Special Administrative experience:
i. Worked as Director, National research centre on Equines, Hisar for some times in the absence of regular Director.
ii. Worked as Head, Division of Medicine, IVRI Izatnagar from 17th April, 2001 to10.12.2001.
iii. Worked as Jt.Director (Academic), IVRI Deemed University, Izatnagar from 21.11.2001 to 24.12.2001.
iv. Worked as Scientific Coordinator, IVRI Deemed University from 1st January, 1998 to 1st August, 2002.
v. Worked as in charge Referral Veterinary Polyclinic (Medical wing)IVRI IZatnagar, Bareilly.
vi. Worked as In-charge Dairy and Veterinary Health care at Indian Grassland and Fodder research Institute, Jhansi from 1972 to 1988.
vii. Member, selection committee for DC Blood Gold Medal-1998 (ISVM)
viii. Member, selection committees for Assistant Professors and
ix. Departmental Promotion Committees for Professor.
x. Examiner at various universities.
xi. Ex.Officio member of U.P. Council of Agricultural research, Lucknow for a period of 3 Years from January, 2001 to Dec., 2003.
xii. Referee to various scientific journals
xiii. Project evaluator for project submitted to DST and ICAR.
xiv. Chairman/ member of Evaluation Committees for the award of Field Veterinarian and Intas Young Scientist award committees in 2004 and 2006.
xv. Chairman in various scientific sessions during Seminar/symposia.
Honors and Awards
He has been bestowed with Award of Merit-2001, Award of Honour-2002, Best Teacher Award 2003-2004 (IVRI, Izatnagar), PETCARE Award for Canine Excellence-2005 and Dr. C.M.Singh Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award-2020 besides many other awards.