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Ruchi Singh, Hari R., Rashmi Vishwakarma, Manju Sahu
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The book gives detailed information in systematic way like in the form of photographs, charts with supporting original field photographs to support the write up. For intricate analysis of the subject, in between experiment, a few exercises are given for practice of students which will help them in field exercise.

0 Start Pages

As Veterinary Council of India (VCI) has revised the whole curricula of Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry programme, there is requirement of students practical manual of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension Education. In new pattern veterinary extension classifies in two parts, one for fundamental aspects of extension teaching (Paper-I, Unit-I) while another second part contain economics and entrepreneurship of livestock industry (Paper-II, Unit-II). An attempts has been made to give detailed information in systematic way like in the form of photographs, charts with supporting original field photographs to support the write up. For intricate analysis of the subject, in between experiment, a few exercise are given for practice of students which will help them in field exercise and their viva voce examination.

1 Collection and Analysis of Data

The word data means facts or information, specifically collected by the researcher through observation or measurement from which meaningful conclusions are drawn. Data may be of qualitative or quantitative types: Qualitative data are descriptive/qualitative in nature and can be statistically analyzed only after processing and after having them classified into some appropriate categories. Quantitative data are expressed in the form of numerals and are amenable to statistical analysis readily. Primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, specifically for the designated study.

1 - 6 (6 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
2 Organizing Demonstration for Farmers

Demonstrations Demonstration means showing by doing. The basic principle of Demonstration is learning by seeing and doing. The concept of demonstration was given by Dr. Seeman A. Knapp. Farmers like to see how a new idea works, both purposes can be achieved by means of a farm demonstration. A good, practical demonstration is an invaluable method in extension work. The demonstration is a particularly powerful method to use with farmers who do not read easily. There are two principal types of demonstration used by extension agents - method demonstration and result demonstration.

7 - 8 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
3 Identification of Key Communicators by Socio-Metric Method

Identification of key communicators For effective introduction of innovations and transfer of technology among farmers, effective communication is the prime need. An extension worker passes his information more effectively if he communicates with farmers/livestock owners through local leaders and key communicators. Leader:  Is a person who effectively influences a group to cooperate in setting and achieving the goal. Leadership: Leadership is a process by which an individual influence, guide and direct the thought, feelings and impressions in desired way. Key communicators: Key communicator is a person who has maximum information about his society and vicinity area on different aspects.

9 - 16 (8 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
4 Audio-Visual Equipments

“Audio-Visual aids are those instructional devices that may be used by a communicator in order to facilitate better understanding on the parts of learner by involving their many senses, particularly those relating to seeing and hearing”. As a potential link between research institutions and livestock owners the extension agent must have good skills in effectively communicating with various stakeholders which include policy makers, researchers, input suppliers, market agents, credit institutions etc.

17 - 26 (10 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
5 Principle and Use of Projectors

Overhead Projector Principles of Over Head Projector (OHP) A projector, which projects the image over the head of an instructor on the screen, is called OHP. It worked on the principle of indirect projection. With the use of lens of short focal length and two mirrors the picture is reflected on the screen. The drawing, diagram, letter (may be in colour or in black and white) etc. are made on transparent sheet and are put on the glass platform of the OHP, through which strong light is passed. The rays of light are converged by a lens and reflected by a mirror held at an angle of 45°.

27 - 32 (6 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
6 Preparation of Radio Script

Radio script should be prepared in such a way that listener should feel that somebody is talking with him in a friendly manner and with informal style. For this purpose: 1. Collect the material from your experience. 2. Keep the purpose of the script and audience in mind. 3. Decide the method of presentation of information. 4. Considering the time available for the talk, the script should be prepared. 5. Generally we talk two words per seconds and 8 to 10 lines are required per minute having 5-6 words per sentences. 6. Time for talk is always limited hence select one idea at a time never include maximum technical information in the script. 7. Arrange the information in the sequences. 8. Include supporting and illustrated facts.  

33 - 34 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
7 Preparation of Television Script

TV Talk The talk delivered through TV i.e. through an electronic audio-visual medium which provides pictures with synchronized sound. The medium is cosmopolite in nature and can be used to develop instant mass awareness. Important points while writing a programme for broadcasting • Writing should be catchy, readable, conversational sound, understood and absorbed by the audience. • Writing should be in simple, known language avoiding too much technicalities • Interest of the listener should be sustained continuously • Application of figures should be done judiciously  

35 - 36 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
8 Preparation and Use of Poster and Chart

Principle of construction of poster making A poster is to be bold in design, simple to understand and attractive in colour. Poster is displayed in a public place with the purpose of creating awareness amongst the people. A poster is generally seen from a distance and the person glancing at to get first idea about it. Construction of poster making should be based on following components. 1. Pictures 2. Words 3. Space 4. Colors 5. Layout a) Picture or illustration 1. Picture should be drawn in such a way that produce message clearly.

37 - 40 (4 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
9 Preparation and Use of Flash Card Flannel Graph and Flip Chart

Principle of construction of flash cards • Flash cards are non-projected visual aid in which series of illustrated cards are flashed as presented in a proper sequence to explain complete story. • The story must be familiar, with specific heading and suggestions at the last. • Simple words and local expressions should be used in flash cards. • Total number of flash cards must be 10 -12 which are easy to remember to farmers • Card: Select white or light coloured thick paper. • Flash card should be large enough for everyone to see at least 22 x 28 inches and simple line drawing or photographs or cartoons having plenty of colours. • Content: Each set should have a title card. The story should be divided into a number of scenes,

41 - 42 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
10 Preparation and Use of Farm Publications for Extension Work

A. Circular letter • Circular letter is a quick and cheap method of communication. • It is a letter reproduced and sent to many people by the extension worker, to publicize an extension activity (like meeting, exhibits etc.) or to give information on farm and home problems. • Circular letter could be used as a mail before organizing any campaign or extension work. • It is sent from extension wing weekly or fortnightly to maintain regular contact with the farmers depending upon

43 - 44 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
11 Planning and Organizing an Awareness Campaign (Health and Production)

Awareness campaign should help educate your community on a specific subject by sharing basic information and providing examples. This will help community members have healthy conversations and increase awareness. This will begin the prevention process. Any awareness campaign should include following step; 1. Choose Your Topic Or Goals 2. Find Your Resources: Awareness campaigns take a lot of resources. You might have a set budget to implement your campaign. Money is not the only resource you will be using. Resources such as time, marketing and promotional material etc also needed for successful completion of campaign. 3. Segment Your Audience 4. Create a Schedule of Events, Programs, and Initiatives

45 - 46 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
12 Planning and Organization of Animal Health Camps

The following is the plan of action to hold Animal Health Camps 1. Attempt will be made to hold at Gram Panchayat level. 2. Before 2-3 days monadi of camps must be do. 3. The camp will be held for 1 day. It will start by 7 AM and close at 2 PM. 4. The venue should be selected so that it is in the central location to get cases from 3-4 villages in order to provide facilities of clinical examination, pathological tests, etc. 5. The venue should be centrally located and easily accessible to the general public.

47 - 48 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
13 Exercise on Rapid Rural Appraisal (Rra) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (Pra) Technique

‘Extension’ acts as a potential link between ‘research’ and ‘teaching’ which also facilitates transfer of technology. In this context new concepts, like Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) are becoming more meaningful now-a-days. Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) i) RRA can be defined as a systematic but semi-structured study, carried out in the field by a multi-disciplinary team over a short period ranging from three days to three weeks, based on information collected in advance from published and/or unpublished sources, direct observations and interviews as to generate working hypotheses for subsequent action ii) RRA study aims at generating information on rural life and conditions that is relevant, timely, accurate and usable in

49 - 64 (16 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
14 Planning and Organization of Group Discussion

Group Discussion Group discussion is the method by which two or more persons meet, express or suggest their ideas for getting the solution to the felt problems by them. Objectives of group Discussion • To develop the democratic leadership among the members. • To conduct the systematic group discussion to solve the problems. • To give opportunity to each member to share experiences. • To promote the habit of talking, thinking, group planning and group action. • To identify the group and focus the public interest and mobilize them for group action.

65 - 66 (2 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
15 Self Help Groups - An Overview

Introduction India with exceeding population of 1027.01 million with 741 million living in rural areas is on the path of development. The lack of access to and control over resources is said to be cause of poverty (Satapathy and  Mishra, 2011). Women form half of our society. They have significant role in overall development. Rural development concept in our country attaches more importance to women empowerment. To combat poverty ‘self help promotion’ is of recent paradigm that has attracted attention to sections of the society.

67 - 84 (18 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
16 Educational Technologies for Effective Extension Services in Rural India

1. Introduction “Educational Technology is the application of scientific knowledge about learning and the conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness of teaching and training. In the absence of scientifically established principles, educational technology implements techniques of empirical testing to improve learning situation”. Educational technology includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, streaming video that includes technology applications and processes such as computer-based learning as well as local intranet/ extranet and web-based learning. Information and communication systems whether freestanding or based on either local networks or the internet in

85 - 102 (18 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
17 Practical Tools for Gender Analysis

Women account for 43% of the agricultural labor force in developing countries (FAO, 2011) and produce 50% of the global food production (FAO, 2011). Regional statistics reveal that in Latin America about, 20 percent, in Asia, about 30 to 60 percent, and in Sub-Saharan Africa, 50 to 75 percent of the agricultural labour force is supplied by women (FAO, 2013). Moreover, they invest 10 times more than their male counterpart in the family well being especially education and nutrition of children (Maertens and Verhofstadt, 2013). Despite being the primary contributors for the world food production, their roles are highly underestimated. Considerable gender bias exists in the agricultural sector, both in terms of quantities of assets, agricultural inputs and resources that women control (Deere et al., 2013). Failure to recognize the roles, differences and inequities [between men and women] poses a serious threat to the effectiveness of the agricultural development agenda

103 - 114 (12 Pages)
INR59.00 INR54.00 + Tax
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