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The material intends to make available the readymade information to students and make them more critical in various subjects. The path is created in form of examples and multiple questions so that students can understand the subjects and can think about the patterns of various competitive examinations. I hope this compendium may be beneficial for the students willing to appear in various competitive examinations like Junior Research Fellowships, Senior Research Fellowships, UPSC, ASRB etc.

0 Start Pages

Preface All chapters of this compendium are collected and compiled as provided by various eminent teachers and scientists of the veterinary and animal science faculty. In my opinion comprehensive and valuable knowledge and all chapters are required for competitive examinations containing in this vital filed of knowledge of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Veterinary University and Go Anusandhan Sansthan, Mathura and Acharya Narendra Dev University of Agriculture and Technology, Ayodhya. Material is intended to make available the readymade information to students and make them more critical in various subjects. The path is created in form of examples and multiple questions so that students can understand the subjects and can think about the patterns of various competitive examinations.

1 Veterinary Anatomy and Histology
Prabhakar Kumar, Prashant Gedam, Aditya Kumar, Yusuf Dar

Histology Cell: Structural and functional unit of an organism M. Schleiden & Theodor Schwan – proposed cell theory - All living being made up of cell Tissue: Group of cell and their extracellular product organized to perform a particular function M. Malpighii – Father of histology

1 - 32 (32 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
2 Animal Nutrition
Debashis Roy

Partitioning of Energy in Livestock Energy Partitioning Partitioning of energy involves loss and distribution of feed energy into different body functions. Gross energy is calculated from the heat produced when a sample of feed or feces is subjected to complete combustion in a bomb calorimeter under a pressurized oxygen atmosphere. Apparent digestible energy is the difference between the gross energy of the feed consumed and the gross energy of the feces excreted. Digestion is accompanied by the production of gases in both fore- and hindgut and by the urinary excretion of metabolites. Metabolizable energy is the difference between digestible energy and energy lost to gases and urine. Metabolic processes and physical activity produce heat (heat of production) which may warm the animal in cold weather. In hot weather, energy may be required to expel excess heat of production, through panting and increased respiratory rate. Net energy is the remaining energy available for maintenance, reproduction and production. The diagram on the left illustrates energy partitioning for a particular cow near the end of her lactation. Energetic efficiency of this cow is about 29%, expressed as output in the form of milk, gain and fetal growth divided by gross energy input. Although their energy requirements are significantly greater, higher producing cows are also more energetically efficient.

33 - 54 (22 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
3 Veterinary Biochemistry
Koushlesh Ranjan, R.A. Siddique, M.K. Bharti, Gulab Chandra, R.K. Singh

1665 Robert Hooke had successfully invented the microscope. Because of this discovery, Robert Hooke was the first one to have a close look of a cell appears to be. His description of these cells was published in Micrographia. However, the cell walls observed by Hooke gave no indication of the nucleus and other organelles found in most living cells. 1674 Anton van Leeuwenhoek witnessed a live cell (plant) under a microscope. 1775 Antoine Lavoisier first proposed a mechanism for photosynthesis, a process wherein plants plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Lavoisier was also the first to investigate cell respiration in animals. 1777-83 Chemistry became dominated by the phlogiston theory, or the hypothetical principle of fire wherein all the combustible material was part composed. In this principle, burning (oxidation) was caused by liberating phlogiston, with ash as the dephlogistigated substance. 1836 The proponent of the cell theory in Biology, Theodore Schwann, proposed that the process of fermentation is solely limited to living yeast cells in 1836. Liebig did not agree to this and instead, he proposed another alternative theory of fermentation. 1856 Louis Pasteur opposed Liebig’s chemical theory. In his experiment, he showed that fermentation depends highly on the physiological functions that occur in bacteria and in living yeast cells. This work of Pasteur in 1856 received general recognition. 1860s The view on the chemistry of life highly different from the chemistry of nonliving things. During this period, the view is that the gelatinous and homogenous form of matter in organisms or more commonly known as the protoplasm carries out all the intracellular processes. These include respiration, biosynthesis of molecules, and the breakdown of matter.

55 - 78 (24 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
4 Animal Biotechnology
Koushlesh Ranjan, R.A. Siddique, M.K. Bharti, Gulab Chandra, R.K. Singh

Animal Biotechnology Biotechnology is defined as “the application of biological organisms, systems or processes to manufacturing and service industries” (Coombs, 1984). It is also defined as “the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing of materials by biological agents to produce goods and services” (Coleman, 1986). Animalbiotechnologyis the application of scientific and engineeringprinciples to the processing or production of materials by animals to provide goods and services to human kind.

79 - 92 (14 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
5 Animal Husbandry and Extension Education
Jitendra Pratap, M. Ameer Khan

Farming System of India Based on how income is derived from a farming enterprise: Specialized farming, diversified farming and mixed farming. Based on mode of ownership and organization of farms: Individually owned, co-operative farming and collective farming Based on scale of operations: Small scale farming and Large scale farming.

93 - 122 (30 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
6 Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics
Vijay Singh

Embry Transfer Technology (ETT) Definition: The process of removing one or more embryos from the reproductive tract of a donor female and transferring them to one or more recipient females.

123 - 138 (16 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
7 Livestock Production Management
Ahmad Fahim

General Terminologies in Livestock Production

139 - 158 (20 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
8 Livestock Products Technology
V.P. Singh, Chirag Singh, Akhilesh Kumar Verma, Pramila Umaraw

Meat is considered as well balanced diet because it is good source of macro and micro nutrients. Macronutrients-required in large quantity in body i.e proteins, fat and carbohydrates. Micronutrients-required in lesser quantity by human body i.e vitamins, minerals and fibers. Organ meat like liver is a good source of glycogen, viatm-A, B1 and nicotinic acid. Fresh meat is unprocessed. Raw meat is a fresh meat undergone chilling and freezing. Refrigeration and rapid cooling can delay the onset of rigor mortis

159 - 178 (20 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
9 Veterinary Medicine
Amit Kumar Verma, Arbind Singh

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Loeffler and Frosch in 1897. Apthovirus of Picornaviridae. Strain O, A, C, Asia-1, SAT-1, 2, 3. Cattle as Indicator host, Pig as amplifier, Sheep as maintenance host. Musculature of heart in calves will have striped appearance termed as TIGER HEART. Panting is common feature or sequel following FMD due to disturb endocrine function. Preferred cell line for virus isolation in BHK-21.

179 - 200 (22 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
10 Veterinary Microbiology
Harshit Verma, Akshay Garg

Our general environment is loaded with tiny invisible living things that influence us consistently. Microbiology is a specialized area of science that deals with living things typicallytoo little to be seen without magnification. Suchmicroscopic life forms are collectively referred to as microorganisms. Microbial kingdom incorporates the study of bacteria, rickettsiae, viruses, fungi, algae and protozo a. Virology the study of viruses, mycology study of fungi and protozoology deals with protozoa.Credit for prologue to microbial world goes to ‘Antony van Leeuwenhoek’ and to vistas of microbial activities to ‘Louis Pasteur’ and ‘Robert Koch’. This period is reffered as the “Golden Era” of microbiology on account of the significant discoveries viz: microbial fermentations, discovery of various disease-causing agents, microbes’ cultivations, differences in metabolic activities, development of attenuated strains and their use as immunoprophylactic agents. The techniques used to study bacteria and different microorganisms embody direct microscopic examination, cultivation, biochemical tests, animal inoculation, serological reactivity and recent molecular biological techniques.Definitive evidence for the cause of a given infection is established by Koch that are still used to this day to definitively prove that a microorganism causes a particular disease. Koch’s four postulates are:

201 - 212 (12 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
11 Veterinary Parasitology
Prem Sagar Maurya

Parasite- The word parasite is derived from the Greek. Para- beside and sitos- food. Parasites are those living organism which reside on or inside the body of some other species of living organism. Host- Those organisms which provide food shelter and conducive environment to parasite for their growth, development and reproduction. e.g. Tape worm in small intestine of man and animals. Disease = dis + aise (see + ease) old French word Transmission- Movement of biological agents (Virus, Bacteria, Rickettsial, Fungi & Parasites) from one place to another place via vector or vehicle/ tools Vector- Latin word- bearer Vector is a living organism (usually an arthropod) which transfers infective forms of a parasite from one host to the other.

213 - 228 (16 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
12 Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Rajesh Mandil

Chemotherapy Chemotherapy is branch of pharmacology that deals with study of chemical substance intended to kills or inhibits the growth of invading microorganism or foreign cell without harm to host cells. Paul Ehrlich coined the term chemotherapy and is known as father of chemotherapy. Gerhard Johannes Paul Domagk discovered sulphonamide (sulfonamidochrysoidine). First commercially available sulphonamide marketed in the form of Prontosil dye, for which he received the 1939 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. SelmanAbraham Waksman discover streptomycin and several other antibiotics from soil actinomycetes and actinomycetes is called treasurer house of antibiotics. α-lactam antibiotics- includes penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobectum and beta-lactamase inhibitors. It inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis due to inhibition of transpeptidation reaction thus inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis. Penicillins contain 6-animopenicillanic acid (((lactam ring + thiazolidine ring) eg. natural penicillins, beta-lactamase-resistant agents, aminopenicillins, carboxypenicillins, and ureidopenicillins. Discovery of penicillin was done by Alexender fleming from penicillium mold in 1928 from Penicillium notatum. Now a day’s Penicillium chrysogenum mold is a major source of penicillin production. Benzathine penicillin G is a repository salt of penicillin. Probenicid competitively inhibit renal tubular secretion of penicillin and increase the half- life of penicillin. Procaine penicillin G should not administer by i.v. route due to adversely affect the cardiac conducting system. Beta-lactamses inhibitors are calvulenic acid (Streptomyces clavuligerus), salbactum, tazobactam. They are called suicidal /progressive inhibitors. Main adverse effect associate with penicillin is immediate type of hypersensitivity reaction due to Antigen+ IgE antibody reaction.

229 - 240 (12 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
13 Veterinary Physiology
Rakesh Kumar Singh, Gulab Chandra, Koushlesh Ranjan

Veterinary physiology deals with the study of normal functions of animal systems. It includes the study of how animals work and the physical and chemical processes that occur within animals. The examples of various biological processes in animals include gas exchange, blood and circulation, osmoregulation, digestion, nervous and muscle systems, respiration, growth, reproduction, endocrine function and how animals behave and function in different environmental conditions. This also includes the possible manipulation of the reproductive processes by means of hormone manipulation techniques for more efficient livestock and poultry production.

241 - 256 (16 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
14 Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
Neelam Sachan, Arbind Singh

Zoonoses Zoonoses are those diseases and infections which are transmitted between vertebrate animals and humans under natural conditions. The emergence of a pathogen into a new host species is called disease invasion or “disease emergence”. Anthrax is a notifiable disease and primarily occurs in herbivores but it is a type of bio-terrorism agent and called as malignant pustule, malignant edema, woolsorters disease, ragpickers disease, maladi charbon, splenic fever etc. Causative agent is Bacillus anthracis contains vegetative spore and lethal dose is 2,500 to 55,000 spores. Brucellosis is one of the world’s most widespread zoonoses caused by the genus Brucella. In human it is called Malta fever, Undulant fever, Mediterranean fever, Rock Fever of Gibraltar and Gastric Fever while in animals it is called Bang’s disease, Enzootic abortion, Epizootic abortion, Slinking of calves, Ram epididymitis and Contagious abortion etc. it is also called occupational disease. Leptospirosis is a disease of animal sand humanbeings caused by genus Leptospira and called as Weil’s syndrome, Canicola fever, Canefield fever, 7-day fever, Rat Catcher’s Yellows, Autumn fever, black jaundice). Fletcher’s EMJH media is used to culture the organism.

257 - 274 (18 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
15 Veterinary Pathology
Neeraj Kumar Gangwar, Naresh Chandra

Pathology is derived from Greek word (Pathos=disease + logos=study). It is study of structure and function of body in disease. Veterinary Pathology is the study of anatomical, chemical and physiological alterations in comparison to normal due to disease in animals. Pathology has responsibility to forms a vital bridge between preclinical sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry) and clinical branches of medicine and surgery. General Pathology deals with the basic alterations of tissues as a result of disease. e.g. fatty changes, thrombosis, amyloidosis, embolism, necrosis etc. Systemic Pathology is related to the alterations in tissues/organs of a particular system. e.g. respiratory system, genital system etc. Special Pathology is the application of the basic reactions of gene general pathology to various specific diseases. Gross or Macroscopic Pathology is the examination of tissue without the help of a microscope.

275 - 310 (36 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
16 Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Ajit Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar Gangwar

Veterinary surgery: The surgery which is practiced on animals. It deals with the treatment of deformities, injuries, or disease conditions by manipulation with the hands. The term “Surgery” is derived from a Greek word – Chirurgia (Cheir – Hand, Ergon – work). The papyri of Egypt contained information on treatment of fractures and superficial wounds. In Vedic era, Salihotra and Palakapya were the greatest ancient Indian veterinarians. Salihotra treated horses and Palakaya elephants. “Susruta Samhita’ is the earliest known work dealing with the medical science especially surgery. Hobday wrote first comprehensive text on surgical diseases of the dog and cat. The theory and practice of asepsis was introduced by Joseph Lister. W.S. Halsted introduced the principles of surgery and use of rubber gloves.

311 - 330 (20 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
17 Animal Genetics and Breeding
Satyendra Pal Singh

History of Genetics Lamarck (1744-1829): Proposed theory of “Inheritance of acquired characters”. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882): published his classic book “Origin of Species” in 1859 and proposed theory of evolution and survival of the fittest. Johann Greger Mendel : Gave laws of heredity in 1866 and is considered as Father of Genetics. W. Flemming: The term mitosis was first used by Fleming in 1882. W. Waldeyer: Coined the term “Chromosome” in 1888. August Weisman: Gave the “Theory of Germplasm” in 1889.

331 - 374 (44 Pages)
INR212.00 INR191.00 + Tax
18 End Pages


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