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NABARD is a Development Bank of the Nation for Fostering Rural Prosperity. NABARD organises exams for Post Grade-A and Development assistant.

NABARD Recruitment to Group A post is conducted for Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS), Protocol & Security Service (P&SS), Rajbhasha Service. This is also one of the popular exams conducted by NABARD. The selection for RDBS post is done based on the preliminary exam, mains exam, and interview. The Selection for the P&SS post is done through the interview only. 

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is the apex development financial institution in India that caters to the needs of the rural population by providing credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India. 

Thousands of youths are appear in NABARD to join the banking sector. The bank engages eligible candidates both on a regular and contractual basis

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