs are laid singly on lower surface of leaves.  The emerging larvae feed as a scraper initially and then feed voraciously on the leaves. The larva is greenish and hence not easily noticed initially. But when patches of damage occur in the crop, examine for the larvae and remove and destroy all the larvae. Chemical control is not advisable, and spraying extracts of other aromatic plants can deter egg laying very well.

115 - 116 (2 Pages)
32 Opium

Cut worms: Agrotis suffusa: Noctuidae Adult moth lays eggs in moist soil or on lower side of leaves.  Dark brown larvae cut young plants at ground level and shoot of grown up plants. Damage results in growth retardation of plants and reduced yield.

117 - 118 (2 Pages)
33 Patchouli

Leaf webber: Syngamia abruptalis :Pyralidae   Caterpillars feed extensively on tender foliage leaving veins alone and the growth of the plants are affected. Leaf roller: Psara stullalis: Pyralidae Larvae of these small moths are also leaf Webbers and rollers, and rolls the leaves and feed inside causing browning and drying of affected leaves. Inspect the crop for the pest incidence and remove the initial attacks systematically.

119 - 120 (2 Pages)
34 Periwinkle

Sphingid larva: Dilephila nerii :Sphingidae The large larvae cause severe damage to plants by feeding extensively on leaves, buds and flowers.They are very big and can easily be hand picked and killed or fed to poultry.

121 - 122 (2 Pages)
35 Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina)

Scale: Saissetia coffeae: Coccidae Scale insects Brownish black scale infests lower surface of leaves along with mid ribs and mid veins.They also cover petioles and tender shoots.  Due to draining of sap, leaves turn yellow and drop, plants become stunted.

123 - 124 (2 Pages)
36 Anthurium

Thrips – Chaetanaphorothrips  orchidii, Thripidae: Thysanoptera It is a polyphagous feeder that attacks other ornamentals, herbs, fruits, vegetables, grasses, and weeds, but shows preference for Anthurium species. It is a widely distributed species infesting green houses and out door landscapes. Both adult and immature thrips start feeding within unopened Anthurium spathe. Damage appears as white streaks on the upper and lower surface of the spathe, resulting in deformed spathe and bronzing of the injured tissue with age. In severe cases, spathe  fails to open and the foliage may be deformed with streaming and bronzing and thereby reduced plant growth.

125 - 128 (4 Pages)
37 Carnation

Aphids: Myzus persicae : Aleyrodidae Aphids are considered as the most serious pest of carnation. Both adults and nymphs suck sap from the leaves and debilitate the plants. They transmit carnation ring spot and carnation mosaic virus disease. They are thus more important as vectors. Regular monitoring for the incidence of the aphid and spot spray-ings of contact insecticides on the shoot tips can easily manage the pest.

129 - 130 (2 Pages)
38 China Aster

Chrysomelid beetle : Aulacophora foveicollis : Chrysomelidae Adults cut tender shoots and feed on leaves resulting in holes and loss of leaf. Grubs feed on roots and underground stems leading to yellowing,wilting and drying of attacked plants.

131 - 132 (2 Pages)
39 Chrysanthemum

Chrysomelid beetle : Aulacophora foveicollis : ChrysomelidaeAphids : Macrosiphoniella  sanborni; Myzus  persicae; Brachicaudus  helichrysi; Aphis  gossypi; Aphis fabae; Aulocorthum circumflexum: Aphid Chrysanthemum   is infested by different species of aphids. Aphids are small, soft bodied insects and their colour varies with species. Both nymphs and adults cluster on the growing stem tips and under surface of leaves. As a result, the plants show loss of vigor, distortion of leaves and flowers, yellowing, premature leaf fall and stunted growth. The damaged plants bear only undersized buds and they remain unopened. Peak damage period is November-December. Secretion of honeydew by the aphids favor development of sooty mould which hinders photosynthesis and the plants become stunted. They are also vectors of virus diseases.

133 - 136 (4 Pages)
40 Crossandra

Spikeborer : Helicoverpa armigera : Noctuidae Larvae of this polyphagous moth feed on the spikelets, flowers and developing seeds. The young larvae bite holes into the spikelets and the grown up ones attack the mature spikes

137 - 138 (2 Pages)
41 Gladiolus

Thrips : Taeniothrips simplex : Thripidae Yellow coloured nymphs and black adults damage leaves and spikes by rasping tissues and sucking the sap.  Affected leaves and spikes develop silver streaks, turn brown, get deformed and dry when attack is severe.  Corms in storage are also attacked. Infested corms are sticky, get shriveled and produce weak plants.

139 - 140 (2 Pages)
42 Jasmine

Bud-worm : Hendecasis duplifascialis : Pyraustidae This pest is serious on J.sambac. The larvae are dark green with black head which bores into immature buds.  They make a hole on the buds, and feed inside, leaving behind faecal pellets entangled in few silk strands. Webbing is seen in severe infestation and pupation takes place in soil.

141 - 142 (2 Pages)
43 Marigold

Bud caterpillars : Helicoverpa armigera : Noctuidae Eggs are laid singly on young buds.  Larvae feed on developing flowers by damaging florets. They can also eat the leaves. Leaf webber : Phycita sp. : Phycitidae Larvae of Phycita sp. feed on heads of buds and flowers.

143 - 144 (2 Pages)
44 Orchids

Biosduval Scale/Orchid scale : Diaspis boisduvalii : Diaspididae These scales are round flat and yellow in colour. Only the first instar crawlers move. The others are sedentary. The young and mature scales suck the juice from the leaves, petioles and shoots and also inject toxins into the plant. Affected plants turn yellow in patches, lose vigour and get stunted.

145 - 146 (2 Pages)
45 Rose

Hard Red scale: Aonidiella aurantii :Diaspididae Both adults and young scales suck the sap from the stem and cause spot yellowing and loss of vigour of the plant. Infested shoots bear reddish brown encrustations of the scale and in case of severe damage the shoots dry up.

147 - 150 (4 Pages)
46 Tube Rose

Thrips: Thrips tabaci : Tuberose thrips Franklinella schultzei: Thripidae These minute insects, preferring hot humid weather, rasp and suck the cell sap, causing bronzing, withering and drying up of leaves and flowers. This is the most serious pest on tuberose. Damage to young plants results in stunted growth.

151 - 152 (2 Pages)
47 Arecanut

Spindle bug: Carvalhoia arecae :Miridae Spindle bug is a serious pest multiplying rapidly with the close of monsoon. The adults are red and black and nymphs are greenish in colour with reddish brown patches. Both these stages colonize the top-most leaf axils at the base of the spindle. Adults and nymphs suck the sap from emerging spindle, tender leaves and other tender parts. For feeding they move out and later return to the axils again. At the site of feeding a longitudinal narrow, decolourised zone develops rapidly on either side of the puncture, along the length of the leaf blade. The decolourised patch gradually turns yellowish, then brownish, become stunted, twisted and malformed in a few days and dries up. In this way the tissues may break away and drop off in the wind leaving shot holes on the leaves. In cases of severe infestation the leaves get shred, stand erect and the palms become stunted.

153 - 162 (10 Pages)
48 Cashew

The Tea mosquito bug : Helopeltis antonii : Miridae The host range of this bug also includes tea, neem, moringa and guava. The attack can cause inflorescence blight, terminal drying of young shoots and heavy yield loss. The adult is a reddish brown bug with black head, red thorax, and black and white abdomen. The easiest identifying character for this pest is a pin like process on the scutellum mid dorsally on the thorax. It is reddish brown, erect and knobbed, and would seem as a pin inserted into the scutellum.

163 - 168 (6 Pages)
49 Cacao/Cocoa

Cacao Mealy Bug : Planococcus lilacinus : Pseudococcidae The adult female mealy bug is 3.9 mm in length and 2.25 mm in width. Eggs are laid on the plant parts within a mass of tangled waxy strands, a female laying 50 to 300 eggs. The eggs hatch in less than 6 hours and the nymphs feeding on the plant juice become full-grown in 20-25 days with a mean of 23 days in the case of females and 17 to 20 days for the males. The male nymph assumes a pupal period which lasts for 4 to 6 days and the adult male is winged. They live for 2-3 days while the adult female has longevity of 12 -16 days. The females dominate the population, 67.6 per cent of the crawlers developing into female mealy bugs.

169 - 176 (8 Pages)
50 Coconut

Though the coconut palm is subjected to attack by a number of insect and non insect pests although only 8-10 species of insect pests are considered to be important. Others assume importance, once in a while at isolated locations. Major pests The major pests of coconut include the rhinoceros beetle, red palm weevil, black headed caterpillar, root grub and the perianth mite.

177 - 190 (14 Pages)
51 Coffee

Coffee is an important cash and export crop for small-scale farmers. The crop suffers heavy yield losses due to damage caused by a wide range of insect pests   White stem-borer : Xylotrechus quadripes : Cerambycidae This is one of the important and serious pests of arabica coffee. Other types are also attacked to a slightly lesser extent. The adult is a dark-brown longicorn beetle having several white markings on the elytra and thorax.

191 - 198 (8 Pages)
52 Oilpalm

Spindle bug: Carvalhoia arecae :Miridae Nymphs and adult bugs suck the plant sap from spindle leaf and tender leaves.  Feeding marks are seen as necrotic lesions in the spindle and fully opened leaves.  The pest is seen in the nursery plants round the year but incidence is high during rainy season.

199 - 200 (2 Pages)
53 Tea

Tea tortrix/flushworm: Homona coffearia:Tortricidae The tortrix is  an important pest of tea leaves. The larvae make leaf nests by webbing the leaves using silken threads and feed from inside. A single caterpillar makes several cases. Young larvae prefer tender leaves, while the older larvae are seen in mature leaves. The economic produce being the leaves, and since chemical control is not advised, especially during the picking phase, the pest becomes a management problem.

201 - 210 (10 Pages)
54 Betelvine

Scale insect: Lepidosaphes sp.: Diaspididae The mature scale is elongated and oval in shape and dark grey in colour. They infest the stems, leaves and petioles, causing shriveled leaves due to sucking of the sap. The affected parts wither and dry up. In severe infestation leaves dry up and give sticky look and gradually the vine wilts.

211 - 212 (2 Pages)
55 Cardamom

Cardamom thrips: Sciothrips cardamomi: Thripidae Thysanoptera This thrips attacks other crops like amomum,  tea, colocasia, grapevine, castor, cotton, ginger and turmeric also. The thrips are minute greyish brown insects with fringed wings. They breed on unopened leaves, spindles, leaf sheath, flower bracts and floral tubes .

213 - 220 (8 Pages)
56 Cinnamon

Cinnamon butterfly: Chilasa clytia clytia : Papilionidae Larvae defoliate plants. The larvae are pests on many crop plants and weeds and are common in the plains. The larvae are jet black at hatching. They develop a series of broad white patches. The adult is a common butterfly rich velvety brown, and spotted with white dots. The hind wings have arrow shaped streaks and crescent shaped spots.

221 - 224 (4 Pages)
57 Clove

Stem-borer: Sahyadrassus malabaricus: Hepialidae Presence of the pest is understood when chewed tissue is seen at at the col­lar region. The mouth of the tunnel in which the borer feeds show pieces of bark, wood and frass particles held together by silk. The saplings break off at the point of injury. When the main stem is attacked, there is mat-like frass at basal region of stem. Larvae girdle main stem and bores downward killing the tree. Adult moth is peculiar and hangs vertically down by the support of two pairs of legs. Egg period is for 7-10 days, and larvae live for about 10 months inside the larval tunnels. They pupate for 3-5 weeks.

225 - 226 (2 Pages)
58 Coriander, Cumin, Fennel and Fenugreek

Coriander aphid: Hyadaphis coriandri: Aphididae Coriander aphids are yellow-green in color, dusted with grayish wax. They have short, dusky, slightly swollen, siphunculi (or cornicles). The Aphids form dense, damaging colonies on leaves, heads, and stems of their host plants. In its native land, Florida, USA, the life cycle of the coriander aphid is similar to that of other host-alternating aphids. Overwintering eggs occur on other hosts.  A fundatrix (or stem mother) hatches from the egg in the spring. Her offspring are parthenogenetic, and the winged-females are spring migrants. They colonize summer host plants in the family Umbelliferae.

227 - 228 (2 Pages)
59 Ginger and Turmeric

Shoot borer: Conogethes punctiferalis: Pyraustidae The main damage done by the caterpillar of this pest is to bore holes in the pseudostem and to plug it with excreta, causing dead hearts. Larva is pale greenish with pinkish tinge and dark head and has fine hairs on the body with a pro thoracic shield. Adult is a medium sized moth, pale yellowish with small black spots on the fore and hind wings. Management involves spraying dimethoate or malathion 1.5 ml/lit or phosphamidon 0.75 ml/lit of water. This is mainly intended to manage the adults flying in the crop canopy and the first instar caterpillars that are seen on the outside of the plants and before thsy enter the pseudostem. The spray has to be given at the very first spotting of dead haearts.

229 - 232 (4 Pages)
60 Large Cardamom (Amomum)

Grasshoppers: Mecopoda elongata :Tettigonidae; Oxya velox: Acrididae These pests occur both in nurseries and plantations. Both adults and nymphs feed on leaves by scrapping and eating outer tissues and margins. The emerging leaves are nibbled and the spot holes appear when the leaf unfurls. In severe conditions the entire leaf is eaten leaving behind only the midrib.

233 - 236 (4 Pages)
61 Nutmeg

Scale insects:Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli, Parasaisettia nigra:Coccidae Attack Adults and nymphs feed on plant sap and cause wilting and drying of seedlings and young plants.   Brown soft scale: Lecanium sp. (=Coccus) hesperidum : Coccidae

237 - 238 (2 Pages)
62 Onion and Garlic

Thrips: Thrips tabaci: Thripidae The nymphs and adults of the thrips desap from the narrow spaces between the inner leaf axils. Leaves are faded, with curled tips and shining silver streaks or brown spots.  Many minute yellow or white insects are seen moving, generally near the base or middle of leaves and they suck the sap from the plants.  Plants are faded and the yield is reduced.

239 - 240 (2 Pages)
63 Pepper

Pollu beetle: Longitarsus nigripennis:Chrysomelidae This pest is monophagous to pepper and no alternate host has been reported so far. Nature of Damage Adult is a shining blue flea beetle with yellow head and thorax and has thick enlarged femur and tibia. The adult beetle is only the size of a pin head.  The infested berries dry up and turn dark in colour. Berries become hollow and crumble when pressed and such hollow berries are called “Pollu” meaning empty. The eggs are laid on the berries @ 1-2 eggs in each hole. Eggs hatch in 5-8 days. The grub period extends for 30-32 days. The emerging grubs feed on the berries of pepper and consume the internal contents.

241 - 248 (8 Pages)

Aphids: Aphis gossypii :Aphididae The aphids congregate on growing points and suck the sap. Honey dew secreted by the aphids can cause sooty mould in severe infestation. Attack leads to yellowish speckling and curling of leaves.   Thrips: Caliothrips indicus: Thripidae Characteristic silvery white specks with black dots which are mostly faecal pellets, develop on leaves. Consequently, the leaves dry up.

249 - 252 (4 Pages)
65 Cassava or Tapioca

Cassava scale : Aonidomytilus albus: Diaspididae White elongated scales appear in colonies on stems. Plants die in the field and under storage.  Stem becomes weak and dry, causing side branching to give bushy appearance.  Viability of planting material is reduced, resulting in poor establishment.

253 - 256 (4 Pages)

Leaf-and shoot folders: Hymenia recurvalis : Pyraustidae Pycnarmon cribrata;Phostria piasusalis

257 - 258 (2 Pages)

Aphids: Myzus persicae, Lipaphis erysimi and Brevicoryne brassicae Aphididae   Aphids suck the sap from potato foliage, causing wrinkling, cupping and downward curling of young leaves. The older leaves will become yellow, wilt and fall off.  They also excrete honeydew on which sooty mould develops covering affected parts with a thin superficial black coating that hinders photosynthetic activity of leaves resulting in stunted growth of plants. In addition, they also act as vectors, for transmitting potato leaf roll virus. Major damage by M.persicae and A. gossypii is through transmission of potato leaf roll virus.

259 - 268 (10 Pages)
68 Sweet Potato

Sweet potato weevil: Cylas formicarius: Apionidae It is a specific pest of sweet potato and the most important one. Adult weevils are ant-like, slender bodied having elongated snout-like bluish-brown head with geniculate antenna, bright red thorax and leg tips and bluish-brown elytra. Females make small cavities on the tubers or stems and lay eggs singly. Each female lays 180-200 eggs. Grubs are elongate, legless, pale-yellowish white in colour with smaller brown head. Pupation takes place in larval tunnels in the tuber. Incubation, grub and pupal stages last for 5 to 8, 14 to 17 and 4 to 5 days respectively. Life cycle is completed in 4-5 weeks and adults live for 95-110 days. The grubs bore into stems, tunnel inside and feed on soft tissues. Grubs and adults bore into tubers both in field and storage godowns. Affected tubers develop dark patches, which later start rotting. Feeding holes and adult emergence holes can be seen on vines and tubers.  In severe infestation the collar region of the plants shows unusual thickening due to proliferation and hypertrophy of tissues causing a characteristic terpenoid odour.  Even the slightly damaged tubers are unsuitable for cooking and consumption.  Hence yield loss in practice may come to 100% in many cases.

269 - 274 (6 Pages)
69 Amaranthus and Spinach

Amaranthus stem weevil: Hypolixus truncatulus :Curculionidae   It is an important pest of amaranthus and is widely distributed in India. It attacks both wild and cultivated amaranthus, especially the leafy varieties with large leaves. Hence, management involves destruction of unwanted, weedy wild amaranthus plants, to reduce the breeding place for the weevil. Adults are ash-grey in colour, with elbowed antennae and brown elytra. Females lay eggs singly in holes made on the stem, branches, petioles or midribs. Eggs are smooth, oval and pale yellow in colour. Incubation period is 3 to 8 days.

275 - 280 (6 Pages)
70 Bhindi

Shoot and fruit borer: Earias vitella (=E.fabia), E. insulana: Noctuidae This is a pest on cotton, bhendi, hibiscus, holly hock and other malvaceous vegetables. The damage is due to the larva that bores into tender terminal shoots in the vegetative stage and flower buds;  flowers and young fruits in the fruit formation stage.  The damaged shoot drops, wither and dry up.  The infested fruits have bore holes, are deformed and become unfit for consumption.  Bore holes are plugged with excreta.

281 - 288 (8 Pages)
71 Brinjal

Shoot and fruit borer: Leucinodes orbonalis: Pyraustidae The pest is active throughout year, but more during monsoon period. Heavy losses up to 60% can occur. The adult is a greyish brown medium sized moth with white and hyaline wings, having triangular brown and red markings on forewing. A crescent shaped mark facing outside at the apical margin is typical for the species. About 150-250 creamy white eggs are laid singly on leaves, tender shoots, flowers and developing fruits. Egg period is 3-5 days and the hatched larva completes its life in 15 days with 5 instars.

289 - 296 (8 Pages)
72 Cruciferous Vegetables (Cabbage, Cauliflower and Others)

Diamond back moth: Plutella xylostella: Plutellidae   The adults of this moth are small, greyish brown having pale whitish narrow wings and with inner margins yellow. There are three pale whitish triangular markings on hind margins of each forewing. At rest, when both forewings come together, they form a dorsal median patch of three diamond shaped yellowish white spots that give them their name diamond back moth. Hind wings have a fringe of long hairs.

297 - 304 (8 Pages)

Chilli thrips: Scirtothrips dorsalis, Thrips palmi: Thripidae The adults of this insect are small brownish black with fringed wings. The nymphs are slender and yellowish straw coloured, later acquiring more brownish hue. They lacerate the tissues and feed on the exuding sap. Leaves become crinkled, curled upward and shed. The attack can be confused with chilli mosaic symptom.  In capsicum and chilli, they also feed beneath calyx of flowers and fruits causing flower/fruit drop and reduction in yield and market value of capsicum. Buds become brittle and drop down. Plants get stunted and bronzed. The fruits if at all formed are crinkled and small.

305 - 312 (8 Pages)
74 Cowpea and Other Pulses

The cowpea aphid: Aphis craccivora: Aphididae Hosts   Groundnut, red gram, peas, beans, safflower, lab-lab niger Symptoms of damage   Both nymphs and adults cause the damage by sucking the plant sap from shoot tips, pods and leaves.  Infested pods become malformed and withered.  Severe infestation may result in complete drying of affected pods.  They also act as vector of virus diseases in pea. 

313 - 326 (14 Pages)
75 Cucurbits

Fruit flies: Bactrocera cucurbitae:Tephritidae This pest is more serious in bitter gourd, snake gourd and to a certain extent on ridge gourd. Other cucurbits are attacked to a lesser level. Damage by this pest causes losing the fruit quality, rotting and fruit drop. The adults lay many eggs inside the fruit sing their big ovipositor that hatch out into worm like apodous maggots. Feeding by the maggots on the pulp of fruits result in rotting, yellowing and fruit drop. The dropped fruits allow pupation by the maggots in the soil from where they emerge out as adults and start egg laying on fresh frits.

327 - 336 (10 Pages)
76 Mushroom

Sciarid(mushroom flies): Bradysia paupera, Lycoriella auripila: Sciaridae The larvae feed on the mycelial attachments and restrict the growth of the spawn. The maggots also feed on the developing mushrooms or pinheads and thus cause loss in yield. They also bore the developing mushrooms and render them hollow.

337 - 338 (2 Pages)
77 Tomato

Fruit borer: Helicoverpa armigera: Noctuidae This is a medium sized moth yellowish brown in colour with a wing span of about 3 cm and a body length up to 1.4 cm. There is a dark speck and a dark area on the outer margin of each forewing. The forewings also have greyish wavy lines and black spots of different sizes on the upper side.

339 - 348 (10 Pages)
78 IPM in Vegetables

Reducing insecticide application to the lowest level is the motto of IPM in vegetables. Monitoring for the initial build up and timely mechanical removal of the first population is a must in vegetables. Always remove the first affected plants, by diseases like mosaic, and destroy them by burying or burning. Remove insect eggs, insect affected plant parts and adults and immature stages of insects, and destroy them every day. Do not throw them in the field. They will either come back, or pupate and attack later. During nursery stage, use wood ash, cow dung solution, and plant extracts to deter all pests. Use only low residual insecticides like Dichlorvos 1ml/l, Malathion 2ml/l, Endosulfan 2ml/l or Quinalphos 2ml/l, in spots, at the beginning of attack itself.

349 - 350 (2 Pages)
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