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Fundamentals of Veterinary Anatomy

T.S. Chandrasekhara Rao, P. Jagapathi Ramayya
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The text book entitled “Fundamentals of Veterinary Anatomy” has been prepared for the benefit of B.V.Sc & A.H students as per the Veterinary Council of India (MSVE 2016) syllabus. Previously, the Veterinary Anatomy course was used to be taught system wise to the BVSc & A.H students in first and second academic years. But in the MSVE 2016 regulations the students have to study the entire Anatomy course in the first professional year only on Regional approach. This prompted us to prepare a book as per the MSVE 2016 syllabus to meet the requirements of the students and Faculty.

The material available in the this book has been prepared based on our previous experiences in practical classes and also some information was collected from the standard text books of Veterinary Anatomy and also Madras Veterinary College Lecture Notes prepared by Faculty of Madras Veterinary College, Chennai. In this book every topic is supported by hand drawn diagrams and photographs of original specimens available in the department.

0 Start Pages

The text book entitled “Fundamentals of Veterinary Anatomy” has been prepared for the benefit of B.V.Sc &A.H students as per the Veterinary Council of India (MSVE 2016) syllabus. Previously, the Veterinary Anatomy course used to be taught system wise to the BVSc & A.H students in first and second academic years. But in the MSVE 2016 regulations the students have to study the entire Anatomy course in the first professional year only on Regional approach. This prompted us to prepare a book as per the MSVE 2016 syllabus to meet the requirements of the students and Faculty.


INTRODUCTION Anatomy is the branch of biological science which deals with the form and structure of organisms. The word “Anatomy” is derived from Greek, means cutting apart (Ana –separate, tomy-cut). The study with unaided eye is Gross Anatomy / Macroscopic anatomy while the study of finer details of structure with the aid of a Microscope is Histology / Microscopic Anatomy.

1 - 50 (50 Pages)
INR2166.00 INR1950.00 + Tax

SCAPULA OX: It is a flat, triangular bone situated on the antero-lateral part of the thorax. It is directed obliquely downward and forward. It has two surfaces, three borders and three angles. The lateral surface is traversed by the scapular spine which divides it into the supraspinous and the infraspinous fossae. The spine is rough and tuberous in the middle and is prolonged downwards to form the acromion process (Fig.2.1). The medial surface presents subscapular fossa and its upper part presents anteriorly a triangular rough area and posteriorly a rough line (Fig.2.2).

51 - 108 (58 Pages)
INR2166.00 INR1950.00 + Tax

Skull: The skull of domestic animals has two sets of bones i.e facial and cranial bones. The facial bones are placed in front and cranial bones are placed caudally. Facial bones: The paired facial bones are premaxilla, maxilla, nasal, pterygoid, lacrimal, turbinates, malar and palatine bones. The unpaired facial bones are mandible, hyoid and vomer.

109 - 258 (150 Pages)
INR2166.00 INR1950.00 + Tax

Thoracic Vertebrae Ox: Thoracic vertebrae characterized by well developed neural spines, short bodies with capitular facets and transverse processes with tubercular facets for articulation with the ribs (Fig.4.1).

259 - 294 (36 Pages)
INR2166.00 INR1950.00 + Tax
5 Abdomen

LUMBAR VERTEBRAE Ox: The lumbar vertebrae are characterized by elongated flattened transverse processes (projecting outwards) and large, strongly curved articular processes (Fig.5.1a). The body is constricted in the middle and expanded at the extremities. The anterior extermity is less convex and posterior is less concave. The posterior vertebral notches are much deeper. The intervertebral foramina are often double in the anterior part of the series and are very large further back.

295 - 356 (62 Pages)
INR2166.00 INR1950.00 + Tax

OS COXAE Ox: The os coxae or hip bone consists of 3 flat bones i.e ilium, ischium and pubis which fuse together to form the acetabulum. Ilium: is largest of the 3 parts. It shows three surfaces, three borders and three angels. The lateral (gluteal) surface presents gluteal line parallel to cotyloid border. The medial surface consists of rough medial triangular part, the sacral surface for articulation with sacrum and a smooth quadrilateral part, iliac surface. The iliopectineal line separates these surfaces and bears psoas tubercle in its middle (Fig. 6.1).

357 - 432 (76 Pages)
INR2166.00 INR1950.00 + Tax
7 End Pages

1. K.D.Budras, R.E. Habel, A.Wunsche and S.Buda. 2003. Bovine anatomy, An illustrated text: 1st Edn.Schlatersche GmbH &Co.KG, Verlag and Drucjerei. 2. K.M. Dyce, W.O. Sack and C.J.G Wensing. 2010. Text Book of Veterinary Anatomy, 4th Edition, Saunders Elsevier. 3. H.E.Konig and H.G Liebich 2007. Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals, Textbook and Colour Atlas, Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany.


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