- Agri-Bioinformatics (6)
- Agri-Business Management (29)
- Agriculture Biotechnology (12)
- Agriculture Chemistry and Soil Sciences (13)
- Agriculture Complete Catalogue (28)
- Agriculture Economics (12)
- Agriculture Engineering (4)
- Agriculture Extension and Rural Development (7)
- Agriculture Microbiology (9)
- Agriculture Statistics and Mathematics (1)
- Agriculture Waste Management and Recycling (11)
- Agrometeorology and Climate Change (0)
- Agronomy (13)
- Biotic and Abiotic Stress Sciences (0)
- Computers and Information Technology (2)
- Crop Production and Management (7)
- Entomology and Pest Management (7)
- GIS and Remote Sensing (0)
- Greenhouse Technology (8)
- Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (1)
- Library Sciences (0)
- Natural Resources Management (5)
- Nematology (0)
- Organic Farming and Sustainable Agriculture (8)
- Plant Breeding and Genetics (6)
- Plant Genomics (6)
- Plant Pathology (5)
- Plant Physiology (2)
- Renewable Energy (2)
- Seed Sciences and Technology (4)
- Skill and Entrepreneurship Development (67)
- Skill and Entrepreneurship Development (Waste Management) (11)
- Soil Sciences (12)
- Water and Watershed Management (1)