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S.R. Verma
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In the entire book efforts has been made to explain the practical application of modern ICTs for transfer of agriculture technologies. I have focused on systematic presentation of various ICT tools with their applications by different organizations. Deep understanding of modern ICT tools and techniques would enable extension workers, scientists, teachers, students and researchers to work efficiently for wellbeing of the farming community. The book will prove useful and informative for officials of government and non-government organizations working for transfer of agriculture technology; teachers and students of agriculture and allied sectors; Officials of Krishi Vigyan Kendras and agriculture universities; Scientist and researchers of agriculture extension and rural development. Overall the book is constructive for Teaching, Research and Extension in the agriculture and allied fields.

0 Start Pages

Preface Agriculture sector is critically important in any developing economy and no less so in India. Where it contribute close to 13.9 percent of GDP and where 60 percent of population is depend on agriculture. Thus even today agriculture is the main occupation for more than half of Indian population. Therefore prosperity of the farmers holds the key of Indian economy. In the present scenario of agriculture new innovations are emerging fast. Intensive use of innovative technologies can improve the economic condition of the farmers. The work of agriculture technology application at farmer’s fields is being carried out by state agriculture extension system. Unfortunately agriculture extension systems of majority of states have been failed in achieving farmer’s prosperity and happiness which is cause of concern. The foremost grounds of failure of extension system are weak leadership, negligence of bureaucracy, lack of willpower among extension professionals, shortage of budget, lack of skilled human resource, less use of information technology, poor ICT infrastructure, unavailability of knowledge resources and so on. Despite above hindrance some states like M.P., A.P., Kerala, Maharastra and Gujarat have performed excellent work in agriculture development. Enabler of these states is vast use of Information and Communication Technologies for agriculture extension. Every extension professional definitely would like to know the innovative ideas implemented and ICTs used in these states because replication of these ideas and ICTs can revitalize agriculture extension systems of other states. At the present time no book is available which can systematically present the modern ICTs for agriculture extension. I got the idea of writing from here. I believe that it would be great opportunity to the readers to have book containing best ICT initiatives and ideas for agriculture extension. Indeed this book would brainstorm the readers mind and generate unique ideas for agriculture development. In the entire book efforts has been made to explain the practical application of modern ICTs for transfer of agriculture technologies. I have focused on systematic presentation of various ICT tools with their applications by different organizations. Deep understanding of modern ICT tools and techniques would enable extension workers, scientists, teachers, students and researchers to work efficiently for wellbeing of the farming community. I am sure that through study of this book will provide huge sources of authentic and scientific agriculture information. The book “ICTs for Transfer of Technologies: Tools & Techniques” is useful and informative for officials of government and non-government organizations working for transfer of agriculture technology; teachers and students of agriculture and allied sectors; Officials of Krishi Vigyan Kendras and agriculture universities; Scientist and researchers of agriculture extension and rural development. Overall the book is constructive for Teaching, Research and Extension in the agriculture and allied fields. I offer my gratitude and sincere thanks to Dr. F.L. Sharma, Head, Department of Extension Education, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, MPUAT, Udaipur for their guidance and continuous motivation to write this book. I am also thankful to chapter contributors for their cooperation.

1 Information and Communication Technology – An Overview

The present era is rightly termed as an “Information era”. Therefore, information and wide access to it is considered as wealth. People want adequate and authentic information as early as possible. In recent years, information delivery system has been changed from old ways to the modern ways. At the present time information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly being used as effective tool for reaching and delivering professional services among urban and rural communities. Yet the benefits of the information revolution are still much debated, particularly, in case of developing countries like India. There is a growing concern about the gap between the information “haves and have not’s”, which will continue to grow unless the developing countries acquire the infrastructure and resources to access these new ICTs.

1 - 8 (8 Pages)
2 Modern ICT Tools and Techniques

A tool is a handheld item that aids in accomplishing a task. It is an instrument or machine that aids in achieving a task. Tools are something you use to do a job. ICT tools that can be used for betterment of Agriculture Research, Education and Extension are discussed here.     1.    Computer: Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the users and processes these data under the control of set of instructions (called progamme) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the further use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

9 - 20 (12 Pages)
3 Type of Networks

What is Computer Network? A computer network is a collection of computers and devices connected to each other. The network allows computers to communicate with each other and share resources and information. The Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA) designed “Advanced Research Projects Agency Network” (ARPANET) for the United States Department of Defence. It was the first computer network in the world in late 1960’s and early 1970’s

21 - 28 (8 Pages)
4 Cellular Phone Services and Applications
Krunalkumar C. Kamani and Yogesh R. Ghodasara

A cellular phone is also known as a mobile phone, cell phone, portable phone and a hand phone. It is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. The cell phone was invented by Dr. Martin Cooper who led a team of developers at Motorola and made the first cell phone call in April 3, 1973 at Motorola. Today, cell phones are becoming capable of doing almost anything a computer is capable to do. Below, are few examples of what a phone can do?

29 - 38 (10 Pages)
5 Expert System: An ICT Tool for Better Farming

There are many problems in the fields and offices for which we seek the advice of an expert. We recognize persons and experts not only for their knowledge through study but also their ability to apply the knowledge very effectively by virtue of the experience gained over a period of time. The need for experts increases in both dimensions as numbers as well as in the spheres to which expertise is needed. The sphere in which the opinion of an expert can influence decisions or actions is referred to as the domain of the expert. For last few years application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought revolution in many fields. It is the need of the hour that we explore the possibility and the fields of application in agriculture to acquire maximum benefit from the most promising technology of this information era. ICT is one of the thrust areas in the list given by the planning commission (Now Policy Commission), where emphasis can be given to increase the production and productivity of agriculture commodities. During last 50 years, lot of research has been done in the field of Agriculture, which has not been properly extended to the farmers. ICT could be applied as a means in extending the technologies brought up by National Agricultural Research System (NARS) to the farmers.

39 - 54 (16 Pages)
6 Knowledge Management

Introduction The world is said to be a global village organizations and people must learn, unlearn and relearn to expand their capacities and survive in the highly competitive market place. In view of rapidly changing socio–economic circumstance, it is a challenge to survive, excel and grow. It is knowledge which can make difference in getting the competitive edge. Thus, organizations need to pool their internal knowledge and find ways to update, enhance, share and create value. Organizations need to analyze their collective knowledge and use them most efficiently. Need for new and new technology is driving people to innovate in every sphere.

55 - 70 (16 Pages)
7 Websites and Web Portals: Dedicated ICT Tool for Agriculture Extension

The vision 2020 document of the Department of Agriculture and Co-operation envisages that “the tools of ICT will provide networking of Agriculture Sector not only in the country but also globally and the Centre and State Government Departments will have reservoir of databases” and also “bring farmers, researchers, scientists and administrators together by establishing ”Agriculture Online” through exchange of ideas and information”. To get realize the vision 2020 a large number of agriculture based websites and web portals have been established in India which is working for wellbeing of farming community. Majority of agricultural websites and web portals are providing need based technological information to the farmers as well as extension professionals. To revitalize our extension system these web based services can be used as ICT tool by extension personnel and farmers also. Therefore, to get access services from these websites and web portals or to replicate these ideologies in other part of country, elementary knowledge of working process and services available on these websites & web portals is essential. This chapter will provide a brief description about major ICT based projects dedicated to Indian farmers.

71 - 108 (38 Pages)
8 ICTs for Agriculture Development in North East India
Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee, Rebekka Syiem and R. Saravanan

Like many other developing countries, agriculture is the primary occupation of the rural people of North East India. They depend on farming but because of the nature of practices followed, it hardly goes beyond subsistence and so agricultural extension is an important thing in their lives. But in this particular part of the country basically because of the topography which makes it difficult to reach the clusters of villages deep in the hills, forests and valleys, it becomes more and more important to use technologies that reach them like mobile phones, TV and radio. Agricultural information is not something that is needed 24X7 round the year but require on the critical times of the year like before sowing seasons advisories, forecasting diseases and pests when the crop is standing in the field and during harvesting.

109 - 122 (14 Pages)
9 Mobile Phone as ICT Tool

A mobile phone often referred to as a cellular phone or cell phone is an electronic telecommunication device that can make and receive telephone calls through radio wave or satellite transmission whilst moving around a wide geographic area. Most mobile phones provide voice communications, Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), short range wireless communication (Infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming, photography and internet services such as web browsing and e-mail. Mobile communication technology has become the world’s most common way of transmitting voice, data and services, and no other technology has ever spread so fast. The mobile phone is especially important for India because it is growing here faster.

123 - 132 (10 Pages)
10 Touch Screens and Information Kiosks: ICT Tool for Agriculture Extension Services

Touch Screen Kiosks   A touch screen is a device, which allows users to control a Personal Computer by simply touching the display screen by finger or pin. This type of input is suitable for a large number of computing applications. Most PC systems use a touch screen as easily as other input devices such as track balls or touch pads. If a touch screen computer system is installed at the kiosk it is known as touch screen kiosk. It may be Just like ATMs or modern plasma TV set which are developed as information kiosk and the information are made available to the users. A visitor can see the visuals and interact with kiosk to get the desired information. He can elicit the expert information by pressing keys or touching icons. Users can also follow the method of application of any technology through seeing of clippings at touch screen kiosk. In the touch screen kiosks, information is made accessible in the form of images, voice, video, graphics and texts. A large number of touch screen kiosks have been established by Indian railway, government offices, Banks and private companies where by touch of finger users can get access to various services (G2C and B2C) offered by the organization or company.

133 - 152 (20 Pages)
11 Status and Prospects of ICT Application in Agriculture

ICTs are emerging as very important tools for agricultural extension and it is now essential for every extension worker to have working knowledge of ICT tools and devices like computers, internet, mobile phone, kisan call center, information kiosks, e-mails, expert systems, touch screen systems, mobile telephony and World Wide Web. Keeping in mind wide scope of ICT application in agriculture, the entire study entitled “Status and prospects of ICT application in agriculture through extension functionaries” was undertaken with following specific objectives.

153 - 164 (12 Pages)
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