Al-Ani, F.K. and Vestweber, J.G.E., 1986. Udder oedema: an update review. Vet. Bull., 56: 763-769.
Aitken, I.D. 2007. Diseases of sheep, 4th edition, Blackwell publishing, UK.
Bennett, R. H. and Jasper, D. E. 1980. Bovine mycoplasmal mastitis from intramammary inoculations of small numbers of Mycoplasma bovis: local and systemic antibody response. Am. J. Vet. Res. 41(6):889-92.
Bennett, R.H. and Jasper, D.E. 1977. Bovine mycoplasma mastitis from intramammary inoculation of small numbers of Mycoplasma bovis. I. Microbiology and pathology. Vet. Microbiol., 2(4): 341–355.
Bergey’s Manual of determinative bacteriology. (edited by) John, G. Holt Fetd. 9th edn. (1994).
Bottom of Al-Ani, F.K. and Vestweber, J.G.E., 1986. Udder oedema: an update review. Vet. Bull., 56: 763-769.
Bertschinger, H. U., Pohlenz, J. and Hemlep, I. 1977. Studies on the mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome (milk fever) in sows. II. Bacteriological findings in spontaneous cases. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd.119(6): 223-33.
Bostedt, H., Lehmann ,B. and Peip, D. 1988. The problems of mastitis in mares. Tierarztl. Prax.. 16(4):367-71.
Bradley, A. J. 2002. Bovine Mastitis: An Evolving Disease. Vet. J., 164(2): 116–128.
Buchanan, A. G. 1982. Clinical laboratory evaluation of a reverse CAMP test for presumptive identification of Clostridium perfringens. J. Clin. Microbiol. 14:761–762.
Bushnell, R. B. 1984. Mycoplasma mastitis. Vet. Clin. North Am. Large Anim. Pract., 6(2):301-12.
Chareonsirisuthigul, T., Kirpal, G., Amtsberg, G. 1979. Biochemistry, serology, pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance of an Escherichia coli strain from healthy sows and from animals with mastitismetritis-agalactia syndrome. Berl. Munch Tierarztl. Wochenschr. 92(21):409-16.
Christie, N. E., Atkins, N. E. and Munch-Petersen, E. 1944. A note on a lytic phenomenon shown by group B Streptococcus. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 22:193–195.
Claxton, P.D. and Ryan, D. 1980. Bovine mastitis bacteriology. Australian Standard Diagnostic Techniques for Animal Diseases. Pp. 1-8
Daley, M. J., Oldham, E. R., Williams, T. J. and Coyle, P. A. 1991. Quantitative and qualitative properties of host polymorphonuclear cells during experimentally induced Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in cows. Am. J. Vet. Res., 52(3): 474-9.
Darling, J. F. 1975. Standardization and evaluation of CAMP reaction for the prompt, presumptive identification of Streptococcus agalactiae (Lancefield group B) in clinical material. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1:171–174.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2005.Status of nitric oxide production by polymorphonuclear cells during clinical mastitis in lactating cows. Indian J. Comp. Microbiol. Immunol. Infec. Dis., 26(1): 61-62.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2008. Anti-inflammatory and respiratory burst activity of Azadirachta indica during acute bovine mastitis Indian J. Anim. Sci., 79(2): 32-34.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2009. Expression of cytokines and respiratory burst activity of milk cells in response to Azadirachta indica during bovine mastitis. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., 41(2): 189-197.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2009. Inhibitory response of Azadirachta indica extract on nitric oxide production by milk leukocytes during clinical mastitis. Vet. Arhiv, 79(1), 41-50.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2009.Prevalence of mastitis in crossbred cows. Indian Vet. J., 86:858-859.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2011. Potential of Indigenous Enzymatic Activities, Nitric Oxide and Ceruloplasmin in Bovine Milk to Diagnose Subclinical Mastitis. J Veterinar Sci Technol 2:109. doi:10.4172/2157-7579.1000109
Al-Ani, F.K. and Vestweber, J.G.E., 1986. Udder oedema: an update review. Vet. Bull., 56: 763-769.
Aitken, I.D. 2007. Diseases of sheep, 4th edition, Blackwell publishing, UK.
Bennett, R. H. and Jasper, D. E. 1980. Bovine mycoplasmal mastitis from intramammary inoculations of small numbers of Mycoplasma bovis: local and systemic antibody response. Am. J. Vet. Res. 41(6):889-92.
Bennett, R.H. and Jasper, D.E. 1977. Bovine mycoplasma mastitis from intramammary inoculation of small numbers of Mycoplasma bovis. I. Microbiology and pathology. Vet. Microbiol., 2(4): 341–355.
Bergey’s Manual of determinative bacteriology. (edited by) John, G. Holt Fetd. 9th edn. (1994).
Bottom of Al-Ani, F.K. and Vestweber, J.G.E., 1986. Udder oedema: an update review. Vet. Bull., 56: 763-769.
Bertschinger, H. U., Pohlenz, J. and Hemlep, I. 1977. Studies on the mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome (milk fever) in sows. II. Bacteriological findings in spontaneous cases. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd.119(6): 223-33.
Bostedt, H., Lehmann ,B. and Peip, D. 1988. The problems of mastitis in mares. Tierarztl. Prax.. 16(4):367-71.
Bradley, A. J. 2002. Bovine Mastitis: An Evolving Disease. Vet. J., 164(2): 116–128.
Buchanan, A. G. 1982. Clinical laboratory evaluation of a reverse CAMP test for presumptive identification of Clostridium perfringens. J. Clin. Microbiol. 14:761–762.
Bushnell, R. B. 1984. Mycoplasma mastitis. Vet. Clin. North Am. Large Anim. Pract., 6(2):301-12.
Chareonsirisuthigul, T., Kirpal, G., Amtsberg, G. 1979. Biochemistry, serology, pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance of an Escherichia coli strain from healthy sows and from animals with mastitismetritis-agalactia syndrome. Berl. Munch Tierarztl. Wochenschr. 92(21):409-16.
Christie, N. E., Atkins, N. E. and Munch-Petersen, E. 1944. A note on a lytic phenomenon shown by group B Streptococcus. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 22:193–195.
Claxton, P.D. and Ryan, D. 1980. Bovine mastitis bacteriology. Australian Standard Diagnostic Techniques for Animal Diseases. Pp. 1-8
Daley, M. J., Oldham, E. R., Williams, T. J. and Coyle, P. A. 1991. Quantitative and qualitative properties of host polymorphonuclear cells during experimentally induced Staphylococcus aureus mastitis in cows. Am. J. Vet. Res., 52(3): 474-9.
Darling, J. F. 1975. Standardization and evaluation of CAMP reaction for the prompt, presumptive identification of Streptococcus agalactiae (Lancefield group B) in clinical material. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1:171–174.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2005.Status of nitric oxide production by polymorphonuclear cells during clinical mastitis in lactating cows. Indian J. Comp. Microbiol. Immunol. Infec. Dis., 26(1): 61-62.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2008. Anti-inflammatory and respiratory burst activity of Azadirachta indica during acute bovine mastitis Indian J. Anim. Sci., 79(2): 32-34.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2009. Expression of cytokines and respiratory burst activity of milk cells in response to Azadirachta indica during bovine mastitis. Trop. Anim. Health Prod., 41(2): 189-197.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2009. Inhibitory response of Azadirachta indica extract on nitric oxide production by milk leukocytes during clinical mastitis. Vet. Arhiv, 79(1), 41-50.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2009.Prevalence of mastitis in crossbred cows. Indian Vet. J., 86:858-859.
De, U. K. and Mukherjee, R. 2011. Potential of Indigenous Enzymatic Activities, Nitric Oxide and Ceruloplasmin in Bovine Milk to Diagnose Subclinical Mastitis. J Veterinar Sci Technol 2:109. doi:10.4172/2157-7579.1000109