Library and Information Centres are continuing to provide information services in a changing environment. The advent of Information and communication Technologies has enabled libraries not only to improve the traditional library services but also to devise new methods of information services using latest technological tools. The information seeking behavior of the users has been changed and they demand latest information from any source through any method. Hence the application of latest ICT can be able to suffice the current information needs of the information stakeholders. Most of the information sources are being published in digital formats. The emergence of digital libraries has completely changed the information dissemination scenario. Users are now can be able to have access to any library for any information they seek. It is only the digital libraries which can develop such a system of information dissemination. But access to information is a problem. Such problems can be solved if digital libraries are developed in right platform. In order to discuss those emerging problems the Editors invited the contributors some useful papers. Hence, the book deals with some of the emerging topics on digital libraries which will be useful for the library and information professionals.