14 End Pages
Abollino Ornella, Aceto Maurizio, Malandrino Mery, Mentas Edoardo, Sarzanini Corrado Sarzanini And Barberis Renzo, 2002, Distribution And Mobility of Metals In Contaminated Sites. Chemometric Investigation of Pollutant Profiles, Environ, Pollut., 119: 17-193.
Addison P.A., Malhotra S.S. And Khan A.A., 1984, Effect of Sulphur Di Oxide On Woody Boreal Forest Species Grown On Native Soils And Tailings., J. Environ. Qual. 13:333-336.
Agarwal M., Singh S.K., Singh J., And Rao DN., 1991, Bio-monitoring of Air Pollution Around Urban And Industrial Sites, J. of Env. Bio. 211.
Agarwal S., Tiwari S.L., 1996, Effect of Industrial Air Pollution On Leaf Area And Dry Weight Ratio And Photosynthetic Pigments of Some Tree Species, Environment And Ecology 14(4): 818-820.
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ASTDR), 1988, The nature and extent of lead poisoning in children in the US., A Report to Congress, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Agrawal Madhoolika, Najma Khanam (Dept Bot, Banaras Hindu Univ, Varanasi 221005), 1997, Variations In Concentrations of Particulate Matter Around A Cement Factory, Indian J Environ Hlth 39(2), 97- 102.
Akhter M.S. And Madany I.M, Heavy Metals In Street And House Dust In Bahrin, 1993, Water Air And Soil Pollut. 66: 111-119.
Aksoy A. And Ozturk M.A., 1997, Nerium Oleander L. As A Biomonitor of Lead And Other Heavy Metal Pollution In Mediterranean Environments, Sci. Total Environ. 205: 145-150.
Albasel N. and Cottenie A., 1985, Heavy metal concentration near majoe highways, industrial and urban area in Belgian Grassland, Water Air Soil Pollution, 24: 103-109.
Alder J.M. and Carey P.M., 1989, Air toxics emissions and health risks from mobile sources, 82 nd annual meeting of the air and waste association, Anaheim, California.
Alfani A., Maisto G., Iovieno P., Rutigliano F.A., Bartoli G., 1996, Leaf Contamination By Atmospheric Pollutants As Assessed By Elemental Analysis of Leaf Tissue, Leaf Surface Deposit And Soil, Journal of Plant Physiology 148: 243:248.
Ali E.A., Nasralla M.M. And Shakour A.A., 1986, Spatial And Seasonal Variation of Lead In Cairo Atmosphere, Environmental Pollution, 11(B): 205-210.
Allerd E.N. et. al., 1989, Short term effects of CO exposure on the exercise performance of subjects with coronary artery disease, New England Journal of Medicine, 321: 426-432.
Amundson R.G., Walker R.B., Legge A.H., 1986, Sulphur Gas Emission In The Boreal Forest: The West White Court Case Study. Vii. Pine Tree Physiology. Water Air Soil Pollution 29: 129-147.
Anbazhagan M., Krishnamurthy R., And Bhagwat KA., 1989, Environmental Pollution, 58: 125.
Abollino Ornella, Aceto Maurizio, Malandrino Mery, Mentas Edoardo, Sarzanini Corrado Sarzanini And Barberis Renzo, 2002, Distribution And Mobility of Metals In Contaminated Sites. Chemometric Investigation of Pollutant Profiles, Environ, Pollut., 119: 17-193.
Addison P.A., Malhotra S.S. And Khan A.A., 1984, Effect of Sulphur Di Oxide On Woody Boreal Forest Species Grown On Native Soils And Tailings., J. Environ. Qual. 13:333-336.
Agarwal M., Singh S.K., Singh J., And Rao DN., 1991, Bio-monitoring of Air Pollution Around Urban And Industrial Sites, J. of Env. Bio. 211.
Agarwal S., Tiwari S.L., 1996, Effect of Industrial Air Pollution On Leaf Area And Dry Weight Ratio And Photosynthetic Pigments of Some Tree Species, Environment And Ecology 14(4): 818-820.
Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ASTDR), 1988, The nature and extent of lead poisoning in children in the US., A Report to Congress, US Department of Health and Human Services.
Agrawal Madhoolika, Najma Khanam (Dept Bot, Banaras Hindu Univ, Varanasi 221005), 1997, Variations In Concentrations of Particulate Matter Around A Cement Factory, Indian J Environ Hlth 39(2), 97- 102.
Akhter M.S. And Madany I.M, Heavy Metals In Street And House Dust In Bahrin, 1993, Water Air And Soil Pollut. 66: 111-119.
Aksoy A. And Ozturk M.A., 1997, Nerium Oleander L. As A Biomonitor of Lead And Other Heavy Metal Pollution In Mediterranean Environments, Sci. Total Environ. 205: 145-150.
Albasel N. and Cottenie A., 1985, Heavy metal concentration near majoe highways, industrial and urban area in Belgian Grassland, Water Air Soil Pollution, 24: 103-109.
Alder J.M. and Carey P.M., 1989, Air toxics emissions and health risks from mobile sources, 82 nd annual meeting of the air and waste association, Anaheim, California.
Alfani A., Maisto G., Iovieno P., Rutigliano F.A., Bartoli G., 1996, Leaf Contamination By Atmospheric Pollutants As Assessed By Elemental Analysis of Leaf Tissue, Leaf Surface Deposit And Soil, Journal of Plant Physiology 148: 243:248.
Ali E.A., Nasralla M.M. And Shakour A.A., 1986, Spatial And Seasonal Variation of Lead In Cairo Atmosphere, Environmental Pollution, 11(B): 205-210.
Allerd E.N. et. al., 1989, Short term effects of CO exposure on the exercise performance of subjects with coronary artery disease, New England Journal of Medicine, 321: 426-432.
Amundson R.G., Walker R.B., Legge A.H., 1986, Sulphur Gas Emission In The Boreal Forest: The West White Court Case Study. Vii. Pine Tree Physiology. Water Air Soil Pollution 29: 129-147.
Anbazhagan M., Krishnamurthy R., And Bhagwat KA., 1989, Environmental Pollution, 58: 125.