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Sustainable agriculture productivity depends on successful maintenance of soil fertility. Among the 16 essential elements required by the plants carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are taken from air and water which account for about 96 per cent of the plant composition while the rest account for about 4 per cent called mineral nutrients. These are absorbed by the plants from soil. They play structural and functional role in the plants, besides there are some elements which play beneficial role in the plants. The mineral elements interact with soil organic matter, clay minerals, soil microorganisms and other associated mineral elements. These interactions determine their availability and dynamics in the soil. Understanding of the dynamics of plant nutrients in the soil will provide scientific basis for efficient nutrient management. Soil organic matter not only provides the nutrients required by the crop but also improve the biological and physical properties of the soil. Attempt has also made to provide information on production and management of organic manures, biofertilizers, integrated nutrient management in cropping systems and nutrient management in problematic soils.

0 Start Pages

Preface Sustainable agriculture productivity depends on successful maintenance of soil fertility. Among the 16 essential elements required by the plants carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are taken from air and water which accounts for about 96 per cent of the plant composition while the rest account for about 4 per cent called mineral nutrients. These are absorbed by the plants from soil. They play structural and functional role in the plants, besides there are some elements which play beneficial role in the plants. The mineral elements interact with soil organic matter, clay minerals, soil microorganisms and other associated mineral elements. These interactions determine their availability and dynamics in the soil. Understanding of the dynamics of plant nutrients in the soil will provide scientific basis for efficient nutrient management. Soil organic matter not only provides the nutrients required by the crop but also improve the biological and physical properties of the soil. Attempt has also made to provide information on production and management of organic manures, biofertilizers, integrated nutrient management in cropping systems and nutrient management in problematic soils. The author hope that this text will serve as a valuable guide for students and teachers for learning and teaching respectively on soil fertility and nutrient management in crop production.

1 Soil Fertility and Productivity Concepts and Factors

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS FOR PLANT GROWTH Arnon (1954) set three criteria to state an element is essential to plants. They are: The plant must be unable to grow normally or complete its life cycle in the absence of the element, The element is specific and cannot be replaced by another and, The element plays a direct role in metabolism. Accordingly there are 16 elements essential for plant growth. They are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen called primary nutrients, calcium, magnesium and sulphur called secondary nutrients; iron, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, chlorine and molybdenum are known as micronutrients.

1 - 8 (8 Pages)
2 Nutrient Availability in Soil and Crop response

Concept of nutrient availability: The ions in the soil solution are available to plant provided they can reach an active root or it can reach them. The concentration of ions in the soil solution at any given moment is however; usually low, except immediately after the application of water soluble fertilizers. Most of the nutrients are taken up by the plant in the form of cations which are positively charged. Available cations either in the soil solution or held against leaching by negatively charged clay or humus particles are easily taken up by the plants. Other plant nutrients notably phosphorus, boron and molybdenum are taken up by the plant as anions which are negatively charged. The concentration of anions in the soil solution is usually low because they become converted to new less soluble forms e.g., soluble phosphate ions forms less soluble iron or aluminium phosphates. Minerals upon weathering and organic matter upon mineralization release nutrient ions. Physical factors However, much readily available nutrients a soil may contain various physical features of the soil make it impossible for the plant roots to absorb it. It then becomes positionally unavailable. These features include hard pans, undesirable soil structures, presence of hard clods, dry soil horizons and water logged situation. Low soil cation exchange capacity leads to less retention of calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc.

9 - 14 (6 Pages)
3 Soil organic Matter role, Dynamics and Management

Plants are the generators or the primary source of organic matter while animals are the transformers- secondary source of organic matter. In agriculture, plants add 10–30 percent of organic matter through their roots stubbles and leaf fall and exudations. The excreta of livestock, the organic wastes of urban and rural residential areas include the garbage and sewage and sludge. The by products of agro based industries viz. bagasse, vinasse, pressmud from sugar industries, the coir dust from the coir industries, dust of cotton from ginning industries, the fruit and food processing industries wastes.

15 - 22 (8 Pages)
4 Nitrogen: Role, Dynamics and Management

Greek scientist Theophrastus (300 BC) advocated legume rotation. As early as 1750 AD it was known that plants require Nitre. Louis Pasteure in 1860 AD stated the possibility of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by microorganisms. Hellriegel and Willfarth (1886) strengthened the views of Louis Pasteure by his observations on the irratic behaviour of legumes to nitrate nutrition. Beizerink (1890) isolated the organism involved in nitrogen fixation. The systematic field experiments conducted at Rothemstead experimental station showed that the plants respond to inorganic nitrogen. ROLES OF NITROGEN IN CROPS Plants contain 1-5 per cent nitrogen by weight. It is a structural component of chlorophyll, aminoacids and proteins. Plant proteins contain 16 per cent nitrogen (6.25 × %N = protein). Plants are dependent on protein for their propagation. Cereals possess a threshold protein level below which grain will not form.

23 - 37 (15 Pages)
5 Phosphorus: Role, Dynamics and Management

Liebig (1840) on the basis of soil and plant analysis deduced the phosphorus requirement of plants. J.B. Lawes conducted series of field experiments to improve the fertilizer value of common sources of phosphorus such as bone meal, apatite, rock phosphate. Lawes (1843) produced super phosphate by treating apatite mineral containing phosphorus with sulphuric acid. He also stated that the phosphorus present in bones of higher animals can be made available by treating with sulphuric acid. Phosphorus is the second most deficient nutrient in the world. Annual application of phosphorus fertilizers to crops is 36 million tons of which 1.32 m tones are consumed in India. Most of the arable soils in tropical and subtropical regions are deficient in phoshphorus, but the response of crops to phosphorus is uncertain. Phosphorus concentration in plants ranges from 0.1 to 0.4 per cent.

38 - 53 (16 Pages)
6 Potassium: Role, Dynamics and Management

Glauber J. R. (1604–1670) in Netherlands first proposed that the salt peter (KNO3) was the principle of vegetation. He obtained large increases in crop yield by addition of salt peter. Mineral soils contain 0.04–3.0% K. Total potassium content of soils range from 3000 to 100000 kg per ha in the upper 0.2 m of soil profile. Of this total potassium approximately 98 percent is bound in mineral form whereas 2% in soil solution and exchangeable phases. ROLE OF POTASSIUM It is Involved in activating the enzymes (as many as 80) responsible for carbon dioxide reduction and required for synthesis of adenosine triphosphate. Hence deficiency of potassium reduces crop growth and yields.

54 - 65 (12 Pages)
7 Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur: Role, Dynamics and Management

CALCIUM Calcium is important in imparting structure and permeability to cell membrane. Deficiency produces general breakdown of membrane structure. Calcium enhances the uptake of NO3 – N and interrelated with NO3 – metabolism. It regulates cation uptake, required for cell elongation and cell division. Deficiency causes failure of terminal buds and apical tips of roots to develop. Blossom end rot of tomato, bitter pit of apples are due to calcium deficiency. Calcium is beneficial in imparting good soil structure. It is immobile in plant. Very little translocation of calcium in the phloem is observed. Hence there is poor supply of calcium to fruits and storage organs. Downward translocation of calcium is also limited. Hence roots fail to enter the low calcium soils.

66 - 75 (10 Pages)
8 Micronutrients and Beneficial Elements: Role, Dynamics and Management

ZINC (Zn) Chandler et al., (1932) deduced the requirement of zinc by plants while working solution for little leaf or “rosette” on peach. Zinc plays significant role in assimilation of NO3 and for synthesis of tryptophan. Involved in biosynthesis of indole acetic acid which is responsible for f lowering and fruiting, it is an activator of several enzymes (triphosphate dehydrogenase and tryptophan synthetase), involved in photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism. Deficiency results in poor growth of the terminal bud. Decrease in stem length resulting in resetting and whorling of leaves. Zinc deficiency disorder in rice is called khaira. Common when zinc availability is < 0.7 ppm. White bud in maize and malformation of fruits, reduction in water uptake. Interveinal chlorosis often with necrosis and pigmentation and reduced leaf size in broad leaved crops known as little leaf and malformation of leaves. The crops which are known to respond for zinc application are maize, rice, soyabean, castor, onion, barley, wheat, potato, sorghum and cotton

76 - 95 (20 Pages)
9 Organic Manures: Production and Enrichment

Farmyard Manure is the manure prepared by using the mixture of dung and urine soaked litter by microorganisms. Good farmyard manure is one

96 - 104 (9 Pages)
10 Green Manures and Crop Residues: Production and Management

Green manure is defined as fresh organic matter/undecomposed plant material/ real organic matter, natural plant food added to the soil for the purpose of supplying plant nutrients. CLASSIFICATION OF GREEN MANURES Nonlegumes: Rape seed, buck wheat, niger, rye, oats and maize Legumes: Grain legumes: cowpea, mungbean, pigeon pea, soybean, khesari (Lathyrus sativus) Dual purpose legumes: cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba). pillipesara, Sesbania speciosa. Non grain legumes: sunnhemp, dhaincha, pillipesera (Phaseolus trilobus), stylosanthes and desmodium.

105 - 115 (11 Pages)
11 Biofertilizers: Role and Management

Biofertilizers act as complementary and supplementary sources of plant nutrients. Biofertilizers help in increasing the biologically fixed atmospheric nitrogen and enhancing phosphorus availability to the crops. Among the biofertilizers for increasing nitrogen supply, nitrogen fixing bacteria (Rhizobium, Azotobacter and Azospirillum), blue green algae (BGA) and Azolla are important. The availability of phosphorus is improved by phosphorus solublizing microorganisms (PSM) and mycorrhizae (VAM). Rhizobium is of vital importance to various pulses and some of the oilseeds and fodder legumes as 80–90 per cent of their nitrogen requirement is met through biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Rhizobium fixes atmospheric nitrogen ranging from 50–60 kg per ha in groundnut, 100–300 kg per ha in alfalfa. In pulses it is estimated at 50–110 kg/per ha. Field studies indicated a yield increase of 14–53 per cent due to Rhizobium inoculation. Nitrogen left over the demand of legumes in combination with the nitrogen present in roots of the legumes will enhance the soil fertility. Consequently the nutrient needs of the subsequent crop from applications will be reduced.

116 - 125 (10 Pages)
12 Integrated Nutrient Management in Cropping Systems

Integrated plant nutrition system conceptualized by food and agriculture organization is the maintenance or adjustment of soil fertility and of plant nutrient supply to an optimum level for sustaining the desired productivity through optimization of benefits from all possible sources of plant nutrients viz. organic manures, fertilizers, crop residues, compost or nitrogen fixing crops etc. in an integrated manner.

126 - 133 (8 Pages)
13 Soil and Fertilizer Management and Economics of Fertilizer use

SOIL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Good soil management is the basic for deriving greater benefits from the fertilizers used in crop production. Some of the good soil management practices are Good tilth is the first feature of good soil management. It means a suitable physical condition of the soil and implies in addition a satisfactory regulation of soil moisture and air. The maintenance of soil organic matter which encourages granulation is an important consideration of good tilth. Tillage operations and timings should be adjusted as to cause the minimum destruction of soil aggregates. Good tilth minimizes erosion hazards. The choice and sequence of adaptable crops or crop rotation are other very important considerations. These are related to climate, particularly rainfall and its pattern of distribution and the characteristics of the soil profile, including drainage and extent and duration of available soil moisture. A proper sequence of crop varieties greatly influences soil conditions. It is more realistic to evolve cropping patterns and land management practices according to land capability. Cropping patterns chosen and management practices adopted should aim at soil and moisture conservation for efficient nutrient and moisture utilization.

134 - 145 (12 Pages)
14 Nutrient Management in Problem Soil

Salt affected soils occupy 962.2 m ha globally which accounts for 33% of the arable land. In India 8.373 m ha is affected with salts. Of which 2.359 m ha are alkali soils, 3.829 m ha are saline soils and 2.185 m ha coastal saline soils. Reclamation of these soils provides additional area for food grains production and employment.

146 - 154 (9 Pages)
15 End Pages

References Barber S.A., Munson R.D. and Dancy W.B.1985. Production, marketing and use of potassium fertilizers. Pp377-410. In O.P.Englestad (Ed.), Fertilizer Technology and Use. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisc. Becket P. H. T., 1964, Studies on potassium II- The immediate Q/I relationship of labile potassium in soil. J. Soil Sci. 15:9 Chandler, W.H. et. al. 1932. Proc. Ame. Soc. Hort. Sci. 28, 556-560 Grossenbacher, (1916) and Floyd (1917) In Hand book of copper compounds and applications-Technology and Engineering, Wayne Richardson, 1997 (Ed.) books Horstmann,1911. In Sulphur fertilization in Indian agriculture –A Guide Book, FDCO, New Delhi, Ed. by HLS Tandon, 101, 1995. Liebig, 1855, In soil fertility evaluation and control by C. A. Black, 1992, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton. Macy, 1936, In soil fertility evaluation and control by C. A. Black, 1992, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton. Mitscherlich,1909, In soil fertility evaluation and control Ed. by C. A. Black, 1992, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton. Wahua, T.A.T. 1983, Nutrient uptake by intercropped maize and cowpeas and a concept of nutrient supplementation index (NSI). Experimental Agriculture, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 263-275. (published on line by Cambridge University Press). Yadav, R. L. 1998, Fifty years of Agronomic Research in India. Indian Society of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi.

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